“Well, let’s congratulate Mr. Satan on winning Game 5!” The referee announced.

“Gokuten, did you see it just now?” Dad they seemed to have left for a trip, not knowing why they were coming back. Tranx muttered quietly.

“I can’t see clearly here…” Sun Wutian replied.

“But then there’s my dad’s game with your dad.” Tranx had some anticipation.

“My dad will win.” Sun Wu Tiandao.


“After the game, you transferred the money to my account, and I don’t want your daughter to know about this?” Do you understand? Number 18 lowered the sound.

“My daughter?” Mr. Satan was stunned.

It seems that last time it was Biddy Li who asked for the money back.

It’s weird.

How did Biddy beat her?

That’s right, that Saro!

Biddyri’s boyfriend Saro.

“Good luck!” Number 18 smiled at Mr. Satan and turned away.

After a brief period of sluggishness, Mr. Satan also walked out of the ring with a look of lovelessness.

Mr. Satan did not take the exit on this side, but went directly to the VIP lounge on the other side.

“Although the speed of the No. 18 player is very fast, he was defeated by Mr. Satan, so let us cheer for Mr. Satan and please continue to enjoy the next game.” The referee said, “Game 6 consists of Son Goku against Vegeta. ”

“Satan! Satan! Satan! ”

The audience shouted Satan’s name again.

Worthy of our heroes.

It was extraordinary, and it was so easy to win the game.

So, was the game just played wonderful?

It was wonderful for the audience.

This is Mr. Satan in their minds.

The savior of this world.

“Kakarot, I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.” Vegeta smiled.

“Really? Me too. Sun Wukong nodded slightly.

“Let’s go, Kakarot.” Vegeta greeted.

The two walked together in the direction of the ring.

Just then, No. 18 also returned from the ring.

“Hey, is that you?” I finally recognize you! Biddy glared at Number 18.

“How?” Number 18 gave Bidili a faint look.

“I heard what you said to my dad.” Biddy snorted.

Number 18: “…”

Is this girl a downwind ear?

My voice was already very soft.

Can she hear it so far away?

Number 18 looked warily at Saro.

A little Biddyri, number 18 didn’t look at all at all.

Number 18 is scared of Saro.

But No. 18 looked at it, and his face turned red again.

After No. 18 saw Saro, he couldn’t help but think of the scene of Saro’s hot eyes in the dream.

“Bidili, wait until the game is over.” Saro persuaded and lowered his voice, “I have a bad premonition that there is a great possibility that the demon Buu will wake up, and when that time comes, I am afraid that there will not be a few people left on the earth.” ”

“What? Saro, don’t scare me. Biddy’s face changed color.

“I’m not trying to scare you, I’m serious.” Saro Road.

Biddy: “…”

“Well… Can’t even you defeat that demon Buu? Biddy asked again.

“I’ll strike in due course.” Saro groaned, “But don’t expect me to defeat him.” ”

“If it’s dangerous, forget it… By the way, aren’t you friends with the Galaxy Patrol? If it really doesn’t work, let’s go to an alien planet to take shelter? Biddy Li sighed, “I don’t know how many people that spaceship can take away at once…”

“Take one step at a time.” Saro did not answer Biddyri’s question head-on.

Biddy didn’t say anything more.

Is it really the end of the world?

Is this time even more terrifying than the Sharu period?

“So, at this time, it doesn’t matter if the money is not money.” Saro said.

“Well, you’re right.” Biddy nodded.

Bick: “…”

Bick had obviously heard Salro’s words.

Cold sweat slipped off Bick’s face.

It seems that I also have this premonition.

Things are getting worse and worse.

Number 18 had already quietly left while Salo and Biddy were talking.

I blush when I see Saro now.

I’m still far away from him.

“Sun Wukong once participated in the world’s first martial arts conference as a teenager and achieved excellent results.” The referee announced, “Sun Wukong players have participated in the world’s first martial arts tournament three times, and the first two world’s first martial arts tournaments have won the second place. In the third and 23rd World First Martial Arts Conference, Sun Wukong finally won the championship, not only that, Sun Wukong players also embraced the beauty in that year! ”

The referee also knows more about Sun Wukong.

Many viewers were also surprised after hearing the referee’s explanation.

This man is so powerful.

He was the runner-up in two consecutive editions and the 23rd edition was still the champion.

