Myers glanced at Sun Wulian and did not answer.

“By the way, what’s the matter?” Myers asked his colleagues.

Myers’ phone call was more important.

Because when Myers left the Galactic Patrol for Earth, he had already greeted his colleagues.

If there’s nothing particularly important, don’t call yourself.

But now, the phone rang.

That means that something big is definitely going on.

“Team Mels, something is wrong! Mara… Run! The voice of the Galaxy Patrol came at that time.

“What do you say?” Myers’ face changed color.

“Maro has run! He escaped from prison! The galactic patrol said hurriedly.

“What? Isn’t that nice? Why jailbreak? Myers was shocked.

“It’s true that he’s been held in galactic prison all along, but… We overlooked a very important issue! In a cell on the left side of his cell, there is a faint crack in the connected wall, through which Maro can absorb the energy of others… The reason why the two earthlings who had been imprisoned before died was caused by his absorption of energy. The Galactic Patrol quickly replied, “At that time, we were not surprised, but felt that the two Earthlings were not suitable for the space environment… Just the other day, we were holding another prisoner, and as a result, the prisoner’s energy was absorbed by him. That is, his magic has recovered a little bit, and he has broken through the cell, robbed a spaceship and escaped. ”

Myers: “…”

Maro ran away?

This is a big problem.

“Do you know where he went?” Myers was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the affairs of the demon Buu.

As he was talking, he saw that the demon Buu had already rushed out of the ruins.

That kind of indifferent look made Sun Wuyi’s heart sink.

“Saro’s younger brother … Haven’t you finished your phone yet? Sun Wulian was about to cry.

When is this all over, and why are you still calling?

The prisoner whose name is Moro… Does it matter?

It’s really head-opening.

Isn’t the most important thing now to defeat this demon Buu together?

The King of the Realm God was also speechless.

This Galaxy Patrol, you are really unreliable.

What are you doing?

Can you please stop calling now?

“Maro is heading in the direction of the Earth… That’s why I gave you this call… Our side is also hunting him down! The voice of the Galaxy Patrol rang out again.

“What? Why did it come in the direction of the Earth? Myers’ face changed color again.

“It is possible that through those two earthlings, he learned the reason why human beings were born on the earth.” The Galactic Rangers replied, “He went to Earth, most likely to absorb the energy on Earth… If you let him absorb the energy on the earth…”

The latter words, the galactic patrolman did not say.

But what Myers can be sure of is that the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Myers is confident that this demon Buu can still handle it himself.

Even if I can’t handle it, isn’t there still Saro?

However, if it is Mara…

“I see, I’ll find a way to subdue him.” Myers said in a deep voice.

“Well, please be careful!” When the Galactic Patrol finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Finally finished the call.

Now you can fight, right?

We all fight side by side, and maybe we can defeat this demon Buou.

“Brother!” Myers immediately came to Saro’s side.

“I hear you.” Saro nodded and asked, “The two Earthlings he said won’t be the two I asked you to capture, would they?” ”

“Yes, that’s right.” Myers replied.

Saro sighed.

Sure enough, the butterfly effect came.

If I hadn’t appeared, Peach White and the Crane Immortals wouldn’t have been captured by the Galactic Patrol.

If they are not captured, the cell next to Moro will not hold prisoners for the time being.

Even if it was imprisoned, it would be years later.

It’s just that now it’s good, this guy Moro actually escaped from prison early.

Moreover, Maro was also coming in the direction of the earth.

“Brother, since you know Lord God of the Great Realm, you must know a lot about Moro?” Myers asked hurriedly.

“Yes, this man is dangerous, if he returns to peak condition with your current abilities… I’m afraid that only by erupting all the angelic power can I defeat him. Saro nodded.

“What a joke… Then I’ll disappear. Myers wiped his sweat.

“Just now I heard your colleague mean that Maro seems to have only recovered a little bit of magic, so it is still easy to arrest him at this time.” Saro smiled.

Myers’ eyes lit up.

Oh, yes!

At this time, there was definitely no problem in capturing Moro.

“Let’s go, let’s go and capture Mara.” Saro smiled.

“Brother, will you come with me?” Myers was stunned, and thought Saro wasn’t going to help.

“I’m not sure if you go by yourself.” Saro nodded.

“Well… What about this side? Myers asked.

