“That said, our main purpose now is not to wake up that demon Buu, right?” Sun Wukong asked.

“That’s exactly what happened, and a way must be found to bring down the magician Buffydi.” The World King God nodded.

“Is he great?” Sun Wukong asked curiously.

“He can use magic, but his fighting power is average, as does his father, Bibiddy.” The King of the Realm explains, “Sorcerers can use the evil heart of humans to manipulate people like Sbubich and Yamu… Fortunately, they can’t manipulate more powerful humans. ”

“Then, why did these two people sneak up on me?” Sun Wuyan pointed to Yamu and Sbubich on the ground, who had already fainted.

“In order for the demon Buu to lift the seal, it takes a huge amount of pure energy.” Jabitt explained, “In order to get enough energy, Bhafidi asked these two people to participate in the world’s first martial arts conference. And you who become a Super Saiyan… Cough, but also to elevate a realm, become a super Saiyan beyond the Super Saiyan, naturally it is easy to become their goal. ”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“When we knew Buffidi’s plan, we quietly came over to the race.” The Realm King God nodded lightly and replied, “The seal of the demon Buu is no longer in the original place, and I don’t know where it has been transferred.” So we had to track these two men down and hope to find out where Buffy was located. ”

“Since the demon Buu is so powerful, why didn’t he kill Buffy Di when he cleaned up Buffidi’s father before?” Sun Wukong asked.

“That’s also a last resort, and the seal of the demon Buu will be lifted on its own if stimulated.” The Realm King God replied, “At that time, we were very relieved, because the location of the seal of the demon Buu was difficult for people who had just learned to walk with their feet. ”

“So, now we’re waiting for the two of them to wake up and send this absorbed energy to Buffidi, and we’re quietly following them behind them, is that what we mean?” Vegeta snorted and asked faintly.

“Yes, I wanted them to absorb Goku’s energy directly, and then we would follow them.” The Realm King God nodded, “However, things are a bit unexpected, I can only hope that when they wake up, they will immediately take the absorbed energy and hurry back to find Buffidi.” ”

“Hmm, do you think they’re going to be that stupid?” Vegeta smiled lightly, “There is suddenly an extra ready-made energy around you, what is going on?” ”

“I’ve calculated that there’s a good chance they’ll go straight to Buffy with their energy.” The Realm King God groaned, “As Buffydi’s subordinate, instead of completing the task, he was knocked unconscious, and it was not easy to go back.” But there is already energy in this device, if it is you, will you go back and hand over the task first? ”

“Cut, if it were me, I would feel suspicious, and I wouldn’t go back to the task.” Vegeta snorted.

“People controlled by Buffy Di generally don’t have brains, and if they do, they won’t be so easy to control.” The King of the Realm smiled slightly, “So, this method of Saro… Although it is not perfect, it is also the best way to do it at present. ”

“Well… What do we do now? Do you wait for them to wake up in this neighborhood? Sun Wulian asked.

“It would be better to kill them and make a huge noise and let that Buffy Di come to us.” Vegeta had the last patience to wait.

“No way! Don’t! “Buffy may know that I will go looking for them, so the two of them are the only way we can find him at the moment.” ”

“Cut, it is perfectly possible to wake them up and beat them up and make them tell them the whereabouts of Buffidi.” Vegeta snorted.

“Do you think it’s possible?” They’ve been brainwashed by Buffidi, and even if you torture them out of shape, the end result is nothing more than self-destructive. The King of the Realm shook his head and sighed.

How could the Saiyan prince have no brains?

“Okay, we’ll wait here.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Hey, Kakarot, what about our game?” Vegeta frowned.

“This… But now… There is no other way. Sun Wukong scratched his head, a little helpless.

“What are you kidding?” Two more races will be our turn! Vegeta stepped forward and grabbed Sun Wukong’s collar and shouted angrily, “Do you know that I have been waiting for this day for a long time?” ”

“This… There is no better way, we can’t just watch the demon Buu wake up, right? Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

“Bastard!” Vegeta teeth.

“I have a proposal to leave a couple of people watching them and the rest of the people to go back to the game.” Saro then said, “Looking at their situation, if you want to wake up, I’m afraid it will take a while.” ”

“Well, I’ll stay with Jabit, and you’ll go to the game.” The Realm King God nodded and did not object.

