Buffy said, controlling the magic ball to show Vegeta’s portrait.

Judging from the guy’s appearance…

It’s different.

“Daprah, you’re right, this guy is full of evil spirits, and he’s definitely not here for justice.” Excited, Buffy put his hands on the magic ball and began to chant the incantation, “I want you to be my subordinate and obey my orders.” ”

Third layer.

Vegeta was suddenly startled, her face changed color, and she hurriedly hugged her head and let out a cry of pain.

“Sure enough!” The King of the Realm said hurriedly.


Vegeta’s energy surged out like crazy, directly turning into a Super Saiyan.

Sun Wukong and Sun Wulian were both shocked.


Vegeta’s body couldn’t stop shivering.

“Vegeta! Your evil heart has been discovered by Buffidi, concentrate, don’t think about it! The Realm King God hurriedly advised, “If you go on like this, you will be controlled by him!” ”

“You shut me up! I’ll kill you again! Vegeta was furious.

“Very good, he has become our accomplice, I will trigger your potential energy and push your own limits.” Buffy Dihaha laughed.


Vegeta’s body once again surged outwards with tremendous energy.

Sun Wukong was shocked.

Sun Wulian was also stunned.

“This human named Vegeta… I didn’t expect to have such a powerful energy. Myers sighed, “No wonder Lord God of the Realm was surprised… His strength surpassed the Realm King God Lord by a lot. ”

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“Vegeta!” Sun Wukong shouted Vegeta’s name.

Vegeta slowly raised her head, revealing a smile and a sinister smile.

Looking at Vegeta again, he already had an extra M symbol on his forehead.

“It’s over! He’s under control! The face of the King of the Realm was pale.

The worst happened.

I just said I had a bad premonition.

It turned out to be waiting for me here.

“Very well, Vegeta, I’ll find you a place for a duel.” Buffy danced happily and hurriedly chanted the incantation.


Several people present immediately appeared at the scene of the world’s first martial arts conference.

Just now, the world’s first martial arts conference finally came to an end.

Mr. Satan won the championship of the world’s first martial arts conference with his true ability.

After all, in today’s world’s first martial arts conference, the remaining players are just ordinary people.

Mr. Satan’s strength is indeed a very good existence among ordinary people.

Mr. Satan is raising his arms high to announce the words of victory.

Then, Mr. Satan was confused on the spot.


Who are these guys?


Isn’t this the few people at Saru’s game?

And also…… There was also Bidelli’s boyfriend, Saro, too.

Is Saro with them?

Mr. Satan felt that the whole person was not very calm.

“Here it is… This is the scene of the world’s first martial arts conference! Sun Wulian’s face changed color.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wukong also did not expect to appear in this position.

“Oops! There are too many people here! Myers gritted his teeth and moved slightly, “If you fight here, you might kill quite a few people.” ”

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

If nothing else, Vegeta will kill her next.

“Mr. Sun Wukong, you are late, the game is over.” The referee also said hello to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong did not say a word.

“Very well, Vegeta, hurt them at once and take their energy from them!” Even if you kill them, it doesn’t matter! Buffy gave orders to Vegeta.

“Less verbose! Kakarot is my opponent, I don’t care about anyone else! Vegeta snorted.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“This guy is so weird that I can’t fully control him.” Buffy was a little surprised, “I’m still meeting such a guy for the first time!” Forget it, no matter, that’s fine. ”


After Vegeta finished speaking, she grinned and suddenly pointed her hand in the direction of the audience.

Sun Wukong’s face changed color.

Sun Wulian was also pale.


Vegeta’s hand shot out a golden flame of energy.

“Stop!” Sun Wukong drank and hurried in the direction of energy.

However, the current Vegeta is in Super Saiyan state, and Sun Wukong did not resist the attack of energy for a while.

After the energy hit Sun Wukong’s body, it rebounded slightly and continued to bombard the audience behind him.


At this critical moment, Salo drew the pistol from Myers’ waist.


Saro fired a shot at the energy that Vegeta fired.

The Realm King God on the side was frozen at that time.

King of the Realms: “…”

Sun Wulian obviously saw Saro’s move as well.

Classmate Saro, what are you going to do?

Are you going to take this gun and knock Vegeta’s energy away?

Do you think it’s possible?

Of course, the King of the Realm God thought the same thing.

This man… Before, it seemed that his brain was still quite flexible, but he did not expect that at this critical moment, he actually took a pistol used by the Galactic Patrol to hit the energy bullet fired by Vegeta.

But speaking of which, Saro’s speed of drawing his gun is really fast enough.

