“Thank you Cat Fairy.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Goku, don’t be careless, I have an ominous premonition.” The cat fairy sighed.

“Ahh… Me too. Sun Wukong nodded.


Sun Wukong soon returned from Garinta with the fairy beans.

“What did he do?” Biddy was astonished, “I just saw his body flash and then disappear. ”

“It’s called teleportation, and you can reach any place in an instant.” Saro explains.

“Teleportation? Is it so magical? Biddiri’s eyes widened and she asked, “Saro, will you?” ”

“This… I won’t. Saro shook his head.

Sun Wuyan glanced at Saro.

That’s instantaneous movement.

Dad studied for a year to learn.

How could it be?

Hey? How do you know that’s called teleportation?

“Goku, that’s how it happened.” Bik said to Sun Wu.

Just now, Bik told Sun Wulian everything that happened here.

Sun Wulian finally understood.

Sun Wulian was a little speechless.

Lord Realm King God actually wanted to use me!

Who am I to mess with?

Fortunately, Goku Tian reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been absorbed by that thing and the energy was cleaned.

And after seeing the scene where Saro had just used that strange instrument to stick on Klin’s ass, Sun Wuyan couldn’t help but shiver.

That thing, it must hurt to stick it on the body, right?

“Kling, eat the fairy beans.” Sun Wukong said, took out a fairy bean from the bag, and explained, “Recently, the growth of the fairy bean has not been very good, and there are only three left. ”

With that, Sun Wukong stuffed one into Kling’s mouth.

Klin weakly crushed the fairy bean and swallowed it in his stomach.


Kling opened his eyes and immediately regained his spirits.

“That… Saro… Next time you have to absorb energy… Can you say hello to me first? Klin looked at Saro with a black face.

Dare to be angry and dare not speak!

“You see, this bit of energy is definitely not enough, and it needs to be absorbed again.” Saro faced Klingdale.

Kling: “…”

“I said hello to you.” Saro said, and suddenly stuck the energy-absorbing instrument on Klin’s ass.


Kling cried out.

Sun Wukong was also about to cry.

“Saro, there are only two fairy beans left, so it is not a way to absorb them like this… I’m a little scared of needles, otherwise I could give you my energy. Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

“That’s enough.” Saro smiled slightly, “The main thing is that my energy can’t be used, and the energy of Goku’s classmates is too powerful to be suitable, but it will be cheaper for them.” So when I think about it, only Kling’s energy is the most suitable, not big or small. ”

“Really? Kling, it doesn’t matter, there are two fairy beans, both for you to eat. Sun Wukong said.

Klin was about to cry.

It’s not a problem with fairy beans!

“Xiandou’s words… Keep it, maybe it will come in handy. Bick continued, “Send him to the temple in a moment and let Dandy heal him.” ”

“Yes, Dandy! I forgot about it. Sun Wukong nodded.

When Bik said this, he didn’t want Saro to use this thing again.

After absorbing Kling’s energy twice in a row, the instrument’s pointer finally moved forward a few ticks.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Saro smiled.

“I took Kling to the temple.” Sun Wukong responded.


Sun Wukong cast an instantaneous movement to carry Kling, and appeared on the temple in a flash.

“Dandy, please.” Sun Wukong said to Dandy.

“Well, no problem.” Dandy nodded solemnly.

“By the way, Kling, are you going to come along?” Sun Wukong asked Kling again.

Kling: “…”

Don’t go!

I am determined not to go.

What if I go and get tied again?

“Okay, then I’ll go first.” Sun Wukong waved his hand, performed teleportation, and returned to the martial arts conference site in a flash.

“Hmm, the energy has been absorbed, what are you going to do next?” Vegeta watched coldly.

“Mr. Sun Wukong, please send me to the King of the Realm.” Saro Road.

“Okay, no problem.” Sun Wukong was able to sense the breath of the Realm King God.

Although the Realm King God was cultivating divine power, his divine power was not pure enough.

Otherwise, the Realm King God would not have said that Sun Wutian’s divine power was more pure than his divine power.

Not pure enough divine power will be mixed with some faint breath, that is, Sun Wukong’s current energy.

Therefore, Sun Wukong can sense the position of the King of the Realm through these energies.

“Daddy, I’ll go with you!” Sun Wulian said hurriedly.

“No, it shouldn’t be too complicated, I’ll go and come back.” Sun Wukong smiled.