“Rest assured, no one will die here for a while and a half.” Saro smiled, “Aren’t there still Goku and Vegeta?” ”

“That’s true…” Myers nodded solemnly, then looked diagonally behind, his face slightly discolored, “He’s here!” It’s almost time to reach Earth. ”

“Let’s go.” Saro smiled, “Before he can attack the earth, find a way to control him.” ”

“Understood!” Myers responded.

“Yikes! Shout! ”

Saro and Myers took off.

“Hey… Sallo, what are you going to do? Sun Wulian looked distressed and couldn’t help asking.

The Realm King God was also a little confused.

How did you hear them talk about the Great Realm King God just now?

However, if they were the gods of the galaxy, there was nothing surprising about knowing that the Great Realm King God Lord was not surprised.

“There’s a terrible prisoner running out of the galactic prison, Myers has to get him back, and I’ll help him.” Saro said, “This side will be handed over to you, hold on, and in a moment we will be back.” ”

“Let’s go!” Myers said hurriedly.

A little demon Buou, or don’t care.

The most important thing now is to get the Maro done first.

“Yikes! Shout! ”

Saro and Myers sped up their flight, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

Buou, who had just fallen to the ground from the rubble, looked at Saro and Myers with a defiant look on his face, and saw that these two people flew away at once.

Buu scratched his head and glanced in the direction the two men had left.

Buu Ou looked at Sun Wuyi again.

“Just now… You kicked me, right? Buou’s eyes showed killing intent.

Sun Wulian did not say a word.

The King of the Realm God did not speak either.

The mentality of the two men was about to collapse.

That prisoner named Mara, is that important?

Now the thing about the demon Buou is the most important thing, right?

How did you guys get out?

If you want to escape, can you find another reason?

“What to do? Lord God of the Realm? Sun Wulian suddenly returned to his senses.

“There’s no way, Goku! At this point, I will immediately take you to the Realm King God Realm! The King of the Realm God groaned.

“No… I’m going to fight! Sun Wulian gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Even Saro’s brother was able to beat the buo’s ass out of the way.

As a Saiyan of the Fighting Nation, can I still be afraid of him?

No kidding, how could I lose to him?

The king god of the realm was speechless.

“Okay, that’s it! Buu, I’m going to deal with you! Sun Wuyan appeared opposite the demon Buu.


However, the demon Buu had no intention of fighting with Sun Wuyi at all, and immediately turned into a golden flame and quickly chased after Saro and Myers in the direction where they disappeared.

The guy with the stick, beat me like this, do you want to run away?

I’m going to turn you into chocolate and eat you.

I just happened to be hungry.

Buffydi: “…”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

“Hey, Buu! Hurry back and get these two guys sorted out first! Buffy cried out.

However, Buu Ou could no longer hear it, and had already flown far away.

Buffy Di suddenly looked at Sun Wuyi and the King of the Realm with an embarrassed face.

Sun Wulian just wanted to chase.

However, after taking a look at Buffidi, he gave up for the time being.

Now I can only pray that Salo will not be caught up by him.

But even if you catch up, there is Saro’s younger brother, you should be able to beat him back, right?

“Lord God the King of the Realm, kill him?” Sun Wuyi hurriedly said, “The demon Buu is just a child’s character, as long as he kills Buffidi, maybe he will become a good person.” ”

While saying this, Sun Wuyan turned his hand to Buffidi.

As soon as an energy bounces past, Buffy Di will die completely.

“Kill me, and there will be no one to seal the demon Buu anymore!” Buffy was startled and said hurriedly.

The Realm King God shook his head vigorously.

Buffy was slightly relieved.

“No, as I said just now, only he can seal the demon Buou, and if he dies, the demon Buu will have no one to stop him.” The King of the Realm looked at Sun Wu.

“But I just saw that Saro’s younger brother…” Sun Wuyan held a different opinion.

“Goku, you see that Myers has the upper hand, but so what?” Could it be that the demon Buu was injured? Or was he killed? Still unable to move? The King God of the Realm retorted, “He just has some strange moves, if he fights for a long time, he may have been killed by the demon Buou.” ”

Sun Wulian thought about it, and what the King God of the Realm said was also correct.

Actually, I think so too.

Now, even Lord Realm King God said the same thing, which proves that my guess is not wrong.

Just simply possessing that strange trick, without powerful energy, how could he possibly kill the demon Buu?

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