“Let’s go down.” Sun Wukong greeted.

Soon, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, and Sun Wulian jumped down first.

The King of the Realm God was in a daze in the same place.

I was shocked again.

“Let’s go.” Saro patted the King of the Realm God’s shoulder again.

“Ahh… Yes…” The kings and gods of the realm are all six gods and no masters.

“You are the supreme god of our universe, can you be like a god?” Where is that? Saro sighed.

“Cough cough… You’re right…” The Realm King God took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm.

“As I said, you are the God of creation, not for fighting.” Saro said again, “Don’t be discouraged because your combat effectiveness is not as good as Sun Wukong’s. As a God of Creation, you can do more than they humans do. ”

“Are they humans?” The King of the Realm God captured the meaning of this sentence and looked up at Saro, “Sure enough, you are also a god!” ”

In fact, long ago, the King of the Realm God had guessed that Saro was a god.

Of course, it just feels like Saro is a god.

As for what kind of god it was, the King God of the Realm didn’t know.

“Good value for money” Saro nodded.

“You’re a god in some galaxy, aren’t you?” The King of the Realm looked at Saro.

Myers: “…”

Saro: “…”

The two angels glanced at each other quickly.

Myers thought.

The Lord of the Realm God really didn’t know about the angels.

“You’re right, you can understand it that way.” Saro nodded.

Is the King of the Realm right?

In fact, it is barely right.

Apprentice angels, really, can be considered to be in charge of a galaxy.

After all, the apprentice angel is not a formal angel after all, and if he can control a galaxy, the divine position is not low.

Really, the apprentice angel just hangs on the aura of an angel, and there is no god seat at the moment.

However, once the apprentice angel completes the internship, he becomes a true angel and rules a universe.

“Well, I see.” The World King God nodded.

Having said that, the Realm King God was a little depressed in his heart.

As the supreme god of the universe, I was actually trained by them.

What a shame!

Well, then I have to calm myself down.

I can’t be intimidated by Sun Wukong and these few human beings anymore.

I can’t let Saro, the god of the galaxy, look down on me either.

Buffydi: “…”

Buffy was even more shocked.

Even the Warcraft was destroyed.

“It’s just… Why did it explode? Buffy was puzzled.

“Ye Ge is too stupid, probably caught in the enemy’s tricks, he absorbed more light energy than his limit, so there was an explosion.” Dapra explained from the sidelines.

“Something is wrong, I just thought it was very strange, and Ye Ge suddenly swelled up at the last moment…” Buffy Di stared dead at the three humans on the magic ball, as well as the king god of the world who appeared behind them, and two monsters that had always had voices but no images showed, and said in a deep voice, “These guys are indeed not idle people, and there are two strange voices that have never shown images.” ”

“If you don’t show the image… Is there something wrong with the magic ball? Or are they creatures of that elemental type? “Daprah analysis.

“Elemental creatures?” Buffy nodded thoughtfully.

If it is really an elemental type of creature, it seems that it is not easy to show their images.

For example, water elements or something, they can completely turn into a drop of water.

For example, the gold element or something, they can also be transformed into a sword, a weapon and so on.

Well, it’s possible.

“I see, let me take care of Lord Buffidi.” Dapra smiled, “I’ll personally go to guard the 3rd floor, and then I’ll use their energy in an instant to wake up Buu.” ”

“Dapura… In case you lose, then it’s all over. “Buffidi’s face is a little not very good-looking, mainly because of the bottomlessness in his heart.

“Rest assured, Lord Buffidi, I am the King of the Demon Realm.” Dapura smiled, “There is no one in this world worth fighting with all my might. ”

Third layer.

“Goku, it’s your turn next!” Sun Wukong said, “You have been cultivating seriously over the years.” ”

“Huh?” Sun Wulian scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Che, peace made him forget to cultivate hard, and now our strength has surpassed his.” Vegeta sneered.

“Hey hey.” Sun Wulian continued to scratch his head.

Uncle Vegeta, don’t you tell so much truth.

“However, with his qualifications, if he is willing to cultivate well, his strength will definitely reach an unprecedented level.” Vegeta commented.

The Realm King God saw the calm look on the three people’s faces, and was once again a little shocked.

Looking at the situation of the three of them, it seems that they have not yet done their best, and once the crisis moment comes, they will be like Sun Wukong, and they can burst out of their incomparable strength in an instant.

It’s unbelievable!

