Vegeta frowned and took another deep look at Saro.

How could I not understand what he was saying to Kakarot?

Also, Kakarot seems to be a little impressed with him, why?

Then Vegeta thought of the situation where Saro had scattered his energy bullet with one shot.

But Vegeta was really not interested in Saro.

Vegeta’s greatest pleasure is to beat Cabot.

As for the other people, does it have anything to do with me?

There’s only you in my eyes, Kakarot.

Also, I suddenly remembered that the guy from the King of the Realm said that only an idiot would be controlled by Buffidi.

Am I going to destroy him?

Or…… Never mind!

This account will be calculated with him in the future.

The premise is that I can survive!

“Saro, Myers, shall we go together?” The King of Realms immediately greeted Saro and Myers.

“Okay.” Saro nodded.

“Yes, Lord God of the Realm.” Myers also responded very politely.


4 people jumped down together.

“The floodgates below are also open!” Sun Wu said.

“Let’s go straight to the egg of the demon Buu.” The King of the Realm God proposed.


After the four people landed, they saw Buffidi and Daprah on the other side, as well as the Demon Buu Seal behind them.

“Is that the seal of the demon Buu?” Sun Wuyi sighed.

“Yes.” The King of the Realm nodded.

“It’s just right! King of the Realm! Buffy snorted, “My father-killer enemy!” ”

At this point, Buffy glanced at Saro and Myers again.

“You two are elemental creatures, right?” Now it finally shows its original form. Buffy snorted.

“Elemental creatures?” Myers was stunned, looked at Buffy Di with some puzzlement, looked at Saro again, and asked, “What did he mean?” ”

“It could be that the two of us couldn’t show up in his magic orb, so he mistook the two of us for elemental creatures.” Saro explained with a smile.

Myers: “…”

That’s the way it is.

Also, Saro and I are angels, and his magic ball can show us is strange.

“I know your intention is to come and defeat me and prevent Buu from lifting the seal?” Buffy smiled, “Unfortunately, your plan fell through, because Dapura is here.” ”

“Goku, Saro, and Myers, are you three going to deal with Dapra together?” We have to hurry up, or the energy that Goku lost due to his injury will soon wake up Buu! The King of the Realm God proposed, “I’ll take care of Buffidi myself, his strength is average, I can easily defeat him.” ”

“Classmate Saro, I really didn’t expect us to be able to fight side by side.” Sun WuXian grinned, “But you must be careful, this guy is very powerful.” ”

“Classmate Goku, King of the Realm, you two think too much.” Saro shook his head, “Myers and I just came over to fight soy sauce, and the matter of fighting, you can just leave it to you.” ”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

“Brother… Are we really standing by and watching? Myers smiled bitterly.

“Or shall you go?” Saro smiled slightly.

“Well… Just wait. Myers scratched his head and looked up into the distance, “I can feel that Sun Wukong and Vegeta have already begun to fight, and with their current energy intensity, it should not be long before Buu will unlock the seal.” ”

“This is the sense that an angel should have.” Saro smiled.

“Hahaha, King of the Realm, these two people you brought here don’t seem to want to help you.” Buffy Dihaha laughed.

“Well, maybe it’s just a coward.” Dapra also laughed wildly.

“I remember you, after a while you want to die, it’s not so easy.” Saro looked at Dapura.

“What?” Dapra was stunned.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, are you threatening me?


Son Goku and Vegeta stand opposite each other.

This time it’s going to be a real fight.

Before, at the world’s first martial arts conference, it was just a competition of a competitive nature.

“I don’t want my injured energy to spread to the demon Buou, I will do my best to divide the winner and defeat as soon as possible.” Sun Wukong looked heavy and looked at Vegeta.

“I’m getting more and more excited, let me see the results of your cultivation in Hades.” Vegeta was smiling.


The arc of electricity on Sun Wukong’s body was entangled, and the breath burst out violently.

“Worthy of Kakarot, your power is already above the enlightenment at that time.” Vegeta smiled.

When Vegeta said this, an arc of electricity also surged out of her body, and energy burst out madly.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wukong was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, Vegeta also raised her energy to this level.

