Man Against Gods

Chapter 76 - World Hiding Umbrella Formation

~~~~~~One Very Short Conquest Later~~~~~~

Jian Feng and his girls arrived with another batch of soldiers to the continent of Azure Cloud.

Jian Feng and rest of his girls already sensed something unique about this place.

There is a massive hole going deep into the ground.

Ying'er even frowned sensing what's going in there.

"So much Yin Profound energy..." She said that to Jian Feng.

"In what sense?" Jian Feng asked with crossed arms as he looked at the hole.

"Devil like...Its Imposible... Master, such 'Dark Profound energy' is only possible to find in North Divine regions..." The blond said with somewhat disbelieving what she was sensing...

While the rest of the girls only looked at this with interest.

Jian Feng already send his Soldiers to gather whatever information they can about this Hole...

While he started making his outpost in this Continent.

Since it's this far away from the other two Continents, he needs to have some sort of presence in this land.

A few days later, Jian Feng Soldiers return to him and they have found nothing about this place only a name...

Everything else are just legends and some tales...

This hole was here as long as the continent itself, predating any known record...

"It could be some incident from Age of Gods master..." Ying'er said to Jian Feng as they have built small camp outside the Hole or as locals call it 'Cloud's End Cliff'

"Indeed, I will make this my next project, while the Soldiers will build the Umbrella Formation's foundations around the Globe." Jian Feng found this a good time to reveal this fully to Ying'er since he needs her help for this.

Since she can travel all over the globe in a mere few 'jump' she can leave markers in certain areas all over the globe.

Jian Feng showed her a 'hologram' of the Blue Pole Star, he finally got this planet's measurements...

And it's something which blew the mind of the earthling inside of him...

This world is larger than Jupiter...

"Right Ying'er I need your help in this..." Jian Feng showed the globe of the world, and several dots appeared around it.

"I need you to leave my transition gate markers in these areas..." The blonde goddess looked at the map, if it was not for Jian Feng she would never do just... grunt work, but it's her beloved who is asking she would do it any time, in fact, she will do it in record time just to impress him...

"Very well master, but what about the areas which are in the water?" She pointed at certain areas in the water, in fact, 97% of markers are in water...

"Glad you asked, here..." He gave her a glove with runic letters moving on it.

"This is a Runic Caster..." Jian Feng put one on his hand.

"It's something to bypass, difficulties of certain formation making, so far they can help to cast only a few higher-level formation..." Jian Feng pointed with his gloved hand the area in front of him.

"This glove has several runic letters inscribed into it, bypassing hardest job of calculating how much profound energy one needs and the math how to create it..."

"Like this" moments later a formation circle appeared in front of him, on which Jian Feng jumped on it.

He was standing on floating Formation...

"T-This is impressive master! if your soldiers can use YOUR formations then you will have an almost unstoppable army in Primal Chaos!!!" Ying'er said that with red cheeks, the girl, Jian Feng remembered that she gets turned on by power, and she already shown signs...

She then jumped on him...more like appeared on him...

'Right time to teach this naughty girl her place...' Jian Feng though at the same time his hands already wandered all over her celestial like body...

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

Jian Feng was looking at the old man in front of him, he was taken aback what he saw.

Cang Yue who was next to Jian Feng 'smelled' this old man and she instantly relaxed around him.

"Husband...this Senior is a real healer, I have never smelled anything like this before..." Cang Yue said with wide eyes.

"He is practising Light Profound arts..." to another side of Jian Feng, Ying'er spoke, her hair was a somewhat of a mess and her posture was somewhat of a person who had 'rough time'...

"I see... I may I know your name senior?" Jian Feng asked with respect.

"It's Yun Gu, your Majesty." Jian Feng slowly nodded.

"Well then, may I offer you a job? there is bȧrėly any proper arts which related to Healing, something which will be boon this world, all I want is for healing to spread through the three continents... so are you willing to teach next generation of healers?" Hearing Jian Feng words Yun Gu strokes his long beard.

"Hmm, I am willing to agree, but learning light arts requires pure soul to cultivate, something very rarely found in this world..." Jian Feng nodded, he can agree to that after seeing at Yun Gu profound energy, he can agree that this old man never murdered or even hurt anyone in his life...

Jian Feng looked at his soldiers " add to the protocol to look for people with pure profound energies, make sure they are on younger age..." Hearing his order all of them nodded at the same time.

"By your will my Emperor!" Jian Feng wanted to roll his eyes, he is getting more and more Warhammer vibes from them...

"Well then Senior Yun come with me I have some incredible tasking tea from Illusory Demon Realm...I can guarantee you have not drunk anything like this before..." Jian Feng motioned for the old man to follow, his interest was peaked.