I, the king god of the realm, would actually panic because of ordinary human beings.

Wrong wrong!

Didn’t I just promise Saro? I’m going to try to calm myself down.

Whatever happens, I have to learn to treat it with a calm mind.

The King of the Realm God took a deep breath.

“Lord Realm King, are you not breathing smoothly?” Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment and looked at the King of the Realm and asked.

“It’s all right…” The Realm King God grudgingly smiled.

Can’t breathe well?


I am the king of the world.

I am a god who can survive in the universe.

Can I say that I don’t breathe well?

“Saro, if Goku finishes this fight, will you want to participate in a trial next?” Sun Wukong asked.

“According to my calculations, Goku’s game is probably the last.” Saro groaned, “If nothing else, the character who appears this time should be Daprah.” ”


Just as Saro’s voice had just fallen, the hatch opened and a tall figure appeared in front of Sun Wukong and the others.

It was Dapura!

Sun Wukong was astonished.

It’s really Dapura.

Goku’s classmate guessed it accurately.

“Hmm, that’s normal!” Vegeta snorted, “I believe that the magician has nothing to offer, and he is pinning all his hopes on this guy named Daprah.” ”

Sun Wulian also immediately raised his vigilance.

“It’s extremely rare to be able to beat Yego to the 3rd floor, and I don’t just want to praise you.” Dapra smiled, “But that’s all for now, because I’m going to be your opponent.” ”

“Hmm, although you claim to be the king of the Demon Realm and think that you are the first in the Demon Realm, you still have to fight now.” Vegeta sneered, “As I said, Buffy is already restless. ”

“Ahem!” Dapra snorted coldly, “I’m too lazy to talk nonsense to you, come here, I’ll clean you up together.” ”

“No! I’m going to beat you with my own hands!” Sun Wulian said stubbornly.

“What do you say? Are you underestimating me? Dapla’s nose was crooked.

How could a little human be challenging me?

And it’s head-on.

After Dapura said this, he quickly looked at Saro and Myers, who were present.

Two of them!

Not elemental creatures.

It’s just that why their presence isn’t shown on the magic ball.

It’s so weird.

Forget it, don’t dwell on that!

Now the main purpose is to absorb the energy of those three people.

These two strange people… They are completely unaware of their energy presence.

It’s a bit evil.

“Lord Buffidi, turn us to a relatively empty place to fight.” Dapura said to Buffydi.

“Okay!” Buffy did not object.


Buffy Di chanted the incantation and replaced the venue with an open place.

Sun Goku directly turned into a Super Saiyan and launched a fierce attack on Dapura.

Sun Wu’s speed was getting faster and faster.

Sun Wuyi attacked Dapra while glancing at Saro again.

See? Salo classmate!

When I played with you that day, I didn’t show my full strength.

If I become the current Super Saiyan, will I still be able to beat you?


Sun Wuyan kicked out violently, and at that time, he kicked Dapra backwards.

Dapra quickly adjusted his body and opened his mouth to spew out a flame.

Sun Wuyi panicked and rushed to avoid.


Daprah’s figure flickered, creating a shadow.

Sun Wuyi was deceived and sped in the direction of this shadow.

Sun Wulian punched the air and couldn’t help but be stunned.

“I’m here!” Dapra shouted in the distance.

Sun Wuyi: “…”


A cloud of flame energy was released from Dappra’s hand.

Sun WuXian hurriedly resisted with both arms.


The flame energy smashed into Sun Wuyi’s body.

Sun Wulian fell directly into a lake not far away.

“Brother, what does this Sun Wulian mean by just looking at you?” Myers couldn’t help asking.

“He was my classmate, and he came to me a while ago and couldn’t beat me up for half a day.” Saro smiled, “But he didn’t turn into a Super Saiyan at the time.” ”

Myers: “…”

Isn’t it normal not to be able to hit?

We angels are born with the ultimate sense of self-will.

And our practice also has a lot to do with the self-centered extremes.

Don’t say that you have become a Super Saiyan, even if you continue to improve your strength, you may not be able to beat us.

The bodies of our angels have the ability to dodge automatically.


Sun Wulian flew up from the water and ripped off the green clothes on his body, revealing his strong muscles.

“That move was magic, right?” The guy named Daprah was a little bit more powerful than I thought. Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

“Hmm, Dapla’s level is not that it can’t be knocked down, mainly because Sun Wujian is too useless.” Vegeta snorted, “He was only called Mighty 7 years ago.” ”

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