“That’s the way it is.” Dapura nodded.


Buffy Di chanted the incantation.


The surroundings of Sun Wukong and the others suddenly went black.

Of course, Saro or Myers, naturally did not feel the darkness.

Even where there was no more light, Saro and Myers, as angels, could see clearly around them.

“What’s the situation? Is it dark? How come I can’t see anything? Sun Wukong exclaimed.

“Hey, hey, hey, I can see clearly.” Warcraft also laughed.

After saying this, the demon beast also flew quickly in the direction of Sun Wukong.

At the same time, the long claws of the demon beast also left a trail in this endless darkness.


Sun Wukong’s body moved slightly, and he deftly dodged the attack of the demon beast Ye Ge.


Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong kicked at the head of the demon beast Ye Ge.

The Warcraft was also stunned.

What’s going on here?

Obviously so dark, how did he see me?

“You’re too light, even if it’s dark, we know your movements inside out.” Sun Wukong smiled softly, “Because your movements will cause the flow of air.” ”

The demon beast also looked shocked.

And this kind of thing!

“And, I have a way to see you.” Sun Wukong smiled, “For example…”


Sun Wukong said, at that time, he became a super Saiyan, and golden flames of light appeared on his body.

The flame of light lit up the darkness at that moment.

“Hey, I see you.” Sun Wukong smiled.

Warcraft Yago: “…”

Is that playing?

You’re playing Lai!

“What is this?” The magician Buffy was also stunned.

“I can clearly feel that it is completely different from the momentum just now.” Dapra said in a deep voice, “It doesn’t seem to be a simple glow.” ”

“Go get the energy detector, I want an energy detector that can hold the strongest value.” Buffy hurriedly ordered his younger brother.

The second layer, the Dark Star.

“How’s it going? You should understand by now that no matter how dark it is, it is useless to me. Sun Wukong smiled.

“Hee-hee, that’s the way it is, I finally understand that darkness doesn’t work for you.” The Warcraft also chuckled.

“Oh? You’re not afraid. “Sun Wukong was a little surprised.

At this time, Buffy Di also got the energy detector.

“3000 degrees? No kidding, a little earthlings have 3,000 degrees of energy! Buffy lost his voice.

“3000 degrees… It is strange that there is no such human existence. Daprah frowned.

When was such a powerful human being born?

“Is the detector faulty?” If it was really 3000 degrees, Ye Ge would not be able to defeat him at all, and Ye Ge’s energy would only be more than 800 at the maximum. Buffidi’s look was not very calm.


The Demon Beast Ye Ge suddenly opened his blood basin mouth and aimed it in the direction of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong winced slightly.

The next moment, the Demon Beast Yego’s mouth spewed out a powerful attraction.


Suddenly, the golden flame on Sun Wukong’s body suddenly separated from his body.


This golden light suddenly burst into the mouth of the demon beast Ye Ge.

The demon beast swallowed the golden light into its stomach and ate it beautifully.

Sun Wukong looked stunned.

All around, the pitch-black scene was restored again.

“Huh? How did it get black again? Sun Wulian scratched his head.

“It’s his Super Saiyan who has reverted to his normal form.” Vegeta Road.

“By the way, Warcraft can eat light energy and become a Super Saiyan, and his energy is just his best food.” The Realm King God suddenly thought of something and quickly explained it.

Saro and Myers did not speak.

When encountering a monster of this strength, the level is too low, and there is nothing to say.

After eating Sun Wukong’s light energy, the demon beast patted his stomach with satisfaction.

“It’s so delicious, it’s the first time I’ve ever tasted such a delicious light energy.” The demon beast also laughed.

“Oh? You can eat energy. Sun Wukong smiled.

“Dad, don’t become a Super Saiyan now, this guy will eat your light energy.” Sun Wuyan reminded behind him.

“That’s the way it is.” Sun Wukong suddenly realized.

“He’s right, I’d like to eat another meal if I can, the light energy on your body just now is simply a first-class delicacy.” The demon beast also looked at Sun Wukong, and even regarded Sun Wukong as a big meal.

“Well, I’ll let you eat.” After a brief silence, Sun Wukong made up his mind.

“What?” The Warcraft was also stunned.

This man is an idiot, right?

He said he was going to keep giving it to me.

“That… Did you let something hit your head? Ye Ge couldn’t help asking.

“Oh? How do you know? When I was very young, I was playing on the cliff and accidentally fell into it and hit my head…” Sun Wukong said seriously.

Ye Ge: “…”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

And lo and glimpse!

Let’s all see.

