Buffy was also surprised.

But soon Buffidi’s surprise turned into surprise.

“Hum.” After Buou destroyed Daprah in two moves, he danced happily.

He even clapped his hands happily and applauded himself.

“Great! Buu Ou is really powerful! Dapra was excited, “It was so easy to defeat Daprah.” ”

“Ahh… The Demon Man Buu’s qi completely exploded, it was simply terrifying. Sun Wulian was terrified.

Sun Wulian could clearly sense how terrifying the Demon Man Buu’s breath was.

At least, as far as his current strength is concerned, he is not his opponent at all.


In the distance, high above the sky.

Tranx and Sun Wutian stopped in the air again.

“What’s that?” How do I feel that there is also a very powerful aura over there, what the hell is going on? Tranx was stunned.

“Where are we going?” Tranx. Sun Wutian asked.

“The gas over there is really frightening.” Tranx said, “I guess that guy should be the demon Buu, right?” ”

“Well, it should be.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Or is the Demon Man more interesting, isn’t it Goten?” Tranx smiled.

“Hmm.” Sun Wutian nodded in approval.

The two of them immediately sped up their flight and flew quickly in the direction of the demon Buu.


The other side.

When the demon Buu erupted with that powerful breath, Sun Wukong and Vegeta temporarily stopped fighting.

Both were silent.

“This breath is becoming more and more strange, the demon Buu is not an idle person after all.” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice, “We really shouldn’t fight at this time, we released this guy indirectly.” ”

Vegeta: “…”

After the silence.

“I don’t care, it has nothing to do with us deciding the winner or loser.” Vegeta snorted.

“Vegeta, let’s go together!” After defeating the demon Buu, we will fight well. Sun Wukong proposed.

“You shut me up!” Vegeta was furious and shouted, “I have sold my soul to Buffy Di in order to restore my original nature, and whoever becomes has nothing to do with me!” ”

“You lied, you didn’t sell all your soul to Buffidi.” Sun Wukong replied.

Vegeta’s whole body was trembling and speechless.

“Okay, I see.” Vegeta said, “Let’s put our victory and defeat aside for a moment, you have been attracted by the qi of the demon Buou, so there is no way to concentrate.” ”

“Vegeta…” Sun Wukong smiled slightly.

“Don’t you still have a fairy bean left?” Give me that fairy bean… Let’s eat separately, so that we don’t replenish our physical strength to peak state, but it’s pretty much the same. Vegeta proposed.

“Ahh… No problem. Sun Wukong said happily, and turned his head to get the fairy beans, “As long as we work together, we will definitely defeat that demon Buou.” ”


Vegeta appeared behind Sun Wukong and punched at the back of his neck.

Sun Wukong’s pupils were white.


Sun Wukong fell to the ground, returned to normal, and was already fainting.

“Hmm, you’re careless.” Vegeta snorted, picked up the fairy beans that had fallen on the ground, and ate them in one bite.


Vegeta’s body erupted with powerful energy.

“I released the demon Buu, so let me clean him up.” Vegeta snorted, “Then I’ll settle the account with you… The premise is that I am still alive. ”


“Hey, Demon Buu, you give me everything I say now, I’m your new master!” Buffy is still struggling to become Buu’s master.

With a look of disdain, Buu made a grimace at Buffy again.

“I only learned from reading Dad’s notes, and I have a spell to seal you.” Buffy said with a black face.

Buu was stunned.

Buffydi: “…”

You special!

You fat man.

Do you have to ask me to say something threatening before you can obey?


Buu Ou performed the salute vigorously.

“Hahaha, that’s good, that’s it.” Buffy smiled happily.

“Lord God of the Realm, the demon Buu looks like a child, as long as we can defeat Buffidi, maybe he won’t do anything bad again.” After Sun Wulian saw this situation, he couldn’t help but say a word.

“No way! Without Buffydi, we would never have been able to seal him again. The King of the Realm God shook his head, “Demon Buu is a very terrible guy, and Buffy Di should not be able to do anything about it… He will definitely have uncontrollable times, so we can only endure until he seals the demon Buu. ”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“As the King of the Realm, I can’t do anything…” The God of the Realm King was very inferior.

“Lord Realm King God must not say that, you are already very good!” Sun Wuyi advised.

“Although you are a human being, your strength has far surpassed mine…” The Realm King God said in a deep voice, “I do have another way… Maybe give it a try. ”

“What’s the solution?” Sun Wulian asked.

“However, it is too late, and we cannot escape the control of the demon Buu!” A few of us won’t survive! The King of the Realm God gritted his teeth.