“The Vegeta players are participating in this year’s No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, and it is said that the Vegeta players and the Sun Wukong players are good friends.” The referee didn’t know much about Vegeta, but simply said, “In addition, it is worth mentioning that in the final of the junior group, Sun Wutian is the son of Mr. Sun Wukong, and the Tranx player is the son of Vegeta. ”

The audience suddenly realized.

That’s the way it is.

The duel between sons is now changed to a battle between Lao Tzu.

Vegeta teeth.

Who is friends with Kakarot?

What a rumor!

“Game 6 is officially started!” The referee shouted.


Sun Wukong and Vegeta were immediately ready for battle.

In the audience.

The Turtle Immortals, Bulma and Kiki were all silent.

No one expected that the two of them would meet in the first match of the world’s first martial arts conference.

It is also not known which of the two of them will win the final victory.

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wukong and Vegeta didn’t have any more nonsense, and as soon as they came up, they began a fierce battle.

The speed of the two is getting faster and faster, and the energy increase is getting higher and higher.

“Hey, didn’t you find that the pointed hair wasn’t someone who appeared during Sharu’s game?”

“Yes, I found out too.”

Many viewers have long recognized Vegeta.

But Vegeta didn’t care.

I’m not afraid to reveal my identity.

At this time, Satan is also in the position of the window, silently looking at the past.

Satan also immediately recognized Vegeta, but did not recognize Sun Wukong.

When Son Goku participated in the game of Sharu, he used the form of a super Saiyan.

Although he did not recognize it, Satan was also terrified after seeing the scene of the two fighting.

“Really they are! They all seem to be coming! Satan had a cold sweat on his face.


Son Goku and Vegeta’s fists collided.

Both men quickly retreated backwards.

Sun Wukong flipped his heel in the air, and Vegeta only took two steps backwards before stopping.

“Well, that’s good, Kakarot, you’ve improved a lot over the years.” Vegeta smiled.

“So are you.” Sun Wukong nodded, but he was a little absent-minded, and he muttered in his heart: I don’t know if those two people are awake in the end?

The breath of the Realm King God Lord was still in place…

Well, Goku’s breath is also there.

This shows that the two people have not yet woken up.


Sun Wukong was thinking like this, but he was punched in the face by Vegeta.

Sun Wukong almost fell to the ground.

“Kakarot, looking around at the battle, are you looking down on me?” Vegeta let out a cold snort.

“Vegeta… I’m just worried about the demon Buo. Sun Wukong sighed.

“Hmm, what’s there to worry about?” Isn’t there a god standing at the pinnacle of the universe? Vegeta snorted, “Even if the sky falls, the King God of the Realm will solve it.” ”

“That’s right, I always have a bad premonition.” Sun Wukong groaned, and then proposed, “Or we don’t fight… After solving the matter of the demon Buou, then have a good contest. ”

“Hmm, you’re giving me less here!” Vegeta’s whole body shook and shouted angrily, “Don’t forget, you can only stay here for one day, where will I go to fight you after one day?” ”

“Then when you die, we’ll fight in the dungeon.” Sun Wukong Dao.

Vegeta: “…”

Get lost!

Is that a human being to say?


Vegeta sped towards Sun Wukong and flew backwards with a kick.

Immediately after, Vegeta struck quickly again.

“Bang bang bang!”

The two once again engaged in a fierce battle in the ring.

As the battle between the two continued to heat up, the speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon, the speed of the two is so fast that all the audience can not see the situation.


“What about them?”

“I can’t see it at all, where have they gone?”

However, the scene can also hear the dull fist sound of the two people.

“Only voices can be heard, no people are seen!”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Can they increase their speed to this extent?”

The audience was full of discussion, and one by one was shocked.

Biddy Li also stared wide-eyed, and the sweat on her face slipped down.

“What are you kidding?” Can’t even see me? Biddy wiped her sweat.

Bick glanced at Biddy.

Isn’t that weird?

Don’t you see a very normal phenomenon?

The speed of these two people even made me look a little strained.

Not to mention you.

You’re an earthling, what’s so surprising about not seeing?

Bik stole another peek at Saro.

Sure enough, Bik found that Saro should have been able to see it.

The origin of this person is really mysterious.

“Don’t look with your eyes, let go of the induction, sense their breath, and then cooperate with your eyes, you can see.” 」 Saro said to Biddyri.

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