Bic didn’t say a word, but the expression on his face could already be seen that Vegeta had little hope of victory.

Tranx was speechless.

“You’re finished!” The demon Buu landed opposite Vegeta.

Vegeta stared at the fat pink man.

What to do? How am I going to bring down this monster?


The demon Buu grabbed his belly and ripped a piece of flesh from it.

Vegeta was stunned.

Is there such an operation?

Sun Wutian and the other three people were also shocked.


The piece of flesh that Buu had ripped off was stretched several times as long as ramen.


Buu’s mouth suddenly spewed out a burst of energy, spewing it in the direction of Vegeta.

Vegeta was horrified, and almost without the slightest hesitation, jumped up in a hurry.


Buu quickly threw the slices of meat in his hand towards Vegeta’s body.


Suddenly, the slices of meat rolled Vegeta into twists.


Vegeta fell from the sky and slammed into the ground.

“Bastard!” Vegeta was furious.

“Hey!” Buu flew up and kicked Vegeta out.


Then the demon Buu descended from the sky and sat on Vegeta’s body.


Vegeta spewed a large amount of blood from her mouth.

“Bang bang bang!”

Buu sat down on Vegeta’s body, punching him in the face.

“Wow!” Tranx’s whole body was shaking.

Sun Wutian also gritted his teeth.

Sun Wutian is a child after all.

I have been able to maintain a calm mentality before, also because it is only a game of the nature of competition.

But now, seeing that Vegeta was about to be killed, Sun Wutian was also very angry.

“Tranx, you’re going to die in vain, and you’re going to cause trouble for Vegeta!” Bick said hurriedly.

“I don’t!” With a loud roar, Tranx turned into a Super Saiyan and sped away in the direction of Vegeta.

“Hey!” Bicker drank.

“Tranx! I go too! Sun Wutian said, the golden flames on his body bloomed, his hair stood up high, and the image of the Super Saiyan was about to be revealed.

But then, a voice suddenly appeared in Sun Wutian’s mind.

“Gokuten, no matter at all times, you must keep a calm mind!”

Sun Wutian’s eyes lit up slightly, and the golden flame on his body was extinguished at once.


Sun Wutian returned to normalcy and swept away into the distance.

Bick was stunned.

What is Goku trying to do?

How to become a Super Saiyan for a while, and then change again for a while.

Come to think of it!

Goku was learning Saro’s trick.

When is this all over, and hasn’t it become a Super Saiyan?

“These two fools!” Bick gritted his teeth and had to follow.


Tranx sped in from a distance and kicked at the body of the demon Buu.

The demon Buu was kicked and flew at that time, and his body penetrated several stone mountains and flew far away.

Sun Wutian stepped forward and grabbed the piece of the demon Buu’s flesh and pulled Vegeta out.

“Dad, you’re going to hold on.” Tranx Road.

“Uncle, is it all right?” Sun Wutian also asked anxiously.

“Who are these two little guys?” Does he still have such a friend? Buffy Di was stunned, “However, it doesn’t matter how many such guys there are, my demon Buu is invincible in the world, I let him kill all the people, hahahahaha.” ”

“Although the demon Buu is unforgivable, Buffidi, you are the culprit in this incident.” Bick’s voice rang out behind Buffydi.

“You… Who are you? Buffy was startled and turned his head to look behind him.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, I can’t kill the demon Buu, but I can kill you.” Bic cold channel.

“Ahem, idiot! If I kill me, there is no way to seal Buu again. Buffy laughed and said, “Then he will destroy the whole world, which do you think is better?” ”

“Isn’t it the same if you don’t die?” Right? Bik sneered.

Buffydi: “…”

This guy is not good at fooling around.

He was much smarter than the King of the Realm.

This is bad.

“Hey, Buu, Demon Buu, what are you doing?” Kill this guy! Kill him! Buffy hurriedly called out to the demon Buu.

“Go and die!”

Bik waved his palm and directly cut off the body of the magician Buffy Di with his large hand.

Buffidi’s body split in two, fell from the air, and fell into the spherical depression.

“Yuck! You rubbish! Bik headed in Buffidi’s direction and spat out.

At this time, Vegeta also stood up and looked up silently at Bik in the sky.

After a brief silence.

“Tranx, take care of Mom.” Vegeta said.

“Huh?” Tranx was stunned.

Vegeta did not speak.

“Daddy, what are you talking about?” Why let me take good care of my mother? Tranx was puzzled.

“Hurry up and run away, Demon Man Buou and I will deal with it alone.” Vegeta groaned.

“No, we have to fight together, Dad alone will be killed by him, and the three of us will definitely be able to defeat him.” Tranx said hurriedly.

“Yes, uncle, I’m awesome.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“No, it doesn’t matter how many people come, you won’t kill him with ordinary play.” Vegeta shook her head.

“Huh? We were really strong! Father. Tranx said again.

“Yes uncle, I’m strong too!” Sun Wutian also said.

“Tranx, I never held you when you were a baby.” Vegeta said suddenly.

