“Yes!” Pouilly was excited.

“Well, let’s do it.” Dapra smiled and squinted at the mountain in the distance.

Above the mountains.

“Huh? Only Dapra was left. Sun WuXian was stunned.

Sun Wukong also frowned slightly.

Bick’s heart sank, and that evil premonition came to his mind again.

The Realm King God also suddenly had a bad feeling.

Immediately afterward, the King of the Realm God saw the terrible evil eyes of Daprah.

“Not bad! We were discovered! Vegeta found out the problem and hurriedly shouted.


Dapura sped up.

The speed was so fast that everyone was shocked.


In the blink of an eye, Dapra appeared in front of Jabit and placed his hand above Jabit’s forehead.

Jabitt’s pupils shrank sharply, his face was pale, and his look was full of despair.

Dapra smiled and the energy in his hands exploded.


A powerful energy turned Jabitt into slag at that time.

“Jebbit!” The King of the Realm God was stunned.

“Abominable!” Sun Wukong is also furious and is going to launch a counterattack against Dapura.


Dapra hung in the air and spat at Bik.

Bick: “…”


You special!

You also spat at me!

You’re disgusting!

“Be careful, don’t get caught by his saliva!” However, the King of the Realm God hurriedly gave warnings.

“What?” Bick was stunned.

Why didn’t you say it earlier?


In just a moment, Bik transformed into a stone sculpture.


“Bück! What happened to you? Sun Wukong panicked and flew quickly in the direction of Bik.

“Don’t move him!” The King of the Realm God drank.


Dapra let out a loud laugh in the air.

Sun Wukong raised his head and glared.

“He has been petrified and if his body is destroyed, he will never be able to recover.” The King of the Realm said hurriedly.

“Abominable!” Sun Wuyi was furious and looked up at Dapra in the sky.

“Destroyed and unable to recover? That is, is there any way to get him back? Sun Wukong understood.

“There is only one way, and that is to kill Daprah!” The King of the Realm replied.

“What? Is that all there is to it? I thought it was so troublesome, it was so simple. Sun Wukong was stunned and slightly relieved.

King of the Realms: “…”

This is special!

Is this a simple solution?

That’s the Demon King.

You actually say simple!

“Go all back, no one can fight me, and no one can fight Lord Buffidi!” Dapra laughed wildly as he flew back and loudly provoked.

“Let’s chase!” Father! Anyway, I’m going to get Uncle Bik back. Sun Wulian said hurriedly.

“Of course, let’s go!” Sun Wukong did not object.

“Wait a minute! Don’t fall into their trap! The Realm King God hurriedly stopped, “If you enter the spaceship, you will fall into their trap.” Didn’t you find out? It’s just the three of you who haven’t been attacked, don’t you think it’s weird? ”

Such an obvious routine, can’t you actually see it?

What about the brain?

What about your brains?

The King of the Realm God was really helpless.

You’re going to catch up like this?


However, as soon as the King God of the Realm finished speaking, he saw that Sun Wukong was already flying rapidly in the direction of that entrance.

King of the Realms: “…”

Ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping in the heart of the Realm King God.

“I’m sorry, we’re not going to wait here slowly.” Vegeta smiled and flew up and swept over to the other side.

The King of the Realm God was really stunned.

Don’t you see the power of that Daprah?

You catch up, is this to send death?

Dapra was already at the door of the spaceship’s lifting room at this time, and looked at this side with a smile.

Three idiots.

They’re too easy to be fooled.

I just briefly provoked a little, and they really caught up.

Unexpected and unthinkable.

But don’t say that Lord Buffie’s method really works.

“Abominable!” The King of the Realm was displeased, so he had to fly up into the sky and follow up with a helpless face.


Just as the Realm King God had just left, he saw two figures speeding towards this side.

“Saro? There you are? The King of the Realm waved his hand hurriedly, and his face was full of excitement.

Finally here comes a man with a long brain.

Saro’s brain is more flexible.

They really should be persuaded.

Don’t let them go up and die on their own.


The person next to Saro is also with white hair, and his skin color is a little similar to mine.

Who is it?

“Hello, Lord God of the Realm.” Saro greeted politely.

In fact, Saro called the King of the Realm God an adult, not because of the high status of the God of the King of the Realm.

The main thing is that angels are very polite and usually add a suffix to other people’s titles.

Even if it is called Sun Wukong or Vegeta, Mr. will be added to the end.

After all, Saro was an angel, and at first he was somewhat unaccustomed, but slowly he became accustomed to it.

“Saro, you came just in time, you helped me analyze and analyze, what should I do next?” The King of the Realm God said, and quickly relayed what had just happened to Salo.

As for this person next to Saro, the King of the Realm God had no intention of greeting.

The King of the Realm just thought that the costume looked a little familiar.

“They went in? That’s dangerous! The man’s face changed color slightly, “This should be Buffidi’s plot!” Better get them out quickly! Otherwise it would be very troublesome! ”

The King of the Realm looked at the man who spoke with some surprise, and then looked at Saro.

“Well, this is Galaxy Patrol Officer Myers.” A brief introduction to Salro.

“Meet the King of the Realm.” Myers bowed.

“It turned out to be the Galaxy Patrol! I said look at your outfit is a bit familiar, great, I didn’t expect you to investigate the Buou thing. The Realm King’s heart widened slightly.

“Yes, we also investigated the matter of the magician Buffy a long time ago.” Myers nodded slightly, “But this man is very cunning, escaping our tracking several times, and finally according to our investigation, he came to Earth.” ”

Saro should have arrived here a long time ago.

However, halfway through, he found Myers driving a spaceship.

Saro was a little speechless.

Isn’t it forbidden for you to come? What do you have to come over for?

A little demon Buou is just that, what are you going to do?

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