Of course, these thoughts only flashed through the minds of the Realm King God and Sun Wuyi.

It’s too fast.

Too fast for both of them to react.

The Realm King God and Sun Wulian were even able to predict the people who were about to die.


At this moment, a laser from the pistol quickly caught up with Vegeta’s energy bullet.


A surprising scene happened.

The laser fired from the pistol destroyed Vegeta’s energy at that time.

Myers: “…”

Can the Dragon Ball save the dead humans?

Saro, you Ripi!

I was just going to save people.

You’re ahead of me.

“What?” Vegeta looked at Saro in surprise.

Immediately afterward, Vegeta took another deep look at the pistol in Saro’s hand.

For a moment Vegeta couldn’t react.

What is this pistol made of?

I was able to cancel out the energy I released.

Sun Wukong was also shocked, but he still quickly thanked him: “Thank you so much, Saro!” If it weren’t for you, those people would have…”

“Hey, let’s escape!” Sun Wulian shouted loudly.

After Sun Wuyi said this, he also looked at Saro with some surprise.

Mainly look at the pistol in Saro’s hand.

This pistol is really powerful.

The Realm King God’s eyes widened as he was startled and almost bit his tongue.

Myers sighed in his heart.

You guys haven’t seen it!

My brother injected angelic power into the pistol before firing it.

Otherwise, how could the pistol have that little energy counteract Vegeta’s attack?

“Hmm, can’t imagine!” Vegeta said coldly, “You are indeed more powerful than I thought, but that’s about it.” Also, I’m not interested in you, my target is only Kakarot, if you want to stop me…”

“I’m not interested in you either, you’re going to kill someone and fight in that direction.” Saro pointed to the other side, “I will never interfere. ”

The main reason why Saro stopped Vegeta from releasing the energy bomb as soon as possible was because Bidelli had just been in the position where she was attacked.

“Oh? What did you say? Do you think I don’t dare? Vegeta sneered.


Vegeta said, already condensing an energy bullet in her hand.

Immediately afterward, Vegeta was about to throw it over to the side Saro had said.

“Vegeta! Stop, Bulma is over there too! Sun Wukong drank hurriedly.

Vegeta: “…”

Ten thousand grass and mud horses flew over Vegeta’s heart.

However, it was already a condensed energy bomb, and it would be a bit humiliating to take it back.

Vegeta let out a cold snort and immediately changed directions and attacked to the other side.

At this critical moment, Myers couldn’t help himself, and a stick appeared in his hand.


The stick in Myers’ hand hit Vegeta’s arm at the time.

Vegeta’s hand lifted upwards, and the energy bomb in her hand flew into the air.


The golden energy projectile exploded high above the sky.

Suddenly, the whole sky was dyed golden at this moment.

“What?” Vegeta looked at Myers with some surprise.

This galactic patrol is really fast enough.

Is the current Galaxy Patrol already so strong?

Vegeta frowned.

“Vegeta, I promise you! I’m fighting you! I hope you don’t kill innocent people anymore! Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and became a Super Saiyan at that time.

“Son Goku! No way! The Realm King God was anxious at that time, “If you fight here, you will just fall into the trap of Buffidi, and your energy will be absorbed by them and transferred to the seal of the demon Buu.” I don’t think it will be long before the demon Buu will be resurrected! ”

“Vegeta, in order to force me to fight you seriously, you deliberately hit Buffidi’s magic and made yourself lose your mind and do such a bad thing, right?” Sun Wukong said coldly.

“What?” Sun Wulian was stunned.

“Well, that’s the only way you’ll fight me.” Vegeta smiled and acknowledged, “You can only stay in this world for one day, but during this time, someone comes to get in the way.” Originally, the two of us played well at the world’s first martial arts conference, and we could decide the victory and defeat fairly. But I can clearly feel that you have been absent-minded and perfunctory in the process of fighting! So I had to be controlled by that guy! ”

“What? Are you doing such a ridiculous thing for this reason? The King God of the Realm was puzzled.

“Ridiculous? You actually say it’s ridiculous? Vegeta was furious and shouted at the King of the Realm, “This is everything to me, what does it have to do with me whether the demon Buu is dead or alive?” That guy has surpassed me, everyone is a Saiyan, but he is above me! I, the prince, was full of confidence in my own strength, but I was defeated by him! I will never allow him to be above me! Absolutely not. ”

King of the Realms: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wulian did not say a word.

This problem is so difficult to solve.

This is a grudge between fathers.

It doesn’t seem appropriate for me to mix with it.

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