Tranx was a little confused.

Say what? I don’t understand what you mean Daddy.

“Let me hug…” Vegeta said to Tranks, holding out her right hand.

Tranx looked confused.

Vegeta stepped forward and hugged Tranx.

“What’s wrong with you? Father? Tranx was speechless.

Vegeta did not speak.

“If only it hadn’t been … Dad, I’m sorry for that. Tranx said hurriedly.

“Take care, Tranx.” Vegeta smiled at Tranks.

“Huh?” Tranx suddenly realized something was wrong.


Vegeta gently slapped the back of Tranx’s neck.

Suddenly, Tranx lost consciousness and fell softly to the ground, and the golden flame on his body also collapsed at once.

“Huh? Uncle…… You are…” Sun Wutian was stunned.

What is this for?

Almost without the slightest hesitation, Vegeta punched Sun Wutian at him.

These two little guys are getting in the way here.

Vegeta would never allow the two of them to join the fight.

Sun Wutian was not allowed to join.

This is Kakarot’s son, if he were to die here…

Vegeta really can’t talk to Kakarot.

Only, at this moment an accident happened.

Just as Vegeta launched an attack on Sun Wutian, Sun Wutian’s body turned to the side and deftly dodged.

“What?” Vegeta was stunned.

Bik in the sky was also slightly stunned.

So fast!

Goku was actually able to dodge!

“Hey, uncle, what are you doing?” Sun Wutian hurriedly said, and when he said this, he quickly flew backwards and distanced himself from Vegeta.

Vegeta: “…”

This boy’s speed is not slow at all.

For a moment Vegeta didn’t know what to do.

Let Sun Wutian this boy run away.

“Hum hum… Hum hum hum…”

Not far away, the demon Buu slowly walked over with a small tune.

“Who just attacked me?” Is it the guy? Buu looked at Bik.

“Bik, can you persuade Sun Wutian to leave?” Vegeta asked.

“I don’t know…” Bik shook his head.

My relationship with Sun Wutian is average.

I just have a good relationship with his brother Sun Wuyi.

Vegeta: “…”

You really can tell the big truth.

“Take them out of here, the sooner the better.” Vegeta said in a deep voice, “Please.” ”

“Do you want to blow yourself up?” Bik saw it.

Vegeta was silent.

Sun Wutian: “…”


Is Tranx’s dad going to blow himself up?

Do I want to stop him?”

“Tell me one thing, if I die, will I be able to see Kakarot in another world?” Vegeta asked.

For a moment Bik didn’t know how to answer.

After thinking about it, Bick decided to tell Vegeta the truth.

“At this time, there is no use in saying comforting words, I will say it clearly.” Bik shook his head, “I’m afraid you and Sun Wukong will not meet, because you have killed many innocent people in the past, if you die, your body will completely disappear, and your soul will be sent to a different world from Sun Wukong.” ”

“Really? What a shame. Vegeta smiled, “Forget it, don’t say it, I’ll go, and you should leave with that little devil.” ”

“Okay!” Bick nodded and stepped forward to hug Tranx.


Bick soared into the sky and flew quickly into the distance.

“Let’s go! Gokuten! Get out of here! The farther away the better! Bik said to Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wutian did not move.

“Hurry! Gokuten! What are you doing there? Bicker drank.

“I know… I knew Uncle Vegeta was going to choose to blow himself up… However, I don’t think I can necessarily lose to that fat man. Sun Wutian said hurriedly.

“Say what? Even Vegeta is not his opponent, so don’t meddle in…” Beak scolded.

Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“What are you doing, don’t you hurry up?” Bik also didn’t bother to talk nonsense with Sun Wutian, went forward, grabbed Sun Wutian’s arm, and led him to speed up and leave the scene.

Sun Wutian was speechless.

I really wanted to try it.

Uncle, don’t blow yourself up!

I might actually be able to beat that guy.

“By the way, what about Big Brother Saro?” Sun Wutian asked hurriedly.

“I don’t know!” Bik shook his head.

When is this all over, and return your big brother Saro.

Didn’t he not come?

Forget it, I don’t know.

Anyway, I woke up and saw the current situation.

“Hey, you don’t want to escape!” Buu looked at the fleeing Bik and the others, pointed his hand in the direction where they were, and was about to knock them down.

“Find a way to put me in the right place before you beat them, hear me?” You balloon-like fool. Vegeta hurriedly scolded Buu.

“Cursing again, you guy.” Buou was so angry that a cloud of white smoke came out of his head.

“I finally know how to kill you!” Vegeta smiled.

Buu was slightly stunned.


An endless stream of energy surged from Vegeta’s body.

The golden flame of light centered on Vegeta spread out in all directions.

“This time I will never resurrect you, I will turn you into powder!” Vegeta said coldly.

Buu was stunned.

It seems that even if it becomes powder, I will regenerate.

Vegeta smiled.

Goodbye, Bulma.

Goodbye, Tranx.

And also…… Kakarot!


An extremely powerful energy emanated endlessly from Vegeta’s body.