Since Vegeta wants to compete, let him go.

Vegeta, Vegeta, your heart is really big enough, when are you still playing?

Isn’t the most important question now to stop the demon Buu from coming back to life?

What do you have to fight with Monkey King?

The Realm King God didn’t understand at all.

However, this kind of thing, the King God of the Realm does not force it.

They can help, that’s the best.

If people don’t help, I can’t ask them to help.

In any case, I am also the god of the king of the world, I am a god standing at the peak of this universe, and I have to ask for face.

“Fortunately, this place is not far from the conference, as long as Mr. Goku senses that my breath is moving, come to us immediately, so that there will be no delay.” The King of the Realm smiled slightly.

“Okay.” Sun Wukong did not object.

“Well, I wish you all the best results in the competition.” The King of the Realm smiled.

If you want to play, go for it.

“Okay, shall we go back?” Vegeta. Sun Wukong nodded, and also took a closer look at Yamu and Sibu Biqi, who were still fainting.

Indeed, depending on their situation, it will take a while to wake up.

Anyway, idle is idle now, it is better to continue to go back to play, and it is also good to play against Vegeta.

“Dad, I’ll stay too… My game with Jabit should have been a mutual abstention… So I don’t have a place in the competition anymore. Sun Wulian thought about it and proposed, “I stay, and it will be more convenient for my father to sense my breath.” ”

“It’s okay.” Sun Wukong did not object.

The breath of the Realm King God is not very sensitive to sensing, and if it cannot be sensed at a critical moment, it is also a very troublesome thing.

Bick hesitated for a moment, with no intention of staying.

Bik also wanted to see the match between Son Goku and Vegeta.

I don’t know how far the strength of the two of them will improve after so many years?

“Saro, what about us?” Shall we go back? Biddy asked in a low voice.

“Go back and watch the game, there’s no rush here for a while and a half.” Saro smiled.

“Well, I listen to you.” Biddy nodded.

As for the matter of the demon Buou, Bidili did not say too much.

Biddy was well aware of the seriousness of the situation, though.

By the way, it occurred to Biddy that Saro had said that something bad might happen recently.

Is that the case?

“Okay, then everyone follows me by teleporting back.” Sun Wukong Dao.


The scene of the world’s first martial arts conference.

The referee just came over and wanted to discuss the game with Sun Wukong.

As a result, I saw that Sun Wukong and the others were suddenly gone.

Referee: “…”

This is special!

Where did you all go?

Do you want to participate in the world’s first martial arts conference?

The referee didn’t know what to do for a while.

The referee scratched his head helplessly.

At this point, there seems to be no other way but to disqualify them.

After waiting for a moment, just when the referee was just ready to go to the organizing committee to discuss again.


Sun Wukong took Saro and the others back and returned to the scene of the world’s first martial arts conference.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sun Wukong and others, the referee was shocked.

“Mr. Sun Wukong… Where have you gone? The referee asked in a hurry, wiping his sweat.

“There’s something important to deal with, but it’s fine now.” Sun Wukong smiled, “Can we continue the game?” ”

“Just come back, just come back…” The referee breathed a sigh of relief.

Good thing they came back, if they didn’t…

The world’s first martial arts conference was completely abolished.

After these games, except for Miss Bidili’s game, the rest of the games are simply boring.

“Well, then… Let’s continue? The referee nodded, walked out with the microphone, and said loudly, “Everyone, audience, let everyone wait.” After deliberation and decision by the organizing committee, Jabit and Saiya Masked Superman left the competition venue without authorization, so they disqualified Jebit and Saiya Masked Superman, that is, Miss Biddy Li will directly advance to the quarterfinals. ”


“Biddyri! Biddyri! Biddyri! ”

The audience cheered loudly.

Biddy’s luck was so good.

You can advance without playing.

“In addition, Sheehan has also left the playing field and is missing.” The referee continued, “Therefore, after deliberation and decision by the organizing committee, the qualification of Sheehan players will be cancelled… Therefore, the Saros player who won the first game also directly advanced to the quarterfinals. Perhaps, we will see the exchange between these two students. It is said that the two of them are very likely to be in a relationship. ”

At this point, the referee turned his head and looked at Bidili and Saro.

Biddy: “…”

Saro: “…”

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