“That’s the way it is.” Myers understood this time and nodded in understanding.

“Buffidi, turn us around to no one’s land, and I have decided to take a serious battle with Vegeta!” Sun Wukong said loudly.

“Son Goku! Wait a minute! The King of the Realm God shouted.

Immediately afterward, the King of the Realm God stretched out his arms and stopped in front of Sun Wukong.

“If you’re going to do it, take me down first.” The Realm King God said with a cold face.

Sun Wukong after a brief silence.


Sun Wukong held out his hand to the King of the Realm.

The King of the Realm looked shocked.

The next moment, the King God of the Realm saw that Sun Wukong’s hands were already condensing energy.

“Daddy…” Sun Wulian was a little surprised.

“I… I see, do as you please. “The king of the world concedes defeat.

I still don’t follow them to mix.

If they want to fight, just let them go.

After a while, Saro and I and Myers and Sun Goku will go and kill that Buffydi.

This would also prevent the demon Buu from waking up.

Yes, that’s it.

“I’m sorry, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun Wukong apologizes.

“Hahaha, infighting has begun, and you also have this retribution!” Buffy danced happily, “Very well, then I will grant your wish and switch venues!” Barbara! ”


Suddenly, Saro and Sun Wukong and others appeared on an empty land.

Looking at Saro and the others who suddenly disappeared into the ring, Satan suddenly felt a look of confusion.

“Disappearing… Gone…” The referee also widened his eyes.

What are they coming back for? Playing tricks?

I really don’t understand.

However, it seems that the two sides seem to be in conflict.

“Damn, I wanted to clean them up, who knows if they ran away.” Satan crossed his waist and smiled.

“Am I not mistaken? It seemed to be Saro and Goku’s classmates just now…” Biddy Li was in the audience at this time, and had planned to leave the First Martial Arts Conference with Bulma and the others.

Still, Biddy decided to say hello to her father.

Listening to what Saro meant was that it was the end of the world soon, it was better to let his father go with him and hide.

It’s just that my father has just been playing in the ring, and Biddy Li has not found the right opportunity to say.

Just before Saro could appear, Bidelli was ready to go down and tell her father about the demon Buu.

Before they could go down, they saw Saro and them suddenly move to the conference site.

Biddy was ready to go over again to say hello.

Then, Saro and the others were teleported out of sight in a flash.

Biddy: “…”

Well, I’ll listen to Saro and move with them.

This Miss Bulma, I seem to have heard of it.

She is the daughter of the richest man in the world.

No wonder Saro is so rich.

Can you know the daughter of the world’s richest man, can you still have no money?

Empty earth.

The King of the Realm walked towards the entrance to the 4th floor.

“You fight as much as you want, and the few of us who are left destroy this entrance and find Buffidi and Daprah to fight to the death.” The Realm King God clenched his fists and said with a smile, “If this brings the demon Buu to life, then there is no way.” Anyway, when you fight a duel later, the injured energy is enough to make the demon Buu wake up. I may have a glimmer of hope in doing so… If he is lucky, he may be able to prevent his resurrection. ”

With that, the fist of the Realm King God was about to smash towards the entrance position.

“What do you say? Will I let you get your wish? Vegeta, stop him and kill all the guys who get in the way. Buffy immediately ordered Vegeta.

Vegeta also received the signal quickly, and her face changed color slightly.

Immediately after, Vegeta showed a look of pain.

“Go ahead and kill them!” Buffidi’s voice came again.

“Brother, he looks miserable, do you want to help him?” Myers asked.

“There’s no need for that, it’s his own doing.” Saro shook his head.

Helping Vegeta?

Think about it a lot!

Thinking of letting Buffy Di control, then let him go.

Anyway, after this matter is over, we will calculate the general ledger together.

Offended my guys, I cleaned up one by one.

Now that you’re packed, it’s not fun to do next.

“I… I refuse! The death or death of the Realm King God and others has nothing to do with me! Vegeta gritted her teeth.

Buffy was stunned.

Dapra was also stunned.

Buffy was speechless.

“I repeat, go and clean up the King of the Realm!” Buffy issued the order again.

Vegeta once again showed a pained expression, looking constantly struggling, and said with a cold face: “I said it! I just want to play against Kakarot! I am the prince of the Saiyans, to be your subordinate, how can I be willing? Even if my body and mind are controlled by you, my self-esteem will never be manipulated by you! ”

Vegeta said, the energy in her body surged wildly, and arcs of electricity wrapped around her.

