That Dapra didn’t look as strong as he thought, and judging from what he had just done, as long as he was careful with his saliva, there would be a way to deal with him. Jabbit was also killed because he was too careless. Vegeta said lightly.

That’s it?

You are still the king of the gods!

You are also the greatest god in the universe.

A dapura will scare you into such a way.

Che, the greatest god in the universe, is no more than that.

King of the Realms: “…”

The King of the Realm God suddenly felt that Vegeta analyzed… It’s a perverse reason.

“Really? Goku. The King of the Realm quickly asked Sun Wukong.

“Well, we didn’t use all our strength just now, and we thought he was a very terrible opponent.” Sun Wukong nodded, smiled, and said, “There was a guy named Sharu 7 years ago, probably similar to the strength of this Dapra now.” ”

The King of the Realm God was stunned again.

Sun Wukong they are also too powerful!

So, Sun Goku, who transformed into a Super Saiyan at the First Martial Arts Conference under the heavens, hasn’t yet shown all his strength?

Saro really couldn’t take it anymore and went forward to pat the King of the Realm on the shoulder.

You are a realm king god, let a few human beings be scared like this, lose or not shame people?

I felt humiliated.

“Uh-huh…” The King of the Realm suddenly woke up and tried to calm himself down.

How come I’m not calm again?

But it’s really powerful.

“Lord God of the Realm, the true God really needs to learn to be calm.” Myers was persuaded.

King of the Realms: “…”

You a galactic ranger… They also ran over to me to persuade me like this.

Well, I, the king of the gods, am indeed ashamed enough.

But what can I do?

I am really not as strong as they are.

“Actually, the King of the Realm God is the God of Creation, not for fighting.” Saro said a word.

Sun Wukong looked at Saro and did not speak.

Sun Wuyi also looked at Saro.

That’s not a good thing to say.

As the Most High God, the greatest God in the universe, isn’t it used for fighting?

So what’s the use of God?

Sun Wulian felt puzzled.

However, now is not the time to discuss this, and Sun Wulian did not say anything more.

“Yes.” Myers nodded.

“Thanks, I see.” The Realm King God felt much better.

“Hey, not out yet?” Hurry up and come out! I’m a little impatient! Sun Wukong shouted at the gate.


There was a bang at the lift door and the door opened.

Immediately afterward, a green monster stepped out of it.

The green monster had long claws, two sharp horns on its head, and a vicious face, as if it had seen several people present, and the saliva could not stop flowing, and it looked a little like the situation was a bit of a cannibalistic desire.

However, this guy doesn’t eat people.

Just eat it up.

“This guy? It looks a little scary…” Sun Wukong froze for a moment and took a step backwards.

“Hahaha, which one is better to eat first?” The green monster laughed.

“I’m your opponent, what kind of guy are you?” Sun Wukong greeted.

The monster didn’t say a word.

However, the face of the King of the Realm God changed again and again.

“Could it be… Could this guy be Warcraft Yego? The Realm King God seemed to think of something, and said trembling and frightened.


The Demon Beast Ye Ge didn’t have any unnecessary nonsense, and swung a powerful punch at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and then he jumped up and hid.


The demon beast also jumped up at that time, and the long claws “smacked” at Sun Wukong’s chest.

Sun Wukong was startled, and his face became a little pale.


After Sun Wukong landed on the ground, he looked down and saw that there was already a long mark on the chest of his clothes.

Sun Wukong had palpitations in his heart.

If you are not careful, you will be cut in half.

“Oh, that guy is bigger, but he’s not slow at all.” Sun WuXian dragged his chin and commented, and then looked at Saro, “If only at this time it would be much more convenient for Saro’s kind of self-will.” ”

“Che, as I said, in the face of absolute strength, his free intention cannot hide from anything at all.” Vegeta snorted.

“This…” Sun Wulian agreed with Vegeta’s words.

It’s just that in front of Saro, Sun Wulian is embarrassed to say so.

Saro didn’t say a word, just smiled.

Myers couldn’t listen to it anymore.

What do you mean by that?

What is it that the self-consciousness cannot be hidden?

Do you know what true freedom is?

Myers thought of coming forward when he thought about it, but he was pulled by Saro.

“Brother, this kind of thing…” Myers said.

“Myers, this is our compulsory course, and we have to keep a calm mind at all times.” Saro smiled and passed by, “It’s not good to get angry easily, you say yes?” ”

Myers nodded vigorously.

