The Realm King God didn’t care either.

It is already very good to have Sun Wukong involved in this matter.

Even if the one named Saro came, it wouldn’t be of much use.

Just at this moment, the Realm King God suddenly saw the two people in front of him fall down.

“They started landing.” The King of the Realm said hurriedly.

Everyone present immediately looked ahead.

Sure enough, Yamu and Sbubich, who were flying in front, landed slowly.

The King of the Realm and the others also immediately searched for a mountain and hid it for the time being.

“Strange, we’ve investigated this generation too.” Jabbit groaned.

“Hey, Vegeta, be careful not to expose the target.” Bik saw that Vegeta was just suspended in the air, and did not take it seriously at all, and hurriedly said a word.

Vegeta didn’t bother to take care of Bick.

That’s how I’m going to watch, shut you up.

Besides, just find out, just I can punch them to death.

Several of the people present looked into the distance.

It’s a mountainous area.

In the distance, the mountains and mountains rise and fall.

On the flat ground where a ravine is located, there is a small room that is not very eye-catching, and from a distance, it looks a bit like a structure of a lifting platform.

“Look, there’s a guy over there!” Is he Buffidi? Bik asked.

“No, it’s not him.” The King of the Realm replied.

“The ground nearby is a bit weird, as if it had been excavated.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Got it! Buffy must have hidden the spaceship underground, no wonder we couldn’t find him! Jabit gritted his teeth, “This guy would be cunning if he really was. ”

“Buffy must have known we were coming to Earth, otherwise he wouldn’t have hidden the spaceship underground.” The King of the Realm groaned.

“Why don’t you use Kling’s little energy to wake up Buu and attack them before they use their little energy?” Bicker proposed.

“Rest assured, that person’s little energy is not enough to wake up Buu.” The King of the Realm smiled slightly, “Also, Buffy Di should be outside to wake up the demon Buou, and if Buu is released inside, the spaceship will be completely destroyed.” Let’s take a look at the situation and then wait for the opportunity to attack. ”

“Lord Realm King God is right, what if the magician Buffy Di is not here?” Jabit groaned, “If we weren’t there, we’d be striking the snake.” ”

Sun Wulian looked around and spotted the villagers who had been killed in the distance.

This should be a family of three, and these guys don’t even let go of children.

It’s so hateful!

“Someone is out!” Bick said suddenly.


In the small room of the lifting platform, the door suddenly opened.

The next moment, two people, one tall and one short, came out of the room.

The tall man has red skin, pointy ears, and looks full of evil.

The short man has a yellow complexion, a body suspended in the air, a large head and short limbs.

When he saw the tall one, the face of the Realm King God became a little difficult to see.

“Yes… It’s Dapura! Am I not mistaken? Jabitt also had a cold sweat on his face, “I didn’t expect that even Dapra had become Buffydi’s subordinate.” ”

“Dapura? Which one? Tall? Sun Wukong asked hurriedly.

“Yes.” The King of the Realm said in a deep voice.

Things were a bit unexpected.

Who would have thought that the Demon King would appear here.

“Is that guy great?” Sun Wukong asked.

“Yes, he claims to be the Dark Demon King.” The Realm King God gritted his teeth and said, “If I tell you this, you may understand… In this world, the most powerful person may be one of you, but in the Demon Realm, it is definitely this Daprah who is the leader. ”

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta didn’t say a word either, listening with her ears open.

“So that short man is the magician Buffydi?” Sun Wulian asked.

“Yes, it’s him.” The World King God nodded.

“That guy… It looked like this. Sun Wulian said in a deep voice.

It doesn’t quite match my impression of a magician.

“In fact, his combat effectiveness is insignificant!” But he knows how to use all kinds of terrible magic, so we must not ignore his existence. The King God gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, “Even that Dapra has become his subordinate, which is something I didn’t expect.” ”

“Does his magic make such a powerful man bow down to orders?” Bick asked inexplicably.

“No, he is dominating and manipulating using the evil and desire in the other person’s heart.” Jabitt guessed, “That’s why Dapra is the most suitable object.” This is Buffydi’s most terrifying magic. Boobich and Yamu and the others are all manipulated by this magic, so only people like us who have no evil thoughts in their hearts can find a way to defeat him. ”

“This is trouble, Dapra is here, the two of them join forces…” The King of the Realm God did not know what to do for a while.

