After hearing Saro’s praise, the King God couldn’t help but drop his head.

Myers: “…”

Lord Realm King God actually thought that he was the strongest god himself?

Lord God of the Realm, don’t you know that my brother is talking about himself?

Myers was speechless.

Saro, you can really blow.

Is the strongest God you?

Isn’t it the High Priest?

Isn’t it Lord All-King?

“Brother, doesn’t Lord Realm God know who we are?” Myers asked.

“What do you think?” Saro smiled.

“It seems that I don’t know… He thinks that the strongest God you are talking about refers to Himself. Myers wiped his sweat.

“Normally, this Realm King God in our universe, because of the Buu incident, caused a fault in the inheritance of the Realm King God, so I guess he probably doesn’t even know who the God of Destruction is.” Saro smiled, “Even the Destroyer doesn’t know, let alone our angels.” ”

“Huh? No way? Myers’ eyes widened.

Didn’t Lord Realm King God even know about the existence of the God of Destruction?

Isn’t it clear that you share life with the God of Destruction?

“In other words, Lord Beerus, the destroyer of our universe, seems to be still asleep, right?” Myers scratched his head and asked.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“In fact, if this kind of thing is entrusted to the Lord of the Destruction God to do, it will be easily solved.” Myers sighed.

“It’s also good that Beerus didn’t wake up, it’s an experience for us.” Saro smiled.

“That’s what it says.” Myers nodded.

Puy: “…”

Pouilly didn’t want to talk anymore.

This is special!

These guys can really blow.

One says the strongest guy is here!

A god who says the strongest is also here!

Well, the man who said the strongest God was here seemed to have a little truth in what he said.

The King of the Realm God seems to be the strongest god.

“Don’t take the enemy lightly! Buffy recruited a group of powerful warriors as his men. The King of the Realm God hurriedly exhorted.

“Rest assured, Lord God of the Realm, let Vegeta go.” Sun Wukong smiled, and then asked Saro, “Saro, are you really not joining in?” ”

“No, I’ll do it.” Saro smiled.

Just now, when Sun Wukong and the three of them were scissors of the stone cloth, Sun Wukong also invited Saro to join.

Saro did not agree.

“Well, I actually mainly want to see how the free-spirited extreme you said is used.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Free?” Myers wiped his sweat and turned his head to look at Saro.

“Huh? Myers knows. Sun Wukong smiled.

“This… Know a little. Myers nodded.

Myers then lowered his voice and asked Saro, “Brother, can humans learn to be self-conscious?” Don’t practice, practice your body and explode… That’s the special energy of our angels. ”

“Rest assured, it will be all right.” Saro smiled, “Besides, they want to really grasp the ultimate intention of freedom, how is it so simple?” ”

“That’s true, too.” Myers nodded.

“Hey, you’re being interjected!” Pouilly shouted, “If you continue to talk, I will have no sense of existence.” ”

Sun Wukong smiled and stopped speaking.

“Say it.” Myers was speechless.

You are a little minion, and what a sense of existence.

“Hey hey hey… As I said earlier, no one can escape from here, and once you are injured, the energy will be absorbed by this room and transferred to the seal of the demon Buu. Pui finished his words in one breath, afraid that someone would interject and affect him.

“I’m relieved to hear that.” Vegeta smiled, “If you don’t get hurt, you won’t be absorbed in energy, right?” ”

“Yes, but it’s impossible.” Pui snorted.

“Well, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, so let’s get started, you idiot.” Vegeta was ready for battle.

“Hum.” Pouilly’s face was hung and confident.

The Realm King God did not say a word, and even a little helpless.

What a brain!

Isn’t it good to go together? You have to go it alone.


Pouilly sped toward Vegeta and flew up and kicked at Vegeta.

Vegeta raised her arm gently, blocking Pouilly’s attack.


Vegeta gently grabbed Pouilly’s ankle.


Vegeta kicked out.


Pouilly’s body slammed into the bulkhead of the spacecraft.


Pouille slipped from the bulkhead.

“Abominable!” Pui was furious.

However, Pui had just finished saying this, but when he looked up, he found that Vegeta had appeared in front of him.


Vegeta gave Pouilly a big kick.


Pouilly’s body hit the ceiling at that moment and bounced off.

Pouilly was injured and gritted his teeth to find Vegeta’s figure.

“Stupid, I’m here.” Vegeta’s voice came from the side of Puy.

Pouilly was shocked.

“Bang bang bang!”

Vegeta punched and kicked Pui.

Buffy was dumbfounded.

Dapra was also somewhat shocked.

The Realm King God’s eyes widened even more, and cold sweat slipped from his face.

That’s too powerful, isn’t it?

The King of the Realm God had never imagined that Vegeta would be so powerful.

“This man, quite strong…” Myers also commented thoughtfully.

Saro did not speak.

Myers said so, and the estimate is also a simple evaluation.

The fourth level of the spaceship.

“Hey, Dapura, where can Pouilly exert his greatest power?” Buffy asked hurriedly.

“High Gravity Planets.” Dapura replied.

“Good! High Gravity Planet! Buffy Di chanted the incantation.


The scene where Sun Wukong and the others were located flashed and changed dramatically.

Sun Wukong and the others were stunned.

How did you suddenly change places?

What is this place?

“What happened?” Where is this place? Sun Wulian asked.

“It’s Buffydi’s magic, and he used his magic to change the room.” The Realm King God said in a deep voice, “Maybe this place is more favorable to that warrior?” ”

Vegeta also temporarily stopped attacking and looked around.

“Not to mention, this magician Buffidi’s magic is quite interesting.” Salo commented.

King of the Realms: “…”

What does it mean!

Didn’t you see that we were all transferred to an alien planet?

“Yes.” Myers also nodded slightly.


Pouille gasped for breath, looked at Vegeta with a cold face, and laughed wildly: “Your good luck is over, the gravity here is 10 times that of the earth, and I grew up on this planet.” ”

“Oh? So what? Vegeta smiled and looked at Pouille dismissively, “It’s only 10 times the gravity, no wonder I don’t feel anything.” ”

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