~~~~~~ Around A Week Later~~~~~~

Ying'er and Jian Feng were high above Blue Pole Star.

Both of them are waiting for this moment, a moment when Blue Pole Star will 'stop existing' for other people from Divine Realms.

Slowly Ying'er in distance noticed the blue world started disappearing... in its place there was pitch black darkness of Void...

It's like the planet is putting a cloak...

"Incredible Master... such ingenuity..." Blonde 'Goddess' said with no small awe in her voice, over years being with him, she somewhat grew accustomed to his brand of insane genius...

But hiding a Star Realm in plain sight? with simple optical illusion...

Ying'er even tried to scan with her senses, then with her divine senses... she even called forth her Divine Profound Energy trying to disturb the Illusion...

Nothing worked...

"This is just wow, master... now we can relax and explore that cliff hole..." Ying'er said with a somewhat relaxed sight she doesn really want to be found by Brahma Monarch Ream yet, in fact, she wants to do that in her own terms...

She has her reservations about her Royal Father, after telling her thoughts to Jian Feng, in one of their pillow talks...

If it's her Royal Father fault for her mother's death, then she will be taking over Brahma Monarch Realm from him she has many means to do that now.

Once she did that, she will make her darling master her Emperor and she will be his Empress, and with Brahma realm under his control, they will have the unstoppable force to take over whole Primal Chaos!!!

Just thinking about such thing Ying'er started to get wet...

As if sensing what's happening Jian Feng opened transition gates and pulled his naughty blonde 'Goddess' inside of it and returned back into Azure Cloud Continent...

Once he had to 'deal' with his blonde girl again, Jian Feng doesn't get where she is getting all that stamina from, she doesn't have his draconic constitution, it only confused him.

Few days later Jian Feng prepared several specific formation to descent into the Cloud's End Cliff.

After discussing with Ying'er he learned more about Yin Profound Energy effects.

Basically, Cultivators, who use normal Profound energy they get weaker when they are exposed to 'Yin Profound Energy' or 'Darkness energy'.

Same with People who cultivate This Darkness energy or Yin Profound Energy' they get weaker when they get exposed to normal profound energy...

So Jian Feng came with quite an easy solution... why not just bombard the place with normal Profound Energy?

But before that, he created several formation how to access this holes dept.

He created a formation lift, it will take everyone down and back up if needed, but before he can launch any mission to that place he scanned it in dept, what he found was insane...

"Heavens... those are Demon Beasts..." Ying'er said to Jian Feng when she saw the Profound Illusion of them...

"Their power is not small as well..." Ying'er agreed with Jian Feng statement.

"I will need to release my cultivation to deal with them...will the Umbrella Formation hide it though?" Ying'er said with worry.

Jian Feng only smile at her and pulled her into his ŀȧp, she instantly turned into a puddle, she loves being held like that...

"Of course it will... in fact it only going to improve overall Blue Pole Star Profound energy in the air." Jian Feng said that as held her close, his hands stroked her long hair, and cuddled her closer, by this point Ying'er almost forgot what she wanted to do...

~~~~~~Qianye Ying'er~~~~~~

Ying'er was impressed with this Profound Formation 'lift' as it will take her all the way to the very bottom.

Not that she needs that, but she will test it out anyway...

Doing a simple hand sign, it started taking her down.

So far she was blown away how many treasures there is in this Mortal Realm, they even found Azure Dragon Trials as well!

The strongest Divine Beasts legacy was right under their nose in Wasteland of Death!

Her Beloved Master already plans to add him to their cause of Primal Chaos Domination.

Just thinking about it makes her giddy with excitement, as current strongest cultivator in Primal Chaos is from dragon race, but if they add Primordial Azure Dragon the same way they added Heretic God to their cause, they will truly be unstoppable.

But before she can daydream further she sensed changes in the air, as The Yin energy in the air starts to get thicker and thicker.

"Time to test my new weapon..." Ying'er pulled out her sword, created by her master, a beautiful Golden white, Chinese longsword, inscribed with runic letters, and formations.

She noticed In distance Ancient Demon beasts, they are quite monstrous and massive in size.

While they are strong they are no match for her, she has her full power back, and even extra with her new body...

"Let's get this area under control, and then I can get a nice reward from my beloved master~~~" Ying'er purred very last words, as mercilessly start swinging her sword full of her Divine Profound strength, something which can felt all they way outside this hole...

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