“Huh? Is this true? I’ll give it a try. Biddy nodded.

Then, according to what Saro said, Bidilli let go of the induction and sensed the breath of the two people.

The breath of Sun Wukong and Vegeta is still very easy to sense.

After sensing their information, Bidili hurried to see where the two men were.

Sure enough, Biddy Li could vaguely see that Sun Wukong and Vegeta were engaged in a fierce battle in the sky, and the speed of the two was simply super fast and super fast.

Biddy Li suddenly felt that she was simply vulnerable compared to them.


Vegeta’s fist hit Sun Wukong’s body again.

Sun Wukong fell from the sky.

But soon Sun Wukong stabilized his body.

After Sun Wukong fell, there was not even a crack in the ground.


Vegeta also slowly landed not far away.

“Well, Kakarot, I suddenly don’t think it’s fun to play like this.” Vegeta smiled, “We might as well turn into Super Saiyan fighters, shall we?” Just let me see how far your Super Saiyan transformation has risen. ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Say yes not to become super Saiyans.

You’re good.

It’s only been a while of fighting, and you’re about to become a Super Saiyan.

“This…” Sun Wukong hesitated.

Now that you become a Super Saiyan, what if the demon Buu accidentally unseals it?

There were only two fairy beans left.

“Vegeta, forget it, it’s fine.” Sun Wukong shook his head and said no.

“Casually, anyway, it is all ordinary forms, and there is no talk of who suffers losses and does not suffer losses.” Vegeta didn’t force either.

After Vegeta finished speaking, she once again rushed in the direction of Sun Wukong.

“Wait a minute, Vegeta!” Sun Wukong suddenly waved his hand.

“What? What’s going on? Vegeta hurriedly stopped.

“Yes… It is the King of the Realm and Goku… Their breath began to move! It means that the two people have woken up, so let’s hurry up. Sun Wukong said.

Vegeta was slightly stunned, and she immediately began to sense Sun Wuyi’s breath.

Sure enough, Sun Wuyi’s breath began to move rapidly.

“Abominable!” Vegeta was furious with a toothache.

“Let’s do this first, Vegeta, I concede.” Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Get me out!” Vegeta roared in anger and slammed a heavy punch into Sun Wukong’s chest.

Sun Wukong smiled and took the opportunity to fall out of the ring.

“Hahaha, I lost.” Sun Wukong smiled.

Sun Wutian and Tranx, who were watching the battle, were also silent.

“That… Off-field…” The referees were dumbfounded, and after seeing Sun Wukong out of bounds, they hurriedly announced, “In the 6th game, the Vegeta players won.” ”

“Let’s go, Vegeta.” Sun Wukong smiled and greeted.

“Cut!” Vegeta was upset.

Vegeta could clearly feel that Kakarot must not have used all her strength.

The question is, how can he use all his strength?

“Bick, here we go!” Sun Wukong greeted Bik.

“Okay.” Bik nodded and glanced at Saro again, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

It means as if to say, are you going with me?

“Saro, you go too.” Sun Wukong didn’t have so many scruples, and flew over to Saro.

“You go first, I’ll go later.” Saro smiled.

“Okay.” Sun Wukong nodded and immediately soared into the sky.


Vegeta and Bik also followed Sun Wukong.

“Saro, are you really going?” Biddy asked with some concern.

“Go check it out.” Saro nodded, “You stay. ”

“Huh? Didn’t you say that I would be inseparable from you today? Bidilli asked with a bitter smile.

“Did I say that?” Saro was stunned.

Biddy: “…”

Have you forgotten everything you said?

“It seems to have been said, but it may be more dangerous to get to that place… Well, you stay here first, tell Goku about the demon Buou, let Goku tell his mother about it, and then you can be with his mother and those people, and it will be relatively safe to follow them. Saro proposed.

“Well, I see, I know Saro, you have important things to do, and I’m not going to mess with you.” Bidili nodded solemnly.

“Really obedient.” Saro smiled slightly.

“If you encounter danger, run away, don’t be reckless.” Biddy said softly.

“Hmm.” Saro nodded.

“When you come back, remember to date me.” Biddy blushed and whispered.

“Yes.” Salo and Biddy came to a hug.

It was more rosy than Di Li’s face.

“I’m gone.” Saro waved his hand and flew into the sky.

“I’ll wait for you.” Biddy nodded.


Saro flew away in a flash.

“Speed… So fast? Biddy was stunned, looking at Saro’s vanished figure, and did not react for a moment.

