“No.” Sun Wutian replied affirmatively.

“I’ll just say, your big brother Saro is of average strength, and he can’t have such a powerful aura.” Tranx smiled.

“No, you’re wrong, Tranx.” Sun Wutian corrected, “There is no breath in Brother Saro’s body, just like when I turned red. ”

Tranx didn’t bother to take care of Sun Wutian and suddenly sped up his flight.

Sun Wutian quickly chased up, and did not lag behind in speed.

Although, Sun Wutian was still in an ordinary form.

At this moment, Sun Wutian felt as if he had merged with the whole sky.

This is also the reason why Sun Wutian can increase his speed to the extreme.

As Tranx flew, he secretly looked at Sun Wutian behind him.

I’ve become a Super Saiyan and you can catch up.

Gokuten, how did you fly so fast?

At this moment, Tranx suddenly felt that the Super Saiyan he had transformed into was so weak.



Spacious grounds.

Both Sun Wukong and Vegeta were breathing heavily.

After the battle just now, the energy of the two consumed a lot.

“It’s unbelievable, I’ve been cultivating very hard in the underworld, and I’m still just playing a draw with you, and you’re working harder than I have cultivated.” Sun Wukong Dao.

That’s what Saro wasn’t around.

If Saro was there, he would want to slap Sun Wukong away.

This is forced to pretend!

Absolutely 10 out of 10.

Do you call it a draw? You obviously still have a hand.

“You are wrong! I had planned to train harder, but I knew very well that you were a better genius than I was, and that gap would never change. When Vegeta said this, her body was shaking violently, and she gritted her teeth, “When you fought with Buffidi’s men, I was really shocked by your strength, so I secretly made up my mind…”

“I see… That’s why you were deliberately controlled by Buffidi! Sun Wukong suddenly realized.

“Good value for money” Vegeta nodded acknowledgantly, “Those two of Buffydi’s men who appeared at the world’s first martial arts conference, according to people who knew them, they were both much stronger than before.” I have thought carefully that if I can be controlled by Buffidi, I can also close the gap between you and me… That’s the way it is, though I don’t really like it that way. ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

After the silence.

“In order to increase your strength, are you willing to be dominated by that guy even the arrogant?” Sun Wukong asked helplessly.

Vegeta was shivering.

“I want to restore the previous me! I don’t want to care about anything, I just want to restore the cruel and cold me I once was, and fight with you painfully and happily. Vegeta shouted loudly, and the energy in her body surged wildly, “I was unconsciously influenced by you, making myself calm and docile, I did not feel uncomfortable after I had a family, but began to like this comfortable planet… So, I have to let Buffy Di dominate and turn me back into the bad guy. ”

Sun Wukong was speechless.

Your thoughts… I didn’t know what to say.

Such a good life you don’t cherish.

Instead, you are going to be dominated by others.

You are so talented.

“Well, thanks to Buffydi, I’m in a good mood right now.” Vegeta smiled.

“Is this really the case?” Sun Wukong asked rhetorically.

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta began to shiver again.

What do you mean?

Are you challenging my IQ?

Bastard guys!

“Bang bang bang!”

Vegeta hated Sun Wukong and rushed up again and launched a fierce attack on Sun Wukong.

Not to be outdone, Sun Wukong fought back effectively.

The battle between the two began again.

Sun Wukong was even wondering, do I want to directly become the third Super Saiyan and give him a second.

Or…… Forget it.

If I had changed in this way, my time in this world would have been short.



After the seal of the demon Buu was filled with energy, it emitted pink gas outwards.

These pink gases quickly rushed into the sky.

“It’s out! That’s great! The demon Buu is coming out! Buffy cried out in excitement.

The Realm King’s frightened whole body was trembling.

It’s over!

No help!

Getting it around still woke him up.

All thoughts are gray.

Sun Wulian was even more stunned, and for a moment he was a little overwhelmed.

“The situation is not good! Let’s get out of this place. The King of the Realm God suddenly turned to Saro and the other three people.

Sun WuXian was stunned.

“What’s wrong? Goku, do you still want to challenge the demon Buu? The King of the Realm God hurriedly said.

“I don’t want to challenge him, but I don’t want to go away.” Sun Wulian gritted his teeth and shook his head vigorously.

“Don’t you understand? You will never be able to defeat the demon Buu! No one in this world can beat him! The King of the Realm shouted, “If you stay here, you can only die in vain.” ”

“Come out! I was finally able to see how powerful the demon Buu made by my father was! Buffy cried out in excitement.

