“That… Now what? Sun Wulian asked.

“Buffidi, I’ll give you one last chance to seal the demon Buu!” The Realm King God scolded, “You should have just seen that the demon Buu is not so easy to control, even your father can’t completely control him, even if your strength is stronger than your father, but if you want to completely control him, I’m afraid it’s impossible.” ”

“Well, I see, I also find that he is not so easy to control.” Buffy nodded immediately, “You’re right, maybe I’ll be killed by him.” ”

The King of the Realm looked at Buffy Di with deep surprise.

“So, I heed your advice, and when he returns, I’ll seal him with magic.” Buffy said seriously.

“I hope you don’t lie to me, and I don’t want you to play with fire and set yourself on fire.” The World King God nodded.

“Lord God the King of the Realm, he is obviously a liar, let’s not believe him!” Sun Wuyi leaned over and faced the Realm King Shinto.

“But… Is it really going to kill him? The Realm King God asked, “If you kill him, no one can control the demon Buu anymore.” ”

Sun Wulian was entangled.

Kill or don’t kill!

This problem is so difficult to solve.



The demon Buu turned into a golden light in the sky, and quickly chased after Saro and Myers.

“He’s coming after him…” Myers was speechless.

This guy is really tough enough.

“Ignore him, let’s speed up.” Saro greeted.

“Okay.” Myers nodded.


Saro and Myers turned into two brilliant flames of light and quickly disappeared into the void, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The demon Buu had already caught up with the two people, when he saw the two brilliant flames…

There is no then.

Because, Salo and Myers have disappeared.

The speed was so fast that the demon Buu did not react for a while.

How can there be such a fast speed?

The demon Buu scratched his head in confusion.

Who are these two people?

Forget it, leave it alone.

No, I can’t go back and clean up the guy who kicked me first.


The demon Buu went and returned.


The demon Buu fell back to Sun Wuyi’s side.

“Buu, you’re back!” You must have killed both of them.” Buffy was overjoyed and rushed forward to ask.

The demon Buu did not speak with a black face.

I lost it!

Do you believe it?

“You… What happened to my classmate Saro? Sun Wulian asked hurriedly.

“Aren’t you dead yet?” Buu didn’t bother to answer Sun Wuyi’s question and punched him in the face.

Sun Wuyi was horrified and hurriedly waved his arms to resist the attack of the demon Buou.


Buu’s fist easily broke through Sun Wulian’s defenses and bombarded Sun Wulian’s chest on the spot.

Sun Wuyan flew out backwards at that time, and his body smashed into the stone mountain in the distance.

“Hey, Buffydi, hurry!” The King of the Realm God hurriedly drank.

“Hahaha, King of the Realm, are you an idiot?” Buffy sneered, “Do you think I’ll seal my demon Buu?” You are so childish. ”

“What do you say? Sooner or later you will play with fire and self-immolation. The King of the Realm shouted angrily.

“Buou, kill him for me.” Buffy ordered and laughed, “You missed the best chance to kill me, you deserve it!” ”

Buu gave a sly smile and walked in the direction of the Realm King God.


The Realm King God suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the divine power in his hand surged out and hit the body of the demon Buou.

The demon Buu only tilted his head back slightly, followed by the same person as no one else.

The face of the King of the Realm God changed color.


The demon Buu spread his arms and slapped them on the faces of the Realm King God at once.

Suddenly, the head of the Realm King God twisted and changed shape.


The demon Buu punched again.

This punch passed, and at that time, the King of the Realm God was hit into the earth.

“Haha, great!” Buffy was overjoyed.

However, Buffy Di is a little strange that the guy with the stick just now has always had the upper hand in front of Buou.

I also thought for a while that Buou’s strength had declined.

Now seeing Buou easily beating up the World King God and the boy, it shows that Buu’s strength is still so strong.

“Well done, kill him!” Buffy cried out in excitement.

The demon Buu hummed a little tune and walked unhurriedly to the side of the World King God.


The eyes of the Realm King God slammed into each other, and divine power burst out of his eyes again.


The body of the demon Buu leaned back again, followed by a grin.


Immediately afterward, the demon Bu Ou learned the appearance of the King of the Realm and suddenly his eyes widened.

A powerful energy rushed towards the body of the Realm King God.

The King of the Realm God was knocked out at that moment, and his body rubbed against the ground, leaving a long mark on the ground.

The demon Buu made a magnificent leap and pressed his fat body heavily on the back of the Realm King God.


The blood in the mouth of the Realm King God spurted wildly, and a terrible wail was emitted.