Not far away.

“Goshin, Daddy, they’re gone again.” Tranx didn’t know what to say.

“Something big must have happened.” Sun Wutian guessed.

“What would it be?” Tranx scratched his head.

“Didn’t my brother and Uncle Biker stay either?” Sun Wutian asked.

Tranx glanced in the direction of the players’ lounge, shook his head slightly, and replied, “It seems that only your big brother’s girlfriend of Salou is left, and everyone else is gone.” ”

“Let’s ask?” Sun Wutian proposed.

“Just ask, since Dad and they are all gone, the next game will not be interesting, this identity is a vain disguise.” Tranx said, directly took off his clothes, and jumped off Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

After the two separated, they immediately flew in the direction of the players’ lounge.

After Son Goku, Vegeta, Bik and Saro flew away, the referee began to struggle again.

Not only is the referee tangled there, but the organizing committee is also a headache.

Have you guys played home?

Obviously he was gone, and then he was back.

It took less than 5 minutes to fight and then left.

Play like this… This year’s First Martial Arts Conference was abolished.

The referee ran over to the organizing committee to discuss what to do next.

Do you want to regroup?

However, if you regroup, there are not many players left.

Satan had been hiding in his VIP ward and looking outside.

When he saw Sun Wukong and the others all fly away, Satan could be described as surprised and happy.

That girl named number 18 can.

Uh, is that a girl?

In terms of her style, she is not a girl, but should be a woman.

Did this woman really take all those people away?

That’s great!

The next guys, I, Satan alone, can eliminate them all.

Satan’s face gradually appeared with excitement.

Not far away, Number 18 was smiling.

Gone again!

Sure enough, as I expected, something big was going to happen today.

This place can’t stay any longer, and I’ve got to get Satan to transfer money to me as soon as possible, and then I’ll get out of here.”


In the players’ lounge.

Biddy Li took Sun Wutian and Tranx to a no-man’s corner and explained to them about the demon Buou.

“That’s how it happened, Gokuten, you tell your mother about it and let them know what happened.” Bidili Road.

“Okay, I know the big sister.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Gokuten, shall we go and have a look?” Tranx proposed, “Magician, that sounds interesting. ”

“Well, I went and told my mother, and then we went together.” Sun Wutian did not object.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” Tranx Road.

“Big Sister Biddy, are you with your mother too?” Sun Wutian suddenly thought of something, and said to Bidili.

“Okay.” Biddy nodded.


Sun Wukong and a few others quickly caught up with the Realm King.

“How’s it going? Lord God of the Realm, everything is still going well, right? Sun Wukong asked.

“Good value for money” The Realm King God nodded, “As Saro said, after they woke up, they were a little confused at first, but after seeing the instrument that absorbed a trace of energy, they flew away with this instrument.” If my guess is correct, they are now looking for Buffydi. ”

“Well, that’s fine.” Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

“By the way, didn’t Saro come with you?” The King of the Realm looked behind Sun Wukong and did not find Saro’s figure.

“He said he would come.” Bic explains.

“Che, I want to say that he was too scared to come over?” Vegeta snorted, “Just saying you want to come over is just an excuse.” ”

“Saro doesn’t look like that kind of person.” Sun Wukong said affirmatively.

“Lord Realm King, don’t you know Saro?” Instead of ignoring Vegeta, Bik asked the king of the world directly.

King of the Realms: “…”

The Realm King God was directly silent, not knowing what to say.

“Cough cough… Isn’t he your gang? The King of the Realm God couldn’t help but ask.

“No…” Bik shook his head, “he’s just Goku’s classmate.” ”

“Yes, my classmate.” Sun Wulian nodded vigorously.

The king of the world had a strange face.

Your classmates?

Aren’t your classmates still your group?

How can I not understand what you are saying?

“It’s a classmate Goku just met when he was in high school, let’s know him for a month.” Bick explained again.

The King of the Realm God did not answer.

Mainly do not know how to pick up this sentence.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter whether you know it or not.” Bik shook his head, “At least for now it seems that he is not a bad person, that’s enough.” As for whether he comes or not, I think it doesn’t matter. ”

“Haha, yes, how can Salo be a bad person?” Sun Wuyi smiled.

Bick: “…”

Goku, what about your brain?

I now suspect more and more that the person who knocked you unconscious was Saro, not an artificial man.

You actually said he wasn’t a bad guy.

Well, it’s true that you’re not a bad person, and if you’re a bad guy, you’re dead there.

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