“Lord Buffidi, the demon Buu can never be your loyal subordinate, and one day he will bring you disaster and make you helpless.” Dapra gritted his teeth and said to Buffidi, “If you don’t clean him up now…”

“Shut up! You shut me up, and you weren’t allowed to say that about my demon Buu. Buffy was furious.


As he was talking, the demon Buu drew a spear inserted into himself.

Immediately afterward, the demon Buu regained his body through regeneration.

“What?” Dapra was horrified.

“I want to… Ate you! The demon Buu looked at Dapra coldly.

Daprah’s face became unusually ugly.

This guy!

Is he immortal?

“Ate you, ate you, ate you.” The demon Buu danced and looked at Dapra with a defiant face.

Dapra was furious and threw his fist in the direction of the demon Buu.


The tentacles on the head of the demon Buu moved slightly, flashing a pink flame.

Suddenly, the flames of light hit Daprah’s body.

Dapura instantly shrinks the deformation.

In the blink of an eye, Dapra drew a chocolate chip cookie.

Buu licked his lips, opened his mouth, and shoved the cookie into his mouth at once.


The demon Buu chewed the biscuit and ate it.

Sun Wutian and Tranx, who were watching the play in the distance, were stunned, and their faces changed again and again in fright.

Can this guy actually turn people into cookies and eat them?

Isn’t this a typical wolf grandmother story?

It was simply horrible!

As soon as Dapra died, he became a stone bik, and he also immediately recovered his body.

Although the body was torn apart, the damage was not fatal.

Fortunately, Bik will regenerate, and soon through regeneration, his body will be restored to its original form.

“Huh? What the? What is that? How terrible is this guy’s anger. After Bik recovered, after feeling the breath of the demon Buou, his face also turned pale.

“Huh? Uncle Bick? Tranx was stunned and turned his head to look at Bik.

“Tranx, Goshin, why are you here?” Bik asked hurriedly.

Bick had just recovered from his stone form, and there was still a little bit of no reaction.

“I would like to ask you, Uncle Bik, we didn’t sense your breath at all, how did you suddenly appear?” Tranx asked.

“No, it won’t… Uncle Bik wouldn’t be the stone sculpture he had just been, right? Sun Wutian guessed.

Tranx’s heart sank.

The stone sculpture just now was accidentally knocked down by me.

It all seemed to be shattered.

“Yes, I am the stone sculpture just now.” Bik nodded, “There was a guy with horns before, his name was Dapura, and he spit at me, and I became a stone sculpture.” ”

“The horned guy?” Tranx was stunned.

“Probably the guy who just got eaten.” Sun Wutian guessed.

“Yes, that’s right! If he hadn’t died, Uncle Bik probably wouldn’t have been back to his original state. Tranx nodded vigorously.

“Well, that’s the way it is.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“But… How did Uncle Bick recover? I accidentally knocked you down…” Tranx felt like a kid who had done something wrong.

“As long as my head doesn’t hurt, I can regenerate.” Bick explained and then asked, “What the hell is going on?” Where are Goku? And Goku. ”

“I don’t know, we just came.” Sun Wutian replied.

“Who is that weird guy?” Is he the demon Buu? Tranx asked.

“Seems to be…” Bicker wasn’t quite sure.

“That guy was horrible, he turned that horned guy into a chocolate chip cookie and ate it.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

Bick: “…”

Bik took a closer look and found the King of the Realm God lying on the ground.

“Hell yes! That’s Lord God of the Realm! Bicker said in a deep voice.

“Hey, Buu, by the way, eat this guy of the King of the Realm.” Buffy proposed.

“Wow!” Buu nodded and patted himself on the stomach.

“Not bad! Lord Realm God is going to be eaten! Bik gritted his teeth and stood up, about to go up and save the King of the Realm.

“That guy is terrible, Uncle Bik.” Sun Wutian said calmly, “That longhorned guy stabbed him with a gun before, and he penetrated his body at once, but he didn’t care at all.” ”

Bick: “…”

Bick clenched his fists tightly.

What to do?

Lord Realm God was still there, about to be eaten as a biscuit.

That is the greatest God in the universe.

If it is eaten, it is not good.


The tentacles on the head of the demon Buu moved slightly, aiming in the direction of the Realm King God.

The King of the Realm was all gray, and his body was shaking violently.

“Hahaha, King of the Realm, this is what you deserve.” Buffy Dihaha laughed, “After you are destroyed, I will ask Buu to find the other two guys who have escaped.” ”

“Who were the two people that the guy said were running away?” Bik asked, “It can’t be Goku and Vegeta, right?” ”

“Daddy, did they run?” Sun Wutian was puzzled.

“No way, Dad would never be a deserter!” Tranx nodded vigorously.


Just as Tranx’s voice had fallen, a loud bang suddenly erupted from the ground in the distance.

Suddenly, a huge amount of energy rose from the earth.

Such a huge impact startled both the demon Buu and Buffidi.

“What’s that?” What happened? Bick was shocked.

“I… That’s my spaceship! Buffy suddenly realized something and couldn’t help but cry out.


The next moment, I saw Vegeta slowly falling from the sky.

“It’s Daddy!” Tranx was excited.

My dad is here!

How could my dad be a deserter?

Uncle Bick, you really talk nonsense!

“Vegeta, you guy! What do you want? I didn’t order you to destroy my spaceship. Buffy cried out angrily.

“Hmm, that ugly fool is the demon Buu?” Vegeta snorted, “You killed Goku, didn’t you?” ”

In Vegeta’s view, Goku’s breath had completely disappeared.

Therefore, Vegeta subconsciously thought that Sun Wulian had been killed.

“What?” Bik was a downwind ear, and his face turned pale after hearing the news.

“What did Daddy say?” Tranx asked hurriedly.

Bick didn’t answer, his body shaking violently.

“Also, didn’t I remember Saro and that Galactic Patrol being here too?” Are they dead in battle? Or ran away? Vegeta snorted.

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