The demon Buu clapped his hands happily.

Having just fought the guy with the stick, Buu felt too depressed.

Although the other party’s damage is not high, it is extremely insulting.

He fought for half a day, but he didn’t even touch his clothes.

The previous battle with that guy made the demon Buu a little suspicious of life.

If you can’t fight for half a day, you say you are afraid or not.

Well, this guy is very abusive.

Or this guy is funny.

I wanted to turn you into chocolate chip cookies and eat them.

For your sake of being so funny, spare you first.

Good torture torture you again.

“Hahahahaha, look, is this the King God of the Realm standing at the peak of the universe?” Buffy sneered and laughed wildly, “Are you lying here taking a nap?” It is hard for me to imagine that you are the greatest God in our universe. Hahaha, you deserve it! You idiot, I’ll take care of your aftermath. ”


As soon as Buffy finished speaking, he saw a golden flame coming at a rapid pace.

It was Sun Wuyi.

Sun Wulian sped up from a distance and kicked at the face of the demon Buu.

Suddenly, the face of the demon Buu was sunken into a piece.

The demon Buu was not kicked to the ground this time, but turned over a few heels on the ground and stopped steadily.


The sunken face was also immediately restored by him.

“Damn! Is this guy that strong? Sun Wulian clenched his fists.

How do I feel, his strength is much stronger than me.

My attack had no effect on him at all.

What to do?

Knowing this, I should have just left here with Lord Realm King.

But how did Saro’s brother beat him to the point of not being able to fight back?

It’s weird.

“Don’t mess around, you guy!” The demon Buu suddenly began to speak.

Sun WuXian was stunned for a moment, and then he clenched his fist and attacked the demon Buou.


The demon Buu pushed forward with both hands, and a huge energy bombarded out at that moment.

A huge energy bomb hit Sun Wulian’s body at that time, hitting Sun Wulian and flying out.

The speed of the energy bullet is extremely fast.

At this rate, this energy bomb will take Sun Wulian away from the earth and into the universe.

At that time, Sun Wuyan would undoubtedly die.

“Hahaha, can’t see it, has flown to the end of the universe.” Buffy Di danced excitedly.

The Realm King God gritted his teeth and stood up, exhausted the last bit of divine power, and opened his eyes suddenly.


The energy bomb that flew quickly with Sun Wuyi exploded in the air on the spot.

The Realm King God breathed a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, Sun Wuyan was still alive.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Buffy Di was stunned and looked at the King of the Realm God and asked.

The King God of the Realm did not pay attention to him.

What do I do?

Why should I tell you?

You little man who has no faith in his words.

You said you were going to seal the demon Buu.

“Okay, I’ll leave this guy to you.” Buffy faced Buou Dao.


The demon Buu’s stomach screamed.

“I’m hungry… I ate him anyway. The demon Buu patted himself on the stomach.

“Huh?” Buffy Di’s face was confused.

Do you still eat people?


Just then, a spear pierced through the heart of the demon Buu on the spot and passed from the back to the front chest.

It was Dapura, who had just turned over the fatigue.


Daprah gasped for breath.

“Dapura? You’re alive? You guy, what the hell do you want to do? Buffy cried out angrily.

Above the sky.

At this time, Sun Wutian and Tranx finally appeared nearby.

“Gokuten, look, over there!” Tranx hurriedly pointed to the demon Buu and the others not far below.

“Well, I see.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Quick! Let’s go over there and take a look at it first. Tranx proposed.


The two men descended from the sky and landed on a nearby hill, looking into the distance.

“Huh? It’s all guys we don’t know. Tranx looked into the distance in thought.

“Isn’t the one lying over there the strange guy who appeared at the First Martial Arts Conference under Heaven?” Sun Wutian pointed to the Realm King God lying on the ground.

“It’s really him… Was this guy defeated? Tranx made a gesture of thought.

“Huh? Tranx, look what’s over there? Sun Wutian pointed to the Bik stone sculpture that appeared not far away.

“Huh?” Tranxton was curious.

The two children walked quietly toward the place where Birk’s stone sculpture was.

“How can there be a stone sculpture of Uncle Bicker here?” Tranx stroked the clothes on top of the Birk stone sculpture slightly.


The stone sculpture lost its balance and fell to the ground on the spot, turning into several pieces.

The two children were frightened, and then jumped to the side and hid.

“It doesn’t seem to be responding…” Tranx breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s going on? It’s weird. Sun Wutian was also confused.

The two little ones no longer paid attention to Bick’s stone carving, but continued to look into the distance.

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