Sun Wukong didn’t say anything more, and immediately took Saro through, and instantly appeared next to the King of the Realm and Jebit.

“Here you are?” The King of the Realms was already ready, and also gave Yamu and Boobich simple treatment so that they would not die.

In addition, the King God also controlled the two of them and prevented them from waking up immediately.

“We investigated, and no one will show up at this location for the next half hour.” King of the Realm.

Saro casually threw the energy device to Yamu’s side.

“Okay, that’s it.” Saro Road.

King of the Realms: “…”

Jebette: “…”

What’s the big deal?

Where does this end?

“Cough cough… Your name is Saro, right? The King of the Realm smiled bitterly, “What should we do now?” Did you just go back? ”

“Yeah, just go back, and when they wake up and see that there’s energy in this instrument, they’ll take it away.” Saro said, “Besides, they don’t even know the energy we provide them, do they?” That’s what you said, right? ”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with it now, these two people are still in a coma, I’ll tell you the truth of the matter.” The King of the Realm thought for a moment and explained to Saro and Sun Wukong, “I also hope that you can help us, if it is me and Jabit alone who are probably not their opponents.” ”

“Help you? What the hell happened? Sun Wukong also asked hurriedly.

“Bring Goku to them all, tell them all together, and relay them one by one.” The King of the Realm God proposed.

“Okay, I’ll bring them all here.” Sun Wukong nodded.


Sun Wukong cast an instantaneous movement and went back in a flash.

Soon, Sun Wukong briefly recounted everything over there.

“That is it, if you want to understand the truth of the matter, follow me through teleportation, and Lord God of the Realm will tell us everything.” Sun Wukong Dao.

Vegeta, Sun Wuyi, Bik and Bidili who were present were all immediately pulled.

“Hey, number 18, aren’t you going?” Sun Wukong greeted No. 18 in the distance.

“I’m not interested in what you’re saying.” The 18th faintly returned to the road.

Just now the 18th is also near here, but just simply listen to it and ignore it.

On the 18th, I thought.

You people had better get out of here.

In that case, I would win the championship.

What are you talking about, the king of the world, does it have anything to do with me?

“Okay.” Sun Wukong didn’t say anything more, and with the big guy moving through the teleportation, he appeared next to the King of the Realm and the others in a flash.

“Now that everyone has arrived, I’ll tell you everything while the two of them are still unconscious.” The King of the Realm explained to the people present, “The two people we saw, they were being used! Be used by a cunning magician! ”

“Magician?” Bick winced.

“Good value for money” The King of the Realm nodded, “In ancient times, when humans began to walk on their feet… In the depths of the universe there is an evil magician named Bibidi, and one day Bibidi accidentally created a very terrible monster, this monster’s name is Buou, we call him the demon Buou. ”

“Demon Buu?” Sun Wukong also heard this name for the first time.

“The demon Buu has no emotion or reason, only knows how to destroy and kill, it is a monster born to spread terror, and in just a few short years, hundreds of planets have become death stars.” The King of the Realm sighed incessantly, and when he said this, there was even cold sweat on his face that slipped down.

Vegeta watched coldly, but also listened patiently.

And after hearing this, Vegeta looked disdainful.

What is this?

We Saiyans have done this kind of thing too!

Talk about how terrible it is.

“No, not Vegeta!” The King of Realms suddenly looked at Vegeta.

Vegeta was stunned.

“At that time, we had a total of 5 Realm Kings and Gods, each of whom had a very high combat effectiveness, and could even easily defeat an opponent like Frieza.” The Realm King God explained, “Unfortunately, we have 4 Realm King Gods killed by the demon Buu, and only I survived. ”

Vegeta: “…”

This guy could actually see through my thoughts.

“The horrors of the demon Buu also made their maker Bibidi feel troubled, so Bibidi sealed him while he was resting, so that he could no longer move.” The Realm King God continued, “Bibidi brought the sealed demon Buu to his next target, which is Earth. And I took this opportunity to kill Bibidi before Buou’s seal was lifted and solved this problem. ”

Sun Wukong and the others were silent.

“The egg that sealed the demon Buu has not been destroyed and has remained in its original state.” The Realm King God continued, “I thought it was best not to stimulate this seal, if the stimulation was too heavy, the demon Buu would run out of the seal!” In addition, only the magician Bibidi can lift the seal by formal means… It’s just that we found out a very scary thing recently. The magician Bibidi also had a son, that is, the magician Buffidi, who had the same evil heart as his father. ”

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