“Come on Goku, as Goku said, get angry!” Anger is what it takes to show your true strength! The King of the Realm God laughed, “Goku, peace is in sight!” ”

“No… Wrong! Sun Wuyi’s body trembled slightly.

“What?” The King of the Realm was stunned.

“Look, what a big cloud!” Saro pointed to the sky and greeted the crowd.

Myers almost sat on the ground when he heard this.

What a big piece of cloud.

Saro, don’t you know that it’s the Demon Buu?

You actually said it was a cloud.

“No, that cloud is condensing.” Salo continued.

“What?” The face of the King of the Realm changed again and again.

“That cloud… It seemed to have come out of that egg just now. Sun Wuyan also immediately realized that something was not quite right in the situation and looked up at the sky.

“What’s that?” Buffy was also attracted by the clouds in the sky.

“Is it the cloud?” It was as if the smoke that had just come out had come together. Dapra groaned.

The pink clouds in the sky are moving closer together, gradually condensing and deforming.

“Is it true that … Is it…” The World King’s pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of despair.


At this moment, the pink cloud was already condensed in the form of a hand.

Soon, the pink cloud turned into a fat man.


The fat man fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

The demon Buu was officially born.

After Buu landed on the ground, he shook his fat head and looked around.

“Lord Buffydi… Is that guy the Demon Buo? Dapra was a little speechless.

“Well… I haven’t seen him in real shape either, and only the Realm King God has seen it here. Buffy looked at the King of the Realm.

The Realm King God’s whole body was trembling, and cold sweat was coming out of his face, obviously frightened.

“Seeing the expression of the King of the Realm, I think this guy should be the Demon Man Buu.” Buffy Di’s face was happy.

It’s really the demon Buu.

It was so surprising.

Although his appearance is a little unpleasant.

“That guy… Is it really the demon Buu? Sun Wulian asked.

“Yes, I will never forget his terrible face.” The King God of the Realm nodded, his face pale.

Look at the demon Buou, who is doing a warm-up exercise.

“There’s no hope… We probably can’t escape. The King of the Realm said in a deep voice.

“Is this really the case? Although his breath was very powerful, it wasn’t strong enough to be overwhelmed, right? Sun Wuyi sighed, “If I try my best, I may not lose to him.” ”

“Really? Goku. The King of the Realm looked at Sun Wulian in surprise.

“And if you really want to escape… It wasn’t that there was no way, the Realm King God Lord could use teleportation to get out of here. Myers looked at the King of the Realm.

The King of the Realm was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

It seems like it can!

I forgot I would move instantaneously.


I can leave this place immediately by teleportation.

“In this way… Everyone hold hands, and I’ll take you out of here at once!” The King of the Realm God hurriedly proposed.

Sun Wulian hesitated.

How is it possible to leave?

Anyway, I’m going to stay and fight well.

If I leave, what if Buu destroys the planet?

There are also my relatives and friends on the planet.

I will never allow Buu to do evil!

Sun Wulian shook his head firmly.

“Lord Realm King God doesn’t need to be in a hurry to leave first, we may not lose to him.” Saro smiled, “Actually, don’t say it’s me, even Myers can easily defeat that Buu.” ”

The King of the Realm God did not say a word.

You’re really confident.


The other side.

The battle between Son Goku and Vegeta continues.

The energy of the two consumed a lot, and at this time, they were also breathing heavily.

“Damn! I am not going to lose to your Kakarot! Vegeta gritted her teeth and rushed in the direction of Sun Wukong again.

“Wait a minute! Vegeta! Wait a minute. Sun Wukong held out his hand and hurriedly drank, “It is qi, suddenly there is a powerful qi, very powerful, very evil, the demon Buou finally woke up.” ”


Vegeta laughed and the earth that shook was shaking.

“Is it Buu the Devil?” I thought he was a very powerful guy, and who knew that his breath was so little! I had expected this! Kakarot you know? We are now too strong to dominate the crowd and dominate this universe. Vegeta looked at Sun Wukong with a confident face, “You also thought that the King of the Realm was a very powerful guy, but in fact, it was just the opposite, and his performance along the way has always been panicked.” In the eyes of the King of the Realm, the demon Buu is a very terrible existence, but it is not enough for us to be afraid at all. ”

“No… Wrong…… You’re wrong, that breath is absolutely extraordinary. Sun Wukong shook his head hurriedly.