“Lord God the King of the Realm, what are you talking about?” If we really wanted to escape, we could still run away. Sun Wuyi said confidently, “Even if I run away with the three of you, I think I can escape from this place.” ”

“Isn’t there an instantaneous movement?” Did the Lord of the Realm God forget again? Myers was speechless.

“Yeah, sometimes at this critical juncture, I do forget.” Saro nodded.

“Demon Buu! First Order: Kill 4 of them! Buffy immediately commanded the demon Buu.

The demon Buu raised his arms, and the killing intent in his eyes showed a hint of murder.

“Abominable!” Sun Wuyi gritted his teeth and was about to pull Saro and the King of the Realm and the four people of Myers to flee from here.

However, Sun Wuyan is far away from Saro and Myers.

Thought about it.

“Hey, Buu, you have the ability to chase me.” Sun Wuyan immediately no longer had the slightest hesitation, and pulled the Realm King God into the sky and fled towards the distance.

Sun Wuyi’s meaning could not have been clearer.

He asks Buu to track them down, and he takes the opportunity to let Saro and Myers escape.

“It doesn’t matter, Lord God of the Realm, I’m very confident in my speed.” Sun Wulian smiled.

King of the Realms: “…”

“I’m afraid that Buu will go straight and kill Saro and Myers… Don’t come after us. The King of the Realm smiled bitterly.

“Rest assured, Lord God of the Realm, Buu will definitely come after us!” Sun Wuyi said affirmatively, “Even if he doesn’t come, Buffy Di will definitely order him to come and track him down, no matter what, you are Buffidi’s father’s enemy.” ”

The King of the Realm thought about it, and what Sun Wulian said made sense.

This kid wasn’t so brainless.

That way, Saro and Myers can get out of here.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Buu! That guy and the King of the Realm God ran away! Go after them first! These two people don’t matter! Buffy looked at Saro and Myers and didn’t take them seriously.

The two men were playing soy sauce the whole time.

I don’t care who you are.

My main purpose now is to kill the King of the Realm.

“Hey, you two better stay there honestly, otherwise, wherever you flee, I’ll find you and have the demon Buu kill you.” Buffy Di threatened, but he was also afraid that when Bu Ou went to track down Sun Wuyi and the King of the Realm, they would take the opportunity to deal with themselves.

I shouldn’t have let Buu beat Daprah to death just now, let Dapra stay with me, and be my bodyguard is also a good thing.

“Let’s go!” Buu! Hurry up and chase! Kill them for me! Buffy Di sighed.

Buu Ou is already in a tracking posture.

“Brother, we are now… What to do? Do you want to find a way to awaken the Great Realm King God? Myers asked.

“Thoughts? Buu has woken up and is best suited to have a good fight at this time. Saro smiled, “Won’t you try it?” He’s a very good opponent. ”

Myers: “…”

“But… If we use too much angelic power, we will disappear. Myers smiled bitterly.

“You’re so timid.” Saro sighed, “To his extent, how much angelic power do you want to use?” ”

“It’s also … Or…… I try? Myers thought for a moment and said to Saro.

“Go, if I had to deal with him, it would have been too easy, and it wouldn’t have been fun.” Saro smiled.

“Brother, you have entered the second layer, you should be able to crush him easily.” Myers nodded.

“Yeah, I kind of regret that I improved myself so fast.” Saro said seriously.

Myers: “…”

Without such a pose.

“Okay! I’m on! Myers said, and the angel costume had already emerged.

And that’s not all, even his angelic scepter also appeared in his hand.

Also, the blue angelic aura around Myers’ neck was even more looming at this moment.

Bu Ou, the demon who was preparing to track down Sun Wuyi and the King of the Realm, was a little stunned at that time after seeing this scene.

What’s the change?

Buffy Di on the side did not say a word, and could not help but widen his eyes.

What the?

How do you hear them mean that they want to challenge the demon Buu?

These two guys are idiots, right?

Don’t you know the power of the demon Buu?


Saro slapped Myers to the ground with a slap.

“What do you do?” Saro reprimanded.

“I… I challenged him. Myers looked confused.

What am I doing?

“Hit this guy, you still use angel costumes and scepters?” Saro drank in disgust, “It is enough to use the power of your Galactic Patrol. ”

“Uh… But…… Not necessarily his opponent…” Myers scratched his head.

“It is precisely because the power of the Galactic Patrol is not his opponent that you are allowed to challenge him, so that you can hone your willpower and enhance your angelic power.” Saro explained, “If you directly use too much angelic power and kill him with three punches and two punches, it will not help you in any way.” ”

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