“Ugly… What is the meaning? Buu turned his head and looked at Buffidi.

“That means your face looks weird and ugly.” Buffy explains.

Buu smiled, and his face became unusually cold.


Immediately afterward, Buu’s body erupted with a powerful breath, and layers of white gas erupted from the stomata.

“I’m going to kill you!” I’ll kill you! Buu growled.

People who say I’m ugly won’t live tomorrow!

“Kill him, this guy is of no use anyway.” Buffy nodded.

“Then let me clean you up.” Vegeta snorted coldly, but her face became more and more solemn, and even there was a trace of unconfidence in her eyes.

King of the Realms: “…”

The king god of the realm lay on the ground and looked at Vegeta silently.

It’s over!

Vegeta this guy is dead.


Vegeta’s breath exploded wildly.


Vegeta flew up and kicked Buon’s chubby face.

Suddenly, Buu’s chubby face sank into it.


Vegeta’s attack was still very strong, and another heavy punch hit Buou in the nose.

“Bang bang bang!”

Vegeta launched an extremely powerful attack on the demon Buu.

For a moment, the demon Buou stepped back step by step, and was beaten into a meat sandbag, which seemed to have no ability to resist.

Buffy was scared silly on the sidelines.

How to be beaten again!

Buou, aren’t you very powerful?

How to make Vegeta play this virtue.

“Hey, Buu, what the hell is going on?” What the hell are you doing?” Buffy said hurriedly.

That’s not true!

You were still very strong and mighty just now.

“Haha, great!” Sun Wutian called out excitedly.

“Daddy! Excellent! Tranx waved his hand even more happily.

“Vegeta this guy has surpassed the Super Saiyan, it’s incredible, he’s more powerful than Goku and Saru when they fought.” Bik said a word.

However, even Goku was killed by the demon Buu.

Can Vegeta be his opponent?

Bic was not optimistic about Vegeta.


In the distance, Vegeta kicked past again, knocking Buu to the ground.


Buu jumped up from the ground.

The next moment, Buona’s beaten body quickly returned to its original form.

However, at this moment, the demon Buu was slightly stunned.

I saw that Vegeta on the opposite side was condensing golden energy, and her whole body was shining with golden light, surrounded by purple electricity.

Between the whiskers, a golden sphere bloomed from Vegeta’s body.

Buu’s pupils narrowed slightly.


Vegeta’s hand shot out a golden energy that penetrated Buu’s body directly.

Buu fell to the ground, and a plume of white smoke came out of his body.

Buffy opened his mouth, his eyes wide open, completely dumbfounded.

“Hmm.” Vegeta was also smiling, and the corners of her mouth triumphantly drew an arc.

“Great, win!” Tranx said excitedly.

However, just after Tranx had finished saying this, he saw the demon Buu stand up from the ground.


The demon Buu gritted his teeth, and the hole in his body was immediately restored by him.

“It hurts a little bit!” The demon Buu had a cold face and looked at Vegeta on the other side.

“Are you immortal?” Vegeta gritted her teeth.

“Hahaha, great, Buu, kill him for me.” Buffy Di danced excitedly.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you! ”

Buu’s body suddenly condensed into a pink energy flame.

The energy flame was getting stronger and stronger, getting bigger and bigger.

Vegeta, who was beside the demon Buu, was shocked.

Buffy was also stunned.

What does this guy want to do?

Indiscriminate killing?


The body of the demon Buu erupted with endless energy, and this energy centered on him quickly spread to all sides.

“Not bad! Protective covers! Buffy was horrified and hurriedly opened a protective shield for himself.

“Run!” Bik hurriedly greeted Sun Wutian and Tranx.

Look at Vegeta again.

At this time, it was obviously too late to escape, so he had to cross his arms to protect his head.


The Big Bang began.

A powerful shock wave bombarded the crowd of people present indiscriminately.

When everything calmed down, with the demon Buu as the center, a huge hemispherical depression appeared around him.

Buu was suspended above the hollow.

Buffy Di also appeared nearby, wiping a cold sweat with a palpitation.

Buffidi’s body has an energy shield.

“It’s dangerous, I almost died just now.” Buffy was relieved.


The stone mountain where Sun Wutian and Tranx were located was also flattened.

The three fell to the ground.

“Are you two all right?” Bik asked hurriedly.

Then Bick seemed to realize something and looked off into the distance.

“Lord God the King of the Realm!” Bik exclaimed.


Just now, Lord Realm King God was nearby.

Lord Realm God will not be killed, right?

Did the greatest god in the universe just die?

Bik felt endless despair at this moment.

Sun Wulian was dead.

The Realm King God was gone.

What the hell is going on in the world?

“Daddy!” Tranx exclaimed.

I saw that in the distance, Vegeta’s body, although the golden glow flashed, but because of the big explosion just now, the arm was already injured.

“Abominable!” Vegeta gritted her teeth and stood up with her arms covered.

“You guy is still alive, and if you don’t betray me, you’ll be a good bodyguard.” Buffy Di looked at Vegeta a little surprised and proposed, “By the way, do you want to continue to be my bodyguard, I can keep you alive, I am still a good talker.” ”

Buffy said this because he had scared Saro and Myers before.

If there are many people on the other side, then play the trick just now, people will kill me, what can I do?

So Buffy wanted to come and go, and Vegeta was the most suitable bodyguard.

This man is powerful.

Wait until you have eliminated these opponents one by one, and then let Buu kill Vegeta.

I’m so smart.

Bick’s face changed again and again.

Even Vegeta was no match for him.

What to do?

Bik could see that Vegeta was probably far inferior to the demon Buu.

“My dad will never lose to that demon Buu!” Tranx said to Bick.

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