Man Against Gods

Chapter 75 - Getting an Ark and The Third Continent

I felt like some archaeologist exploring ancient ruins, in some heavens forgotten hell hole, in fact, this place feels like it.

Stone walls, the pathways already growing with grass...

And it smells like it's ancient, really ancient...

Only thing we need is necromancer hiding somewhere, or some skeletons...

But they probably already decomposed by this point...

As cultivators love throwing their millions of years all over the place.

Ni Xuan led us to the control centre since he was the one who build this place...

What we found blew my mind away...

"Jie'er!?!" Ni Xuan appeared next to a crystal coffin-like looking thing.

All of us looked with interest what just happen.

We walked over to this coffin-like thing, and saw a girl in her early teens laying there, she had ruby-like hair...

"Master! this is my daughter!!!" I stopped in my track hearing that...

It's a treasure trove yet it's a mortal world!?

"Master Ni Xuan, how are you alive?" A spirit manifested next to Heretic God.

"Patriarch! You keeping guarding my daughter even after death!" Heretic God said with respect towards, What I believe is Sword Spirit God Clan Patriarch...

"Even so, I failed to find The Poison Pearl!" The spirit said with shamed voice.

"Not true..." Heretic God motioned towards me.

"Master please, heal my daughter! she inherited her mothers power to turn into a Heavy Sword!" I raised my eyebrow hearing that, did he just said that this loli can turn into a Heavy SWORD?

"Very well, not that I use Heavy sword in a fight, but since it's your daughter..." Ni Xuan nodded quickly, there was a smile on his face.

Slowly the Coffin was opened and I quickly put My hand on the ruby hair coloured girl...

The weirdest thing I felt that there was no indication that she is she something like spirit? but Ying'er was much different when she was a spirit!

To accelerate the healing process I put several Formations on her.

While I am healing Ying'er and the rest of girls went to explore this command centre, not that there is much to see here, When he Said command centre I expected something like from proper space ship...

But this is just weird...

Eventually the Ruby haired loli opened her eyes which were ruby just like her hair...

"Jie'er are you ok!?" The girl looked with confusion at her father.

"Who are you senior?" Hearing that I realised that she doesn't have memories about her parents or at least her father...

"Jie'er I am your Father Ni Xuan, and your name is Ni Jie!" She blinked her eyes.

"Truly? I didn't know..." She said that with a cute look.

"Jie'er what is the last thing you remember?" Heretic God was quite devastated that she can't remember him.

"Hmm, This beautiful young lady doesn't remember..." I could only chuckle hearing that.

But the ruby girl looked at the side, and noticed the crystal coffin she was sleeping in.

"Waaah! what a beautiful crystal bed! is this were I been sleeping? It's so pretty! But it's so hard, it's not really comfortable, Senior can you carry me out? The crystal bed is so tall, if I climb out, it will affect my image as a beautiful young lady." She said that so quickly... I realised that his loli was spoiled rotten... even if she doesn't remember that! it's engraved in her very being...

And of course Ni Xuan caved in instantly...

By this point, I will let him deal with this girl himself, maybe he can wield her sword form in battle or something...

By this point, I saw her asking him to go and play as this place is 'Fun' to her...

As I was slowly walking away from these two... then I heard Heretic God asking me... food...

"Master... Do you have anything to eat?" I rolled my eyes, and pulled out a storage ring with some food and threw it to him casually...

I was about to leave but I heard the spoiled girl shouting and complaining about how disgusting food is...

'Wait is she can transform into a sword...' I turned back and walked to father and daughter pair.

"Here, try offering this to her..." The Heretic God looked confused at me...

But the girl noticed the sword her eyes almost glowed with glee.

She moved so fast that I bȧrėly saw her movement.

By the end of this...Me and Ni Xuan were flabbergasted...

The Sky Profound Sword was consumed like some... food...

I only guessed... but seeing with my own eyes how cute loli just ate steel like it was nothing is something else...

"Interesting... I never saw this from little Princess before..." The spirit of the Sword Spirit God Clan Patriarch said to us.

I could only sight... I will need to keep my weapons away from this little devil.

"Here..." I handed over a storage ring with a bunch of useless weapons to me, or my girls... Ni Xuan by this point was weirded out by his daughter weird eating habits...

It didn't take long for the spirit to tell me and Heretic God, that his time is up and he needs to transfer the controls of the Ark.

Ni Xuan pointed at me, and the spirit understood what he meant, he gave me a jade slip, which represent the ownership of the Ark.

And before I realised what's happened the ghost ceased to exist...

'Pity, I wanted to see if I can bring him back as well, and if he can transform into a normal sword...'

Thinking for a sec about this lost opportunity, I focused on the jade slip.

Once that spirit transferred the ownership I was able to 'see' what is happening in the Ark, my armies, my teammates, and of course the Phoenix Elders...