“How? Do you think you have to lose? Vegeta looked at her coldly and asked lightly.

The King God did not answer the call and looked at Vegeta silently.

“Hmm, if the demon Buu is also resurrected, will the world really be finished?” Vegeta smiled softly, “Hugh will succeed so I won’t lose to that guy!” ”

King of the Realms: “…”

Hello confident.

I still didn’t say anything.

As for the current situation, we can only take one step at a time.

Perhaps, some miracle will happen.

It’s just that Daprah this guy is not easy to deal with.


The magician Buffy got the energy-absorbing device.

“How come that’s all there is?” Buffy Di frowned, “You’ve been gone for half a day before you collected such a thing?” ”

“Lord Buffidi, this is something we have collected with great difficulty.” Yamu said hurriedly.

“Yes, Lord Buffidi, I was injured in order to gather this energy.” Sbubbic immediately said, “But this injury is nothing, it is my honor to play for Lord Buffie.” ”

“However, such a little energy has no value to me.” Buffy snorted coldly.

“Well… The two of us go to collect again? Yamu chuckled in his heart.

“Hmm, there’s no need for that.” Buffy sneered, “You two have disappointed me so much. ”


As he said this, Buffidi’s eyes suddenly widened.

In Buffydi’s eyes, magic was also immediately released.

These magic tricks quickly applied to Spook’s body.

Suddenly, Boobich’s body quickly swelled up and let out a wailing sound.

Soon, I saw that Boobich’s body had seriously deformed, and the green tendons on his body exploded.

Yamu on the side was terrified, and his face was stunned.


Boobich’s face is even more distorted, making people can’t bear to look at it directly.


The next moment, Sbubich dissolved into a cloud of blood mist and died on the spot.


Yamu looked pale in fright.

“The sound of this explosion is always so beautiful to the ear.” Buffy smiled slightly.

Sun Wukong and the others were also shocked after seeing such a scene.

Did this guy even kill his own companions?


Yamu was so frightened that he rushed into the sky and quickly fled into the distance.

“Puy, do you want to try it too?” Buffy smiled and squinted at an alien next to him.

“Yes, Lord Buffidi.” Pui nodded excitedly and aimed his hand at Yamu, who was fleeing quickly.


A golden energy projectile shot out of Pouilly’s hand.


The energy bomb hit the speeding Yamu impartially.

Yamu turned into a cloud of blood mist, and thus turned into slag.

“Very well, Pouilly.” Buffy praised.

“These guys… Did they even kill their companions? Sun Wulian gritted his teeth.

Vegeta glanced at Sun Wuyi.

What’s all the fuss about?

Isn’t that killing a companion?

“Daprah.” Buffy said.

“Yes, Lord Buffidi.” Dapra responded.

“As I expected, Yamu, they attracted a lot of powerful guys, including the king god who killed my father a long time ago.” Buffy smiled.

“It seems that they are planning to hide, there are a total of 6 guys who come here, in addition to the unusable energy of the King of the Realm and Jabit, there are three people who have powerful energy on their bodies.” Dapra nodded slightly.

“That’s right.” Dapra smiled, “As long as we get the energy of those three people, we can resurrect the demon Buu.” You lure those three people into the spaceship and let the spaceship automatically suck up their energy, which is the safest thing to do. ”

“But… The king god of the world may not let us succeed. Dapra groaned.

“Well, you go and kill the little minions outside of those three guys first, and then immediately return to the spaceship, I’m sure they will catch up with them in anger.” Buffy Di was smiling and his face was full of confidence.

“Good idea.” Dapra nodded.

“And… Don’t kill the King of the Realm, I’m going to save him until the end and take care of him. Buffy ordered again.

“Yes! Lord Buffidi. Dapra smiled, “I’ll leave him alone.” ”

“Then please.” When Buffy finished speaking, he turned and entered the lifting room.

“Yes.” Dapra nodded in response.

“Lord Buffydi… I…… What about me…” Pouille asked.

“It is enough to have Daprah alone, you come first, and the first floor will be handed over to you.” Buffy commanded.

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