“Hmm, and the classmate of Goku that you think is very good, his name is Saro, right?” Vegeta smiled, “You also think his strength is very strong, and even taught Goku to the point where he can defeat Tranx.” But so what? Along the way, he has been playing soy sauce all the time, and he has no intention of shooting at all. You don’t naively think that his strength is strong enough to disdain to shoot. ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

That’s what I mean.

“It’s impossible!” Vegeta snorted, “If Goku’s classmate is really strong enough to disdain to take a shot, why would he watch the demon Buu come back to life?” It’s ridiculous, and you told him to let him take care of Goku at a critical moment. ”

Sun Wukong did not say a word.

“The most powerful people in the world are not them, but us who are beyond the limit!” Vegeta smiled.

“Vegeta… I always felt like something wasn’t right. Sun Wukong didn’t know how to persuade Vegeta.

“You don’t talk to me less, you must not run away until the victory or defeat is not divided!” Vegeta shouted, “If you dare to be perfunctory to me like the First Martial Arts Conference in the world, I will definitely beat you up and never lift your head.” ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

You’re so stubborn!

I’ve been playing with you for so long, and you haven’t played enough.


“Hey, Buo, I’m Buffidi, and your maker, Bibiddy, is my father.” Buffy walked over to Buu and said to him, “You’ve always been sealed in that egg, so we’ve never met.” But I let you see the light of day again, helped you absorb a lot of energy, and caused you to be resurrected at the peak of energy. ”

Buu snorted and glanced at Buffidi.

“From today onwards, I will be your master!” Buffy Dihaha laughed.


Buu didn’t bother to take care of it and turned his head directly.

“Hey, hey, you hurry up and say hello to me!” Buffy was anxious, “I’m your master!” You can’t do that to me! ”


The demon Buu suddenly turned around and made a grimace at Buffidi.

Buffett was caught off guard, and at that time, his heart was misaligned, his pupils shrank sharply, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


Buu laughed.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Myers: “…”

“Brother, this Buu… There seems to be something wrong with IQ. Myers lowered his voice and said to Saro.

“It’s too normal, that’s because he absorbed the Great Realm King God.” Saro smiled and replied, “The divine power of the Great Realm King God is there.” Although he was absorbed, it would also subtly have a certain impact on Buou. ”

Myers’ eyes widened.

That’s the way it is!

Saro, what you said makes so much sense.

At this moment, Myers even had some admiration for Saro’s inference.

According to Myers’ investigation, the demon Buu is indeed a very evil being, and he does not understand any feelings at all.

Under normal circumstances, he would directly destroy the planet as soon as he was born.

But not now!

And the mind to make a grimace with that magician Buffydi.

This shows that after the Great Realm King God was absorbed by him, he was also making some subtle transformations on him.

“Hmm, after half a day, it turned out to be just a fool who was resurrected.” Dapra looked disdainful, “Lord Buffidi, we seem to have failed, this guy is just a stupid fool, he is not worth all that we have done for him.” ”

Dapura’s words, Buu understood, turned his head and looked over.


Buu shouted loudly and stretched out his arms.

“Hey hey! Hey! Hey! ”

Buu swung his fist and leaped in the direction of Dapura.

“How? Do you want to fight me Dapura? Dapra sneered, “You guy who doesn’t measure up to his own strength, is really a fool!” ”

“Lord Realm King, Buu seems to have an average strength.” Sun Wuyan also looked at the demon Buou silently and couldn’t help but ask.

“How is that possible? He’s the Demon Buo! The King God shook his head.

You will never know the power of the demon Buu.

“What?” Sun Wulian was stunned.


At this moment, the pores on the head and arms of the demon Buu Ou erupted with water vapor.

No, this can’t be called water vapor, it should be called powerful breath.

After sensing this powerful breath, Sun Wuyi’s face became extremely shocked.


Buu Ou shot out, inserting two of his fingers directly into Dapura’s eyes.

Suddenly, Dapura’s eyes lost their light and he let out a cry of pain.


Buu flew up and kicked Daprah out.

“Bang bang bang!”

Dapura’s body bounced several times in a row on the ground, and then he plunged into a stone mountain behind him.

The stone mountain collapsed and Dapra was buried in the stone.

Sun Wulian was stunned, and a cold sweat appeared on his face.

The Realm King God clenched his fists even more, raising his vigilance.

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