Buffydi: “…”

“This is the first time this situation has been encountered, and this guy’s self-esteem did not expect to be so strong.” Buffy sighed.

“Lord Buffidi, don’t worry, that guy’s job is just to take the energy.” Dapra smiled, “As long as I am present, even if the Realm King God himself comes, it won’t have much effect, and didn’t the Lord always desire to see the Realm King God die in front of you?” Let him come if he wants to! It’s just a matter of coming over and sending you to death in vain. ”

Buffy thinks about it too.

What Dapra said makes a lot of sense.

If the Realm King God came over at this time, he could find a way to kill him with his own hands!


The Realm King God was once again surprised.

The mood of the Realm King God could not be calmed for a long time.

What the King God of the Realm couldn’t believe was that there was someone in this world who could be controlled by Buffy Di on the one hand and fight against him on the other.

I’m sorry, Salro.

My mood just couldn’t calm down.

The question is that such a big thing has happened, how do you calm me down?

The King of the Realm thought this and glanced at Saro.

A god with a low status is just different.

Is it because of ignorance that it is because of the appearance of indifference?

The Realm King God sighed.

“Vegeta, are you so eager to compete with me?” Sun Wukong felt helpless.

I don’t want to fight with you.

Why do you have to fight me?

It’s nerve-wracking.

“Lord Buffidi, we might as well open the floodgates and let them in, because if they force their way through and the spaceship is impacted, the demon Buu may wake up in a non-consummated state, which would be meaningless.” Dapra proposes.

“You’re right.” Buffaldi agreed with Daprah’s statement and immediately opened the floodgates.

“The floodgates opened on their own initiative!” Sun Wulian quickly ran up.

“I believe they don’t want the spacecraft to be destroyed either.” The Realm King God nodded, but he could also understand Buffydi’s approach.

“Well, Dad! There we go! Sun Wuyi greeted.

“Well, come on!” Sun Wukong nodded, and took out a fairy bean from the bag, “Goku, I still have two fairy beans here, you eat the next one, just now you have also consumed a lot of physical strength.” ”

“Ah! Good. Sun Wuyi replied, but there is nothing to be polite about, and directly ate the fairy beans.

Suddenly, Sun Wulian’s energy returned to its peak state.

“Goku, be angry! Think about the scene where you fight Saru and bring out all the potential power so that you don’t lose to anyone in the world. Sun Wukong said to Sun Wukong.

“I see, Dad.” Sun WuXian nodded solemnly, “But… It was a pity that Dad had only come back for a day, but he had become what he is now. ”

Sun Wukong smiled and turned his head to look at Saro.

After a brief silence.

“Saro, can you help me take good care of Goku?” Please. Sun Wukong said to Saro with a sincere face.

Saro: “…”

It is worthy of Sun Wukong.

This guy is the child of destiny.

People who are lucky to have atmospheric luck.

This kind of person is very accurate in looking at things and seeing people.

Maybe Sun Wukong has seen that my strength is very strong.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have said such a thing.

There was nothing unexpected.

If my strength can’t even be seen by Sun Wukong, it would be abnormal.

Don’t look at Sun Wukong who usually looks stupid, but when he encounters things, he becomes very rational, as if he is hanging.

“Dad… Say what? Sun Wulian scratched his head.

I should be taking care of Salo’s classmates, right?

How did it become that Saro’s classmates took care of me?

Is it the opposite?

“Mr. Sun Wukong, in fact, with your strength, you should be able to defeat him very easily.” Saro smiled.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“Looks like you don’t want to use that energy, do you?” Saro smiled, “Also, if you use it, the time you may stay is short, and maybe he will be stimulated.” ”

Sun Wukong didn’t say a word and looked at Saro with a surprised face.

There was a moment of silence.

“You know everything.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Go with the flow.” Saro smiled and said, “Maybe that’s the only way you can get to a higher position.” However, keep in mind that no matter at all times you have to control your emotions, anger alone will not increase your strength to the highest level. ”

“Well… I understand. Sun Wukong nodded solemnly.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

What the?

Daddy what’s wrong with you?

How could he still listen to these words of Saro at this time?

“As for Goku, I will take care of it if I can take care of it.” Saro Road.

“Thank you.” Sun Wukong smiled.

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