Such an idiot, how did he raise his strength to this level?

Myers’s eyes widened slightly.

“You see that too?” Saro smiled.

“I really didn’t expect that there would be such a person in this world.” Myers nodded.

Saro was smiling.

“With his mental nature, he is really more suitable for cultivating the Ultimate Intention of Freedom.” Myers groaned, “I just don’t know if he can withstand the powerful oppressive power that a true god has.” ”

“Perhaps, he can cultivate into a god?” Saro smiled.

Myers’s eyes shone brightly.

A brief silence.

“Wouldn’t you? Did you come to Earth for him? Myers seemed to suddenly realize something, and looked at Saro and asked.

“Myers, you think too much.” Saro smiled slightly, “I came to Earth just to simply integrate into the lives of ordinary people.” ”

“Integrate into the lives of ordinary people?” Myers thoughtful.

This way of cultivating is also quite strange.

What surprised Myers the most, though, was that Saro had already entered the second floor.

I didn’t expect that Saro’s cultivation speed would be so fast.

I travel through the universe almost every day, catching bad guys.

I’m busy!

As a result, I didn’t get to the second level so hard.

You just go to school every day, talk to your sister or something.

Have you entered the second floor?

It’s not fair.

As Myers saw, Saro had indeed entered the second layer.

In fact, Saro himself did not know when he entered the second layer.

Like, inexplicably, it entered.

It seems that it is because he has a little concern for Di Li at that moment that his strength has improved rapidly.

The improvement of the level means that the strength of the self has also been greatly improved.

The power of angels has also increased by a small step.

Saro felt that with the current strength of his angelic power, he should be able to burst out the strength of the Super Saiyan God, or even higher, without disappearing.

Even the higher point is not impossible, it should be able to reach Super Saiyan Blue.

But if you go up and raise it recklessly, you will be close to the verge of disappearing.

In other words, if you continue to improve, you will violate the rules of this universe.

If you violate the rules, it will lead to the complete disappearance of the body.

Something that goes against the rules, Saro, of course, won’t do it.

Saro couldn’t have allowed himself to disappear either.

“What the hell is this guy Kakarot trying to do?” Vegeta also had some strange thoughts about Sun Wukong.

Vegeta knew very well that Kakarot was definitely not that kind of fool.

At that moment, although I thought he was a bit stupid.

But if you really think so, you’re stupid.

“Dad, I’ll fight too, and the two of us can defeat him without having to transform!” Sun Wulian said hurriedly.

“No, I’m going to pack him up alone!” You don’t have to shoot! Sun Wukong said, turning into a Super Saiyan again.

“Hey, hey, your stupidity really makes me happy.” Ye Ge was very happy at that time, “I can eat a beautiful meal again.” ”

“He wouldn’t be so stupid, so why insist on doing it?” It’s better not to make games. The face of the Realm King God was not very calm again.

Too much to be frightened today.

“Shut up! Let him do it! He did this with his own agenda! Vegeta snorted and scolded the King of the Realm, “He’s not a fool! ”

King of the Realms: “…”

Now, can anyone reprimand me, the greatest god in the universe?

This is special!

The King of the Realm God felt so sad.

Today, it’s a nightmare, right?

My entourage died.

I was also reprimanded by these humans.

If I could really prevent the demon Buu from waking up, I would be reprimanded by them for a few words, and what would I gain?


The mouth of the demon beast Yego once again released a powerful attraction.

The golden light on Sun Wukong’s body and his body struggled to separate.

“Oops… To be sucked away, I will not concede. Son Goku gritted his teeth and continued to maintain the Super Saiyan transformation.

“Ye Ge, this stupid guy, what is the use of swallowing so much of his energy, it is a waste.” Buffy Di gritted his teeth and was very unhappy in his heart, “If you don’t let that guy named Sun Wukong get hurt, his energy can’t be absorbed by the demon Buou.” ”


The Demon Beast also continued to devour the light energy of Sun Wukong’s body.

The more you eat it, the better it tastes.

Sun Wukong smiled.


Suddenly, Sun Wukong’s body erupted with powerful energy.

Yego’s pupils shrank and his face changed color.


Before Ye Ge could react, it turned into a cloud of blood mist and exploded in this earth.


Sun Wukong breathed a long sigh of relief.

Vegeta: “…”

I see!

Kakarot this guy is really beyond the ordinary Super Saiyan!

“It’s time to open the next layer.” Sun Wukong saw that the floor door next to him had been opened.

King of the Realms: “…”

The King of the Realm God was more and more shocked!

How could human beings be so powerful?

I am God.

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