“You lie! You brag! Pouilly was in a hurry and shouted at Vegeta.

“It doesn’t hurt to tell you that the planet where we Saiyans were born has 10 times the gravity of Earth.” Vegeta smiled softly.

“What do you say?” Pouilly was stunned.

“How? You don’t even know about the existence of us Saiyans? Vegeta snorted, “Fighting Nation Saiyans, haven’t you heard of it?” ”

“Nothing! I don’t care what kind of fighting nation Saiyan you are, you are pretending. Pouille shouted.

“Really? I forgot to tell you one more thing. Vegeta smiled, “I usually cultivate under 300 times the gravity, so now at 10 times the gravity, I don’t feel a little at all.” ”

Puy: “…”

Pouilly didn’t want to talk anymore.

What a blast!

Why don’t you go to heaven?

You are also practicing under 300 times the gravity.

Bragging who wouldn’t?

I’m still practicing under 10,000 times the weight.

“It seems that if you don’t believe it, I will make you feel desperate.” Vegeta smiled, and the figure flickered, suddenly appearing directly opposite Puy.

At the same time, Vegeta’s hands were also placed on Puy’s body.

Pouilly’s face was pale, and he was a little frightened and did not react.


The flames of light in Vegeta’s hand burst out, and a powerful energy emerged, which blew Pouilly to pieces.

Buffydi’s pupils shrank and his face was filled with shock.

The Realm King God was even more wide-eyed, and his face was incredible.

Is this the Saiyan?

It’s so much more powerful than I thought.

I really don’t know how Frieza ruled over them back then?

According to his strength, dealing with Frieza should not be a big problem.

“Hmm, so disappointed me, Buffidi actually sent such a boring hand down to die.” Vegeta shook her head.

“Look, there’s a hole here!” Sun Wukong hurriedly said, “It looks a bit like a lift or something.” ”

“It’s like a game console.” Sun Wulian sighed.

“Hmm, boring game.” Vegeta teeth.

“Lord God of the Realm, Saro, Myers, hurry up.” Sun Wukong beckoned in the distance.

“It’s so powerful…” The Realm King God was stunned.

“Cough cough… Brother, Lord Realm King God looked frightened, didn’t he know how powerful they were? Myers coughed and smiled at Saro.

“I don’t know.” Saro smiled, “Our Seventh Universe Realm King God is like this, he doesn’t know too many things, just get used to it.” ”

“Well…” Myers didn’t know what to say.

A brief silence.

“It seems that we don’t need to shoot at this point, the three of them should be able to stop Buffy Di from resurrecting Buu, right?” Myers groaned.

“It is difficult to say, according to my calculations, the awakening of the demon Buu is inevitable.” Salo replied.

“I don’t know why, but I have this premonition.” Myers nodded.

“Let the three of them fight first and wait until we need to strike.” Saro smiled.

“I understand.” Myers nodded.

“Let’s go, Lord God of the Realm, let’s go down too.” Saro stepped forward and greeted the King of the Realms.

“Ahh… Okay…” The King of the Realm woke up fiercely and quickly nodded his head in agreement.

“As the king god of the world, the supreme god of this universe, you must learn to be calm when encountering things, not to be in a daze here.” Saro patted the shoulder of the King of the Realm.

King of the Realms: “…”

How do I feel, when you say this, it’s kind of like my elders.

All right……

I was really surprised.

Saro is right, as the supreme god of this universe, the god of this universe at the apex of the universe, I should indeed learn to be calm.

I can’t mess around.

If I’m flustered, will I still be like words?

“Thank you, Saro.” The King of the Realm God quickly thanked him.

“You’re welcome.” Saro smiled, “Let’s go.” ”

“My brother is right, let’s cheer together.” Myers nodded at the King of the Realms.

“Okay.” The Realm King God’s mood was finally a little better.


Saro and the others landed in the spaceship again.

Here is the second floor.

“It’s exactly the same room as before!” Sun Wukong looked around.

“Was it magic that changed the venue?” Sun Wuyi sighed.

Not yet I play!

I’m a little looking forward to it.

Classmate Saro, when I play in a little while, you will know how strong I am.

Before I fought with you at Bun Mountain, I haven’t turned into a Super Saiyan yet.

I’m very strong!

As for what you say about being at ease, in the face of absolute strength, it is nothing.

Buffidi’s face became a little ugly.

I didn’t expect those guys to be so powerful, and I underestimated them.

“Why are there such powerful human beings on Earth?” Buffy clenched his fists.

“When I surveyed 300 years ago, I didn’t find anyone like that.” Dapura smiled and said, “Lord Buffidi, please don’t worry, such strength is nothing at all, even if there is an accident, is it not me?” ”

Buffy looked silently at the 4 people in the magic ball.

This is special!

At critical moments, this magic ball did not listen to the call.

Obviously I heard the voices of two strangers.

But this thing just doesn’t show.

Isn’t it strange that you say strange?

“Which warrior did Lord Buffy choose to guard on the 2nd floor?” Dapra asked.

“I decided to use Yego.” Buffy thought about it and made up his mind.

“Also Go? Is he going to stay on the 2nd floor? “Dapura was a bit of a surprise.

“Maybe we shouldn’t take those earthlings lightly.” Dapura said in a deep voice, “Pui was killed without letting the other party suffer half an injury, doesn’t that tell the problem?” ”

“It turns out that the adults still have this kind of worry, and if they come out, they will quickly defeat those guys, and then I won’t be able to play.” Dapra smiled.

“Now our main purpose is to wake up the demon Buu, not to play.” Buffy corrected.

“Hahaha, I’m sorry.” Dapra nodded, pointed at a little brother and ordered, “Go and let Ye Ge guard the 2nd floor.” ”

Second floor.

“Haven’t you come out yet?” Now it’s time for me. Sun Wukong looked at the door a little expectantly.

“Why don’t you break through this floor and go straight to the next floor?” Vegeta proposed.

“No way! I said that a strong shock will make the demon Buu wake up directly! The Realm King God began to panic again, and hurried forward to stop it.

“Hmm, I’m afraid that Buu is just an idle person, just like the guy in Dapura.” Vegeta smiled coldly.

“Dapura? You mean…” The King of the Realm was stunned.

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