This voice was mixed in with the controversy between Sun Wuyi and the King of the Realm.

“But, Lord God of the Realm King…” Sun Wuyi struggled with a face.

Just leave?

Just run away?

At this moment, Sun Wuyi’s expression became firm.

“Saro, Myers, let’s get out of here!” The King of the Realm saw that Saro and Myers had no intention of leaving, and they were both dying quickly.

Hurry up, go.”

Do you really think that the demon Buu is eating idle food?

“I’m going to fight back one last time!” Sun Wuyi drank.

At the same time, endless energy emerged from Sun Wuyi’s body.

“What are you going to do?” The Realm King God was stunned.

“No matter what, I’m going to try!” Sun WuXian said, the golden energy in his hand bombarded the seal of the demon Buou.

Myers: “…”

“It surprised me so much…” Myers’s eyes widened with surprise, “he knew that he might not be the opponent of the demon Buou, but he still stayed behind to launch the final challenge… Such humans are already rare, right? ”

At least, we Galactic Rangers don’t have such a guy around.

The opponent we can defeat, we will catch.

If you can’t beat it… Let’s wait until we’ve played.

Myers is also a long time today.

Before that, Buffydi’s men were a bunch of minions, which was a small fight.

But now, the demon Buu is about to wake up, and Sun Wuyan is still desperately fighting back.


Sun Wuyi’s energy bombarded the seal of the demon Buou.

Dapra hurriedly grabbed Buffy Di and ducked to the side.


Sun Wulian released his energy to the extreme, all bombarding the seal of the demon Buou.

However, such a huge amount of energy did not leave too many traces on the seal of the demon Buou.

“You idiot, you’re just wasting your energy.” Buffy Dihaha laughed.

Really met the idiot.

This man is really stupid.


Sun Wuyi let out another shout, and saw that the seal of the demon Buou suddenly jumped.

Buffy was stunned.

The Realm King God was also wary of his face.

Daprah’s face was sweating.

Sun Wuyi’s eyes widened.


The next moment, I saw the seal of the demon Buu fall from the sky.

“Don’t they know? The demon Buu has been born… It’s the pink gas that just came out. Myers said.

“If you knew, you wouldn’t have attacked that egg.” Saro smiled.

“That’s true, too…” Myers nodded.


The seal of the demon Buu smashed on the ground, and after rolling on the ground a few times, it split in two and opened from the middle.

The Realm King God was pale with fright at this moment.

“It’s out! Demon Buu! Buffy laughed excitedly.

Then, there is no then.

Inside that egg was empty.


Buffy was dumbfounded.

Dapra is also a face of incredible.

What the?

Have we been busy for so long, just for this empty shell?

“No! It’s not like this, it can’t be like this, why? Why is this so? Buffy was a little incoherent.


I’ve worked so hard for you for so long.

Is it just empty joy in the end?

“Come out, right?” My Buu! Buffy cried out.

“Haha… Ha ha…… We were so lucky. The King of the Realm was stunned, but he did not expect that the progress of the matter would be the result of this.

Sun Wulian was also stunned.

Wouldn’t the demon Buu be killed by the energy I had just had?

My energy just now is not low.

Such a powerful energy may have already beaten the demon Buu into slag.

But…… Why is this egg fine?

Could it be that my attack could already penetrate into the seal?

It doesn’t make sense…

“Buffidi, what a pity, the demon Buu has been destroyed because of the attack just now!” The Realm King God was excited, “Probably the reason is that he dried up in the process of long sleep, no matter how much energy you enter, it is impossible to restore the peak state of the past.” ”

“Whoops…” Buffy cried at the moment.

“Lord Buffy doesn’t have to be sad, even if there is no demon Buu, there is still me here, and don’t we still have a guy named Vegeta who is under our control?” Dapra persuaded him.

Buffy clenched his fists.

What are you?

Compared to my Buou, you are simply vulnerable.

“Goku and Vegeta should have already played a draw.” The King of the Realms said, “Let me deal with Buffydi, Goku you should be able to defeat Daprah, right?” In this way, Buffidi’s ambitions were completely shattered. By the way, Salo and Myers also help out… As long as they are eliminated, the universe will return to peace. ”

Sun Wulian frowned.

Sun Wulian could already clearly feel that a powerful aura was spreading nearby.

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