The huge energy swallowed the demon Buu into it at that moment.

A golden glow appeared on the earth.


Bick closed his eyes, unable to bear to look.

Sun Wutian’s eyes were also tightly closed, and his body trembled slightly.


Outer space.

Saro and Myers intercepted Moro before he could reach Earth.

Subsequently, Saro used his strong strength to repair the magic Luo well.

Mo Luo was already beaten and his nose was blue and swollen.

Moro, who was already a bit old, had grown a lot of beard at this time.

It can be said that this time the prison break has made the life span of Moro decrease again.

“Damn! I remember you, brother of the Galactic Patrol! “Moro hates and itches his teeth, but there is nothing he can do about it.”

Maro wanted to absorb the energy of Saro and Myers.

It’s just that Saro and Myers are angels, so how could Moro absorb the energy of both of them.

It didn’t take long for Maro to be beaten and powerless to fight back.

At this time, Myers released a cage and trapped Maro inside.

“Wow!” Mo Luo’s whole body trembled with anger, “I will not forgive you!”

Saro ignored him.

Moro in this period, strength is also such a thing.

Speaking of which, it is slightly more powerful than the demon Buu.

Of course, if you let him go unchecked, let him absorb too much energy, and then try to deal with him, at least Myers is a little reluctant.

Saro still had the confidence to deal with him.

But there was no need for that, and this guy didn’t come out very well.

Disrupts the normal timeline.

Is it bad for you to wait a few years and come out again?

So, Saro had to get this guy arrested.


Not really.

Killed, how to play in the future?

“Brother, it’s good to have you here!” Myers breathed a sigh of relief.

This time to capture Moro, Saro was a big help.

Myers felt that if Saro wasn’t around, this Maro would be really difficult to catch.

Fortunately, now I finally caught Mara.


It was also at this time that the Galactic Patrol’s spaceship sped towards this side.

“They’re here too.” Myers smiled.

Moro glared at Saro and Myers, with a look of reluctance.

“Don’t be reluctant, I’ll let you out and play in a few years.” Saro smiled.

Maro was stunned.

What do you mean?

At this time, the galactic patrol stepped forward to tie up the five flowers of Moro and escorted him to the spaceship.

“Well… Brother I went back first? Myers quickly whispered, “I believe that the matter of the demon Buou can be easily handled by the brother.” ”

“Hurry up, you still have to wear an oxygen mask in this cosmic space, it’s too humiliating.” Saro waved.

Previously, after coming to this cosmic space, Myers had conjured up two oxygen masks.

It is said to cover people’s eyes and ears.

Saro thought about it and did not refuse.

After all, when Myers was on Earth, he was also very cooperative with himself.

“Brother of Team Myers, thank you so much this time.” Gack also stepped forward, “Do you want to join the Galactic Patrol?” However, after you join, you can’t deliberately set up with the girls as a galactic patrol officer…”

“Oh, I’m still in high school, I’ll talk about it later.” Saro smiled.

“High school?” Gack was stunned, scratched his head, and looked at Saro with a confused face.

Gack then looked at Myers nearby.

“In other words, did the Myers team come out to work early because they didn’t study well?” Jacques asked with a smile.

“You’re so right.” Saro smiled.

Gacque, this guy, is so talented.

“Well, study hard! When you finish college and then join the Galactic Patrol, you can become his leader. Gack lowered his voice.

“I’m his brother now, and I’m his leader.” Saro smiled.

“That’s true, too…” Gark nodded.


The two were chatting when they heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the earth.

Suddenly, a golden light bloomed on the earth of the earth.

It was as if the whole earth was shaking violently and almost deviating from its orbit.

Myers’ face changed color.

“Brother, it seems to be Vegeta… He chose to blow himself up! Myers hurried to Saro’s side and said in a low voice to Saro.

“Well, I sensed it.” Saro nodded.

“Brother, you better hurry back to Earth, and I’ll take Maro back to prison!” Myers urged.

“Okay, then let’s leave it at that.” Saro waved.

“Hmm.” Myers nodded.


Saro finished speaking and flew in the direction of the earth.

“Hey, don’t you use a spaceship?” Gack asked in the back.

“Let’s go Gack, we have to hurry back to the Galactic Patrol headquarters, if we delay any longer, it will not be good for Maro to run away.” Myers said to Garck.

“Well, you’re right!” Jacques nodded.



Battle scene.

Vegeta’s body had turned completely white.

At this moment, a large number of dark clouds appeared in the sky.

Arcs of electricity fell from the sky.


Vegeta fell from the sky and fell to the ground.


Vegeta’s body shattered as soon as it came into contact with the ground.

After a gust of wind blew, Vegeta’s body turned to dust and disappeared completely.

Bik couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

If Sun Wutian gritted his teeth, his body would shake uncontrollably.

“Gokuten, can you understand?” You immediately return to the temple with Tranx, and I’m going to see the results. Bicker said in a deep voice.

“I don’t! I’m going to go together! Sun Wutian said stubbornly.

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