I decided to allow them to explore the remaining hours they have once that is done I will eject them.

'This place is amazing... I could move my whole stuff here'

Since I am able to 'see' the whole place I don't need to explore it anymore...

Instead, I focused on spending time with my girls and watching Ni Xuan spoil his daughter...

Next-Day after acquiring the Primordial Ark, Jian Feng group returned back to Blue Wind to celebrate, there were massive celebrations going on.

While Blue Wind Capital is celebrating being number one in Profound Sky.

While the rest of the Continent is going through a change...

In fact, Blue Wind was celebrating even harder when they learned changes happening to the whole continent.

As Jian Feng is celebrity, Royalty and strongest in Blue Wind that was enough for them to celebrate.

While Jian Feng group in fact was celebrating away from public...

In fact they were all the way in Illusory Demon Realm, relaxing in his Tropical island.

Jian Feng could only smirk seeing his beauties dressed in bikinis.

Especially his lovely 'Goddess' laying on top of him dressed in sėxy two-piece yellow bikini.

"Master~~~As my full power returned my senses have significantly improved as well..." Ying'er said that as her head was laying on his ċhėst, she was listening to his heartbeat.

"That means you have sensed something..." to his question she hummed in agreement.

"Yes...there is the third continent in this Realm..." Jian Feng wasn't THAT surprised hearing that.

He did, after all, scanned a portion of this realm with his formation and runes.

What he learned blew his mind away...

He was able to degree to calculate the size of 'Blue Pole Star'

In sense he is living on an Ocean World...

Water makes more than 80% on the whole planet surface...

"Good, then it makes my plan deploying the 'Umbrella Formation' much easier..." He said that his hand stroked her blond hair.

'Umbrella Formation' is an invisibility formation developed from a combination of several other formations like his famous illusion one.

In a sense, his world will be invisible to that of the human eye... an optical trick, and to make this even better there will be Profound Energy jammer as well as working alongside this illusion... creating 'Umbrella'

A world which is only known to Ying'er, the rest of God Realm will know nothing of this realm...

The next step after this is to strengthen transition gates so that it would work through whole Primal Chaos...

Once that is done Jian Feng would be able to invade any world, while the opponents could not even know from where those armies are coming from...

Invisible base and power to invade any world... a perfected combo...

"Everyone! Barbeque is Ready!!!" Hearing that, Ying'er with pout slowly removed herself from Jian Feng, and got back on her feet, while Jian Feng got up from his beach chair, and looked at that pout.

He smiled seeing that, and gently kissed her lips, her mood brightened instantly, as he gave her his hand, she gently took it, and they started walking towards the rest of girls who were already taken their positions around the table...

~~~~~~Azure Cloud Continent~~~~~~

"My Name is Jian Feng, and I am Emperor of This Realm, Don't try to look for me as the whole Azure Cloud Continent is hearing this..." Jian Feng voice spread through the whole continent.

Many Cultivators nearly jumped out of their pants as voice talked directly into their ear...

"My armies soon will arrive in this land, it shall be added to my domain just like the other two continents... Don't try to fight them... as it's pointless..." Moments later massive amount of pressure slammed into Azure Cloud Continent.

Destroying whatever will to fight the local cultivators had...

Moments later high above Azure Cloud Continent, massive space crack appeared it spread out for at least a kilometre long horizontally, then it opened up and army slowly walked through

Leading the front is Fen Juechen who breakthrough to Middle Stages of Sovereign, he was dressed in his iconic Heavy Obsidian coloured armour, and Devil mask Red eyes were glowing will ŀust for battle to erase his Master's opponents and heretics to his Emperors light.

He turned around and looked at thousands of Soldiers dressed identically, and their discipline was unshakable, all of them were like Fen Juechen...

Ready to do his Master's bidding...

The Imperial Enforcer looked at his soldiers.

"We have one job here, and that is to domesticate this Continent... follow the protocol, Kill only those who practise questionable arts, use your Profound Energy visors, to find these vermin..."

Profound Energy visors are glass lenses build into Soldiers face masks, it allows Jian Feng soldiers to see Profound energy just like Jian Feng naturally can.

It was something which increased Fen Juechen awe of his Master even further... if that is even possible...

"Begin with strongest sect, I can sense only Three Late Sovereign Profound... it seems this continent is weakest of them all, go and show no mercy to the wicked!!!" Fen Juechen roared loudly.

"For the EMPEROR!!!" All the soldiers shouted loudly, it was heard hundreds of leagues away...

As thousands of Obsidian dressed soldiers dashed to all directions...

While Fen Juechen personally flew at top speed towards closest Sovereign Profound Cultivator.

First they will domesticate this continent... then they will search for its secrets...

And Fen Juechen shall the harbinger of his Master will...

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