Man Against Gods

Chapter 88 - The Wheel of Myriad Tribulations

"Master, sorry for disturbing you at such time, but we have uncovered something which requires your personal attention." Fen Juechen said that to Jian Feng over communicator.

"Really now? very well I shall be there in a few minutes..." After saying that Jian Feng ended the call.

Fen Juechen pocketed his communicator and looked back at the 'thing' he just uncovered.

"Even after placing over hundred of sealing formations this thing still can emit enough darkness energy to actually leak outside of its container..." Fen Juechen was flabbergasted seeing this...wheel...

'Is this the fabled second heavenly treasure?'

That was the only thing which came to Fen Juechen mind...

He never thought he will uncover this treasure after such a simple expedition...

They brought back the Wheel to their base, and awaited the arrival of their Master and The Emperor.

Few seconds later Transition Gates flared to life and space cracked and expanded, moments later Jian Feng alongside three raven heads and one white head passed through into Blue Pole Star.

"Master, welcome back, please follow me..." Jian Feng nodded at his right-hand man, as they started walking.

Few minutes later Jian Feng noticed allot of soldiers who are trained in the art of Formation as they were constantly deploying new sealing circles...

This obviously has piqued his curiosity, what did they discover that requires this many sealing formations...

"" The white-haired girl's eyes widened, because she already realised what did Jian Feng soldiers discovered.

"I believe this Wheel of Myriad Tribulations..." Hearing Fen Juechen guess the other three raven heads eyes only widened from sheer shock what did they just heard.

Jian Feng approached the box container where the wheel was, even with all the glowing Formations the dark energy still finds ways to escape its confinement.

'T-This...I was not expecting to get this when I woke up this morning...' Jian Feng looked at the container...

"You have to be careful with this treasure, it has driven True Devils mad, from just wielding it, most of all it has its own consciousness... there is a reason why even True Devils were afraid of it..." Bing'er said seriously with her indifferent facial expression.

Jian Feng nodded at her, he looked around he can see this devil energy starting to effect surrounding of his military base.

"This is probably first person in Primal Chaos history who is using The Wheel Of Myriad Tribulations as...power source?" The Ice Phoenix said with a small giggle.

Jian Feng could only shrug his shoulders hearing that, he doesn't have a proper use for this wheel yet...

"It's for now Bing'er...maybe later I shall find proper use for the Wheel..." After saying that Jian Feng called forth several more Formations, they engulfed the container where the wheel is.

He then started carrying into a more discreet area.

Having it in the middle of his Military base is quite distracting...

Once it was in place he started laying down even more formation on it, a few hours later he returned back to his base.

With the heavenly treasure now emitting quite a bit of Profound energy, it will increase Blue Pole Star overall power as well, since the location of it being close to his military base, it will affect it most.

"Master the wheel was not the only thing we have discovered..." Jian Feng raised his eyebrow, hearing that, there is more?

'Well, well, what a pleasant surprise I guess my birthday is early this year...'

They went to dungeons, what baffled the Blue Pole Star Realm King is that they going to dungeons where prisoners suppose to be kept...

Once they arrived at a certain cell, Jian Feng saw a very tall man chained to the wall, what interested him was, the amount Devil energy he can sense from him...

"A devil..." Jian Feng said with wide eyes.

"Correct Master, my personal theory is that this devil is the one who wielded the Wheel in the last battle against the God's race..." Jian Feng continued listening to his right-hand man.

"How so?" Jian Feng asked him.

"Because we found the Wheel after we subdued this devil, it was sealed deeper inside the same cave." Hearing this Jian Feng nodded at this theory.

"Interesting... let's repurpose him then...he will serve for greater good once he sees things from my perspective..." Jian Feng said with a smirk, about time he gets a devil for his side, he already has several True Gods, now he will have a True Devil!

"Of course Master! Another one joining us and it shall see THE light!" Fen Juechen said with the fanatical look, to which Jian Feng only rolled his eyes.

'Of course you do...'

After feeding several pills, as well as putting several formations, The True Devil was ready to join Jian Feng faction, of course after getting his consciousness back...

He left rest to Fen Juechen as he decided to visit his ladies...

When he arrived back to his mansion he saw that Cang Yue and Qingyue already showing off their mansion to Mu Feixue and Bing'er.

What Jian Feng found amusing is just how similar Chu Yuechan and Mu Feixue looked, she could easily pass as Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli sibling.

The same could be said to Mu Feixue as she was somewhat taken aback just how similar they looked, but there are some differences to them as well, Where Mu Feixue could pass as Cold Secretary, Chu Yuechan is more or less a Cold CEO type of girl, or was... she is more or less a Queen of this mansion now.

One could say that Mu Feixue still needs to grow in that aloft frostiness, to reach that frostiness which was Chu Yuechan before she met Jian Feng.

