Man Against Gods

Chapter 89 - Beginning Conquest of the Northern Divine Region

(So I messed up with Phoenix looks, she has red hair and golden eyes...)


Moments later after declaring that, Phoenix Lady furrowed her eyebrows at this teenager looking Icy Phoenix.

"Flaming Chicken I am?" She laughed for a second.

"What about you then? Frozen Chicken?" Phoenix said with a mocking voice.

"No...I am his little Ice Phoenix... while you are Flaming chicken!" Bing'er said first half while motioning towards Jian Feng who is in her bosom, the Icy Phoenix was showing her point, while the other half she said with her own mocking voice towards the Fire Phoenix...

This, of course, grated the Fire Phoenix nerves, as the Bing'er is using her master to 'poke' at her.

While Jian Feng was looking at this with amusement, while enjoying Bing'er attention.

'Are they really True Gods from the ancient era? they acting like teenagers from my old world...'

Jian Feng thought with amusement, while feeling Bing'er soft bosom.

This, of course, reached the point where both of them are head buŧŧing with their foreheads, as neither of are quite there yet to actually fight.

"Alright...that's enough you two!" both of them stopped in their tracks.

"Both of you belong to me, and you both WILL be getting you two understand?" Jian Feng said with a serious voice.

Both them quickly stopped their 'fight' and gulped down, as Jian Feng eyes were glowing at them.

Bing'er quickly flew back to him and cuddled like an injured animal.

Jian Feng sweatdropped at this...

He could only sigh and wrapped his hands around her.

"Anyway, I am going to visit Caiyi now, you coming Bing'er?" Jian Feng asked his Ice Phoenix, she quickly nodded at his question.

"Very well then..." He then looked at Phoenix Lady, who was pouting at them.

With Divine King cultivation travelling between continents is now child play...

Few seconds later Jian Feng with Bing'er appeared outside Caiyi palace, with another step he was inside of it.

Moments later he saw his beautiful wife sitting in her throne regal as ever.

Next to her was the Golden Crow Loli, what amused him was that constant pout she was having now, as Jian Feng started to fix his wife height since she wants to have children one day, she can't have them with her current height, so he is fixing that with his editing powers powered pills...

So its leaves only Golden Crow loli who is too proud to ask such thing of Jian Feng...

"How is my beautiful wife doing?" Jian Feng entered into the Throne room, his words quickly got Caiyi attention as she 'teleported' to his side and engulfed him into a hug.

"Someone missed me?" He asked with teasing voice as he lifted her little bit up to his face level.

Instead of saying anything, she started to kiss him, right in the middle of her throne room...

While Jian Feng is kissing her, Bing'er noticed loli with borderline burning golden hair.

"Hmph... so he brought you back as well! why he did such a thing! having this noble one is enough for him to rule Primal Chaos!" Golden Loli puffed her small ċhėst.

Bing'er giggled seeing this.

"it's still amusing to hear you talk, while you got something wrong, crow, I never 'died'~~~" Bing'er said last part with teasing voice.

"WHAT! you survived the Myriad Tribulation!?" Golden Crow said loudly.

"I sealed myself on my world, till my darling freed me~~~" Bing'er said last part with sing a song voice.

Something which unnerved the Golden Crow, she never saw Ice Phoenix acting this way...

Golden Crow could only huff, even more, once again her pride got hurt hearing this, a mere ice Phoenix survived while she the most destructive fire beast has died!

Not only that but this Ice Phoenix cultivation is much higher than hers, while she regains her old strength at a much faster pace than any normal cultivator, thanks to unique bodies they possess which were created to accommodate their original strength, and of course, regain at a much faster pace than their original bodies! but still! this Ice Phoenix has higher cultivation then her!

And that just rubs her wrong way!

"Hmph! its because you are cheap! you attach to the first man who shows some promise!" Golden Crow said with inflated cheeks.

Bing'er only shook her head.

"Unlike you, I have foresight, I don't just burn down everything, I think before I act, and I know who to pick to be my husband." She turned towards Jian Feng, she once more shakes her head as she realised what is going on, Caiyi is taking it to next level, and Bing'er realised that she will have chance to have some fun again.

'And to regain some more of my strength as well...'

Golden Crow eyes widened as she saw Bing'er eyes turned glazed, she quickly followed her gaze as she saw Jian Feng carrying Caiyi Into the main bedroom, she quickly wanted to leave but her body stopped responding!

"No! No! No! this Noble One can't lose like this!" Golden Crow tried to resist with flushed cheeks but Bing'er looked at the Crow who was in denial.

'So pitiful... she can't even get over the fact that she likes it...' Bing'er said with an amused smile, she always thought that the Golden Crow is amusing being to her.

Even more now as she can see this Golden bird in more embarrassing positions...

Well, another few days going to be interesting...

Whole Northern Divine Region Trembled as Yin Energy exploded from Soul Stealing Realm.

Jian Feng who was sitting in Chi Wuyao throne smirked sensing changes in his True Devil minion.

"He has regained most of his powers darling~~~" Chi Wuyao who was sitting on his ŀȧp purring at him.