“In this way… I’m afraid there is no way to make a quick decision. Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

“Kakarot, didn’t that guy named Salo say you could beat me easily?” Don’t you still have hidden energy? How? Why not make it up for me to see? Vegeta smiled triumphantly.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“No, that’s all I have.” After a brief silence, Son Goku decided to give up transforming into Super Saiyan III.

If I become Super Saiyan III here, I won’t have much time left.

And there’s a lot I haven’t done.

Well, let’s use this transformation now to fight Vegeta for a while.

Let me indulge as much as I want!

“Well, since there isn’t, then hurry up, I’m going to knock you down!” Kakarot! Vegeta shouted.

“Bang bang bang!”

The two men engaged in a fierce battle in this empty field.

Both Sun Wukong and Vegeta have raised their energy to the extreme, and they have almost no reservations about each other.

No, to be precise, Son Goku still has some reservations.

It’s just that there is no transformation.


Sun Wukong flew up and kicked Vegeta into the ground.

Vegeta burst out from the depths of the earth and landed directly opposite Sun Wukong.

Both of them smiled lightly, and the corners of their mouths drew an arc.



Fifth floor.

That is, the place where the seal of the demon Buu is stored.

“I believe that in the near future, the demon Buu will be able to come out of the seal, and he will get enough energy.” Buffy Di smiled, “His terrifying energy will definitely destroy the spaceship on the spot, let’s go to the ground.” ”


Buffy Di chanted the incantation.


The crowd present appeared on the earth in a flash.

“How’s it going? Dapura, are you confident of defeating that earthling? Buffy said to Daprah.

“Of course, when I played against him just now, I still had a lot of strength.” Dapra smiled dismissively, “I can easily clean up his waste.” ”

Sun Wulian gritted his teeth.

I’m going to get stronger, I’m going to beat this guy.


Sun Wuyan also immediately turned into a Super Saiyan.


Just then, only a tone was heard coming from the seal of the demon Buu.

This prompt tone attracted the attention of everyone present at that time.

Buffy was stunned and turned his head to look at the seal behind him.

“How come? How can this be? Is it to say…” Buffy was surprised and delighted.

How can it be so fast?

Does this fill up the energy?

“What happened?” Sun Wulian asked.

The face of the King of the Realm God changed color.

Is it to say… Is it to say…

How is this possible, and why is it so quick to absorb the energy?

The Realm King God looked towards the energy pointer.

Sure enough, the hands of the energy were already pointing to the end, in the direction of 12 o’clock.

“Full… Full… It’s full! Buffy Di stuttered with excitement, and then laughed wildly, “Hahaha, the energy is finally full, and the demon Buu is finally coming back to life!” ”

The King of the Realm was suddenly like a mourning concubine, and endless despair appeared in his pupils.

It’s over, it’s no play.

The demon Buu is about to be resurrected.

The entire universe will be destroyed!

“What?” Sun Wuyan was also deeply shocked.

We’re still talking, how do you absorb the energy to the fullest?

“How come? Why was Goku’s energy absorbed in an instant? “The Realm King God’s whole body was trembling.

“I see… Dad fought with the power to surpass the Super Saiyans, and probably Vegeta was the same, when two such powerful energies collided with each other, the amount of damage they caused was naturally very amazing. Sun Wuyi said in a deep voice.

Buffy is happy with the shape.

Dapra also had a smile on his face.

Finally done!

The King of the Realm God held his head, how desperate and desperate it was.

I never imagined that this would be the result.

What to do?

What should I do?

How can I, the god who stands at the pinnacle of the universe, deal with this kind of thing?

“Brother… The demon Buu seems to be running out…” Myers said.

“Yeah, after going around in such a big circle, it’s still time to unseal it.” Saro nodded.



Sun Wutian and Tranx were speeding towards this side.

Tranx has become a Super Saiyan.

Sun Wutian was still in an ordinary form.

However, the flight speed of the two is not much different.

“It’s so weird! What the hell is going on, there is such a powerful breath! Tranx looked confused, “Is it Daddy them?” ”

“I don’t know…” Sun Wutian shook his head.

“Why did their location change suddenly? We were running around. Tranx was a little mad.

Two little guys flew around in the sky, almost in circles.

It is mainly the breath of Sun Wukong and others that is constantly changing positions.

“Wu Tian, you said that such a powerful breath would not be your big brother Saro, right?” Tranx asked suddenly.

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