But he started to doubt that he will ever going to witness that personally, unless of course, he will witness a fight where she will show off that coldness...

But for now, Jian Feng decided to see how both of his Chu sisters are doing...

He stealthily walked behind the 'Frozen Beauty' and enveloped her in a hug, she instinctively knew who it was, as she melted like ice cream in the middle of a desert.

"...I was waiting for your return darling..." She said that to him as she slowly turned around, and the Blue Pole Star Realm King looked directly into her eyes.

"Really now... it's a good thing there are so many of you girls today..." Jian Feng said to her as he picked her up in princess carry.

Chu Yuechan didn't complain, to be perfectly honest she wanted to do this for some time now, but it's not her style to seek her man, since she knows that it will be him who will seek her out, the only thing she needed to do is just wait...

And so... Cang Yue and Qingyue had to cut their mission to show off their mansion short, as they heard 'Frozen Beauty' mȯȧns coming from Main Bedroom.

Blue Wind Princess only rolled her eyes, she knew well enough why doors are left open, Qingyue only gave her a look, they have reached a point that they don't need to talk anymore they only need to exchange glances, and their eyes can tell what is their plan.

"It seems my sister got a head start..." Chu Yueli said with a slight pout as she vanished from her spot in top speed.

Qingyue rolled her sighed seeing how her old master is acting, how far did she got fallen from her old aloft Frozen Cloud Fairy.

"Is this...natural occurrence in this household?" Mu Feixue asked the princess and the Frozen Cloud young miss.

"It is... but it's usually my old master who starts these things..." Qingyue answered back to Mu Feixue soon enough the rest of them had to join in as well.

~~~~~~Few Days Later~~~~~~

After Devil regained his consciousness he told Jian Feng about his identity.

Once again the Blue Pole Star Realm King had cringe hearing the name of the devil...

'Who calls themselves Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign?' He could only cringe every time he hears that, but none the less he learned that Fen Juechen theory was right, the devil was a leader of the clan which called themselves Eternal Night Devil Clan, and they were at True God Realm Cultivation.

He even learned that the sword which he got from Mighty Heavenly Sword Region actually holds his son's soul, AND their technique called the 'Illusory Devil Tome of Eternal Night'.

This was a massive boon to his forces in Soul Stealing Realm, as he could use these arts as surprise attack as no one else learned or used these arts before, Jian Feng confirmed this with Chi Wuyao...

So after learning all of this Jian Feng decided to bring the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign to Northern Regions, he will recover there much faster than on Blue Pole Star.

After sending The True Devil to Northern Regions, Jian Feng walked to Fen Juechen and asked him on general update on the situation with his Military.

"Master! Our forces have reached over a million strong! and still growing fast! the promises of strength, fast cultivation, and serving their 'Realm King' army made many of people sign up, we obviously trying to keep some sort of order who can join as we don't want to destroy the economy of our world." Jian Feng listened to his first minion explanation.

"I see and what about Shen Cang Long and Ni Xuan?" Jian Feng asked curiously.

"They regaining their power at astronomical speed, still they are no match for you, my master!" Jian Feng rolled his eyes for a second, Fen Juechen always has time to praise him...

"I see, that very good, when I can call upon their help?" That was the most important question for Jian Feng.

"In two years or so... with the wheel generated more Profound energy they should be Peak Divine Masters in that time..." Jian Feng stroked his chin hearing that, Heretic God and Primordial Azure Dragon at Peak Divine Master should be several times more powerful than any current God-Emperor.

'Not only that but Heretic God has his Elemental Veins, what a wonderful side effect when you rebuild body according to his Soul Imprint...' Jian Feng chuckled thinking how he is cheating with his editing powers and Formations.

"Well I will leave you to your duties Fen Juechen." His minion quickly nodded and flew away back to his soldiers...

While Jian Feng had few more things to do before he can return to the Realm of Gods...

First, he flew to Phoenix Village to check out how Feng Xue'er is doing...

All he saw was a cacoon of flames, while Phoenix Lady was overseeing her transition to full inheritance...

"How long?" Jian Feng asked with annoyance, he is quite annoyed that his cuddly little Phoenix is going through this boring metamorphosis...

Phoenix Lady only sighed at him. "Master you asked me this two months ago..."

"I know, I know..." He was still annoyed, he doesn't like when such things just pop out of nowhere...

"Still..." That moment Jian Feng saw how Phoenix Lady looked up... her eyes narrowed...

Jian Feng followed her direction as well...

Soon enough Blue Pole Realm King had to witness a standoff between Ice Phoenix and Phoenix...

'And why no one told me that these two Ladies have some sort of past?' Jian Feng sweatdropped seeing how these two ladies were staring at each other.

Bing'er quickly flew closer to Jian Feng and enveloped him in her hug, his face was in her generous bosom...

"He is mine you flaming chicken!"

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