Worthy of Saro!

His understanding of angels seemed to be higher than mine.

I was almost angry.

This thing is done.

Don’t people just say that being at ease is nothing?

What do I have to be angry about?

“I see, brother, you are right, no matter what the occasion, we really have to keep a calm mind.” Myers nodded.

“So, let them pretend for a while, and when they can’t put it on, we will punch them in the face, which is our style of doing things.” Saro smiled.

Myers: “…”

Are you sure so?

Myers stopped talking.

Saro, you’re tougher than I am.

I just want to have a few words of theory with them.

Are you going to punch your face naked?

How I suddenly had a feeling.

If the demon Buu Ou wants to unlock the seal this time, how much does it have to do with you?

“Cough, what do you think?” Saro narrowed his eyes.

“Uh… Nothing…” Myers shook his head vigorously.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, are you thinking that the demon Buu can wake up and have a certain connection with me?” Saro smiled.

Myers: “…”

After a brief silence.

“Brother, you’re not going to the second floor, are you?” Myers’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“What are you talking about? Is this the 2nd floor? Sun Wulian interjected at the side.

Myers: “…”

Saro: “…”

You guy really takes the call.

The second layer that Myers refers to refers to the cultivation of angels.

The cultivation of angels is divided into four stages.

Each stage has three levels.

Saro and Myers both practiced in the first stage because they were apprentice angels.

That’s right, the first stage of the first layer.

Now, Myers suddenly felt as if Saro had reached the second floor.

Because Saro can actually find out his inner world and gain insight into his thoughts.

“Yeah, I just broke through recently.” Saro smiled.

Myers: “…”

The cold sweat on Myers’s face slid down.

Are you kidding?

Did you get to the second floor so quickly?

“How? Looking at your appearance, it will take a long time to get to the second floor? Saro asked.

“I think back then, Sister Bardos, but it took at least two years.” Myers wiped his sweat.

“That’s it.” Saro nodded slightly.

“Hey, Saro, Myers, can you stop chatting and let’s go together?” The King of the Realm God proposed.

Anyway, that’s Warcraft Yego.

is a very powerful presence.

If we continue like this, we will all have to account for it here.

“No problem… It’s enough to leave it to Dad alone. Sun Wulian said with a smile.

King of the Realms: “…”

The face of the Realm King God began to be less calm again.

“The king god of our seventh universe is abolished.” Saro sighed softly.

Myers: “…”

That said…

How do you make me refute that?

But when you think about it, Myers thinks Saro’s words are not false.

This Realm King God Lord of our universe is really not calm and calm enough.

Can’t you see that the man named Sun Wukong is very powerful?

With the strength of that Sun Wukong, how could he lose to the Demon Beast Ye Ge?

“Lord God of the Realm, don’t worry, leave it to Mr. Sun Wukong.” Myers finally came forward and persuaded him in good faith.

How do you become the king god of the world!

When encountering things, learn to be calm.

You should learn from our angels.

“Lord God the King of the Realm, no matter what we encounter, we must learn to be calm.” Myers is now learning to sell, facing the King of the Realm Shinto.

King of the Realms: “…”

Myers, how did you learn from Saro?

The King of the Realm didn’t want to take care of Myers anymore.

Myers: “…”

Lord God of the Realm, you can’t do this.

As a supreme god, how can I not listen to good words?

“It’s dangerous…” Sun Wukong was also worried at this time, “suddenly stretched out a long claw…”

“Hey hey hey!” The demon beast also let out a sneer.

“He’s scared!” Buffy Di had been silently observing the situation here, and couldn’t help but smile, “Let him deepen his fear a little more, and then win the victory with a single blow!” ”

Speaking of which, Buffidi’s voice also spreads in the 2nd layer.

“Well done, worthy of Yego! Except for the Realm King God, kill all the other people for me, and try to absorb their energy, so that the demon Buu will soon wake up. Buffy laughed, “In order to end the battle as soon as possible, I will turn this room into your favorite place, the Dark Star.” ”

Warcraft Yego’s face was full of anticipation.

“Even if you don’t fight on the Dark Star, Warcraft can easily win.” Dapra said a word.

“You’re right! However, if you fight inside the spaceship, if it causes a strong impact, the demon Buu will wake up with only a little energy. Buffy Di smiled, “I still hope that he can be resurrected in the strongest state.” ”

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