"Indeed now we can subdue Yama Realm..." Jian Feng said to her as he gently moved her from his ŀȧp, she pouted for a second, but she knows what she can get what she wants if she is a good girl...

So Chi Wuyao followed him to the workshop were Jian Feng was spending time waiting for his Devil Minion to regain his strength.

The Devil Queens gaze dropped on the Regal looking obsidian armour.

Jian Feng looked at this with a smirk, his inner earthling is jumping with glee, as the armour reminds him from Star Wars the sith armour, Jian Feng has to hide his identity while being in Northern Region and this armour will do just that, it will even hide his Profound energy signature.

He is actually feeling like Darth Sidious at this moments as he is going to be playing for both sides, controlling Northern Regions as well as being a Realm King in Eastern Regions...

It's going to be fun...

Her elegant and jade-like finger stroked the black cloak, she can see how many Profound runic letter dotting the whole armour.

"Why don't you try to check the sturdiness of it?" Jian Feng asked with crossed arms.

Chi Wuyao raised her eyebrow at him.

"Master, you want me to attack your armour?" While she doesn't mind or care, she only cares at this point because its Jian Feng armour!

"Yes I want to see how it can handle an attack from a God-Emperor..." Jian Feng wants to see how much his newest creation can take.

Chi Wuyao simply nods at his request, and calls forth her Peak Divine Master Cultivation and then slams into the armour...




Her pitch-black eyes widened as what she saw blew her mind.

"T-This is..." Devil Queen took a step back, not only his workshop survived the power of Peak Divine Master, not only there is no scratch on anywhere in the room, most importantly the armour which suppose to be nothing more than a scrap of metal by now...

There was nothing on it, apart from several glowing Profound runic letter...

"How did you do such a thing master! this kind of armour will revolutionize battlefield forever!" The Devil Queen said with awe towards her master.

"It's not that difficult if you think, all those runic letters on its surface, absorb and if it's too much energy simply redirects to the closest runic letter, the best part is that once they are loaded with energy it CAN empower armours wielders strength." Jian Feng said that to her as he walked deeper into the workshop.

Chi Wuyao started giggling hearing that.

"So diabolical of you master, and yet they say we are devils..." Jian Feng only smirked at her.

"Indeed, I will take any advantage I have against physically stronger foe, now help me put this armour on." He said that her as he looked at his 'Sith' armour.

'Time for the new ruler of Northern Divine regions to make a 'public' appearance' Jian Feng though with a smile, he is bubbling with excitement, past eight months were truly boring, but now... action is going to start...

~~~~~~ Soul Stealing Realm~~~~~~

After putting his new armour Jian Feng and Chi Wuyao accompanied with few of her witches they flew towards location were Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign was cultivating for the past eight months.

With resources as well as Jian Feng experimental formations he was able to regain some of his original strength.

"HAHAHAHA This King feels amazing!!!" The tall True Devil said with massive maniacal grin.

"Wonderful... are you ready?" Hearing Jian Feng voice Moon Slaughter Devil dropped on his knee.

The witches who were with them looked with shock at this display of loyalty!

The True Devil just reached the True God Realm yet he is so subservient to a Divine King!

"Yes my Emperor! tell this devil what to do and this Devil shall do it in the fastest possible way!!!" The Moon Slaughter Devil said with fanatical look.

Jian Feng smirked seeing this, he can name this Devil his 'Wrath'.

"Good, tell me how much strength you have regained?"

"This Devil just reached the True God realm! More or less this devil is at 40% of its original strength!" The Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign said with a bitter voice.

He was not really satisfied with his power, but he reached a point where he no longer needs to cultivate as his strength will return naturally.

"Only 40%! t-this is..." While Chi Wuyao was shellshocked hearing that! His power literally affected the whole Northern Region and he is still at 40%!!!

"Wonderful Moon Slaughter! lets us begging then!!!" The devil smirked hearing that he is itching to unleash his power.

~~~~~~Yama Realm~~~~~~

"This King has arrived! Residents of Yama Realm! This TRUE Devil By name Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign is demanding immediate and unconditional surrender!!!" The tall True Devil spoken extremely loud, entire Yama Realm heard it...

Soon enough several hundred Cultivators flew high into the air to meet Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign as well Jian Feng Devil army.

Yama God Emperor alongside his Yama Devils and Yama Ghosts looked with shell shock at this True Devil.

Moments later three space crack appeared and Three Yama Ancestors appeared as well...


What they saw in front of them shocked to the very core...

"T-True Devil!!!" Yama Realm Practitioners gulped down nerviously.

"This King... will ask you only one more time to surrender...if not for my Emperors wish to increase his ranks in his army, This King would have already slaughtered his way through this realm..." Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign said with a maniacal smirk, which send goosebumps to the rest of Devils.

"T-This is..." Yama God Emperor was at loss, he heard some weird rumours coming from Soul Stealing Realm...but for it to actually have a True Devil was something he never expected!

But now they have someone called 'Emperor'?

'What is going on!?'

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