“This is Galaxy Patrol Officer Myers.” Introduction of the King of the Realm.

“Galactic Patrol?” Sun Wulian had not heard of it.

Sun Wukong also heard about it for the first time.

Vegeta, on the other hand, had seen the Galactic Patrol.

The last time that Galactic Ranger Gacker had been to their house.

“Hmm, how come the Galaxy Patrol is also following along?” Vegeta snorted.

In Vegeta’s opinion, the level of the Galactic Patrol is also average.

“Myers, this is Sun Wukong, this is Sun Wukong, that is, the son of Sun Wukong, this is Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans.” Introduction of the King of the Realm.

“Hello everyone, my name is Myers, please take more care.” Myers salutes.

“Hahaha, Myers, don’t be so polite, all the people who can come here are to stop Buu’s good people.” Sun Wukong nodded and smiled.

The magician Buffy Di also looked at the scene through the magic ball at this time.

In addition to those three people, only one realm king god appeared.

As for Saro and Myers, they cannot be shown on the magic ball.

But the sound can be heard.

This made Buffy a little confused.

“Strange, I obviously heard two strangers talking, but why doesn’t this magic ball show their figures?” As Buffy said this, he gently slapped the magic ball a few times.

Still not shown.

That is, from Buffydi’s point of view, there is no one in Salo and Myers’ place.

“Strange, is there something wrong with my magic?” Or is this magic ball malfunctioning? “It’s the first time Buffy has encountered such a strange thing.

After another moment’s work, Buffidi’s magic ball still didn’t show Saro and Myers.

“It’s weird!” Buffy decided to leave it alone, not to show it.

Anyway, it’s an irrelevant person.

Maybe it’s really my magic ball that’s in trouble.

“Since the Realm King Gods have come, then, Puyi, you go to the first layer to absorb their energy.” Buffy commanded.

“Yes, Lord Buffidi, I will accomplish my mission with honor!” Pui hurriedly responded.


The door to the first floor of the spacecraft was opened.

Pouille walked out of it with a confident face.

“As Lord Buffy Di just said, Lord Buffy Di is now at the bottom of the floor, and I am responsible for telling you that if you can’t beat me, you can’t go to the next level.” Pui smiled and said to Saro and the others, “And this is where you are buried.” ”

“No, the kind of thing you said is absolutely impossible to happen.” Sun Wukong smiled confidently.

The lowest level of the spaceship.

The magician Buffy took the energy-gathering instrument and gently inserted it into the hole in the seal of the demon Buou.


The pointer above the seal turns a grid.

Buffy Di’s teeth.

“Sure enough, these two bastards have been going for so long to collect such a little energy!” Buffy was furious, “They’re really dead!” ”

“It doesn’t matter, Lord Buffydi, just collect the energy of those three people on the 1st floor, it’s almost enough, right?” I could feel that the energy index of the three of them was not low. Dapra comforted him, “If all goes well, the Demon Man Cloth will soon be resurrected.” ”

“Hey, hey, you’re right, it’s a wise choice to lure them here.” Buffy smiled, “Well, maybe Pouilly would have gotten rid of them a long time ago.” ”

After the two finished speaking, they flew towards the upper floor.

Buffy looked through the magic ball at the people inside the 1st floor.

“Haven’t finished playing yet?” Buffy looked at it and was stunned.

I saw that the three people on the first floor were scissors of stone cloth.

“Win or lose! Win or lose! ”

The three of them have been out several times in a row, but they have always been winned.

The King of the Realm God beside him was speechless.

Myers also slipped off in cold sweat on his face.

“Cough, brother, are they usually like this?” Myers asked Saro.

“Just get used to it, just get used to it.” Saro smiled.

“Well…” Myers nodded, “but you’re right, brother, I seem a little superfluous to come. The three of them are really confident, as if they don’t need us to shoot at all, right? ”

“You just knew? It’s too late to go back. Saro smiled.

“The ship’s entrance is closed.” Myers looked up.

“Do you think that with our ability, we can’t open the entrance to a spaceship?” Saro smiled.

“That’s true…” Myers laughed and scratched his head, then muttered, “Or should I stay and have a look?” It’s really not very reassuring. ”

“Feel free, just don’t disappear anyway.” Saro smiled.

“No, how could I have disappeared?” Myers smiled in response.

The King of the Realm God on the side was a little confused.

What are you two talking about? I couldn’t understand a word.

What disappears?

Forget it, now is not the time for gossip.

“Very well, then I’ll start first.” Vegeta smiled and clenched her fists.

“Hey, are you going to fight alone?” The Realm King God asked with concern.

It’s too messy, how can you fight alone?

Wouldn’t it be nice for us to rush up and beat them up?

“Of course, against this kind of guy, one person is enough.” Vegeta snorted.

King of the Realms: “…”

You guys are so arrogant.

“That… Saro, Myers, what do you mean? The King of the Realms hurriedly asked Saro and Myers.

Or this Saro had an idea.

Unlike Sun Wukong, the three of them had no brains.

This Myers also has a brain, at least the people are Galaxy Patrol.

Moreover, Myers knows more about Buou.

“I mean, this guy isn’t Vegeta’s opponent at all, let him go.” Saro smiled.

Myers did not speak.

Saro had spoken out, and he couldn’t say anything more.

King of the Realms: “…”

I still don’t ask!

“Oh? It’s not simple. Vegeta was a little surprised, and looked at Saro, “This classmate of Goku, it is a little interesting that you can say such a thing.” ”

Saro ignored him.

“Hey hey hey… Lord Buffie told me to be careful, because you have very powerful energy, and who knows that you are just a bunch of fools. Pui sneered.

“Buffy is a fool himself, and he will regret it very much, because the strongest person in the world is on this earth.” Vegeta snorted.

“The strongest? Hahahahaha, you’re such an idiot! Pouilly laughed wildly.

What about the strongest Earthlings?

“In fact, not only the strongest human beings, but also the strongest gods are on this earth.” Saro smiled.

King of the Realms: “…”

Saro, don’t say that!

I’ll blush.

Well, I am the king god of the world, and the strongest god.

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