“Gokuten, we’re going together, what about Tranx?” Bick asked.

“Just take Tranx with you.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

“Go-ten, you fool!” Bik shouted, “Do you know? Your brother Goku may have been killed by the demon Buu! That’s what Vegeta said! I didn’t want to tell you these words so soon, but… I say this in the hope that you will be sensible at the crucial moments. ”

“What? Brother him? Sun Wutian’s body shook violently, and tears flowed down his eyes.

“You take Tranx back!” Do you understand? Bick commanded.

“I’m not going back! I’m going to avenge my brother!” Sun Wutian said loudly.


After Sun Wutian finished speaking, he quickly flew in the direction of the battle just now.

“Goten!” Bick’s face darkened, and he shouted in a hurry.

Damn it!

Goku this guy!

More and more disobedient.

It’s all the guy named Saro!

You have brought the Enlightened Heaven to the ground.

Bik gritted his teeth and hurried to catch up.

Hopefully, Vegeta has completely destroyed the demon Buu.

Otherwise… The consequences are unimaginable.

No, you have to confirm it anyway.

Bicker sped up the flight.

Soon, Sun Wutian and Bik landed one after the other where they had just fought.

On the ground, fragments of Buu’s body were everywhere.

Shattered to pieces, it is not too much to use this word to describe the current Buou.

Bik looked around and looked at the pieces of Buu’s body.

This destruction was really thorough.

It was also Vegeta who sacrificed her life to destroy Buu like this.

Otherwise, it is just a simple attack, and it does not seem to cause too much damage to Buou.

“Whoops… Whoops…”

Just then, Bick suddenly heard a voice coming from afar.

Bik fixed his eyes on it and saw that the guy who made the sound was none other than the magician Buffydi.

“It’s Buffidi! You guy is still alive! “I didn’t expect your life force to be quite tenacious!” I was so kind to you just now, and this time I’m going to kill you completely!” ”

As Bik spoke, he walked step by step in the direction of Buffidi.

Sun Wutian obviously saw Buffy Di as well.

It’s just that Sun Wutian wasn’t interested in that guy.

Sun Wutian looked at the fragments of the body of the demon Bu Ou around him.

“Uncle Bick! He doesn’t seem to be dead yet! Sun Wutian said in a deep voice.

“I know, do you still need to say?” I’m going to kill him!” Bik snorted and drank at Sun Wutian in a bad way.

Isn’t that obvious?

This guy is certainly still alive.

“I’m talking about the demon Buu!” Sun Wutian replied.

“What? What did you say? Bick was stunned.

“I can feel that he is not dead.” Sun Wutian said.

“You… You’re not kidding… How can it be? He was all in pieces. Bick exclaimed, “This joke is not funny at all. ”

As for the Buffy lying next to him, Bik was in no mood to pay any attention to it.

Anyway, they are all a guy who is dying, and there is no need to rush to mend the knife.

“I’m not kidding.” Sun Wutian shook his head, and his look became serious.


As soon as Sun Wutian said this, Bik saw the fragments of the body of the demon Buou on the ground squirm slightly.

“What?” Bick’s face changed color.


Something that surprised Birk even more happened.

Only to see the fragments of the body of these demon Buou quickly turn into miniature Buou.

“This and this…” Bick’s face was sweating coldly, and he was really frightened.


At this time, more and more miniature small Buou appeared on the scene, and there were at least a few thousand in the rough past, but each one was the size of the palm of the hand.


These miniature Buou quickly converged together.


Many miniature Buou fused together, slowly changing shape and changing towards the appearance of the fat man.

“Goten! Hurry up and get out of here! Frightened, Bik hugged Tranx and quickly turned into a golden glow and left the place.

What’s going on?

The demon Buu is still alive.

This is a complete mess.

Vegeta blew herself up and didn’t kill the guy.

It was simply horrible.

Flying, Biker suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

Bick looked back and felt a chill in his heart.

It’s Goten!

Wu Tian didn’t keep up with this kid at all.

This damn guy!

“Bastard!” Bick quickly stopped and cried out in anger.

It’s so hateful!

You idiot!

Why are you still on site?

Are you trying to die in vain?

Can you defeat Buu, a demon who can’t even kill Vegeta by blowing herself up?

Damn it!

Bick gritted his teeth and flew back again.



Buu’s body returned to its original form.

Immediately afterward, Buu fell from the sky and landed on one foot.


Buu danced with his hands and feet, holding his stomach and laughing.

After laughing for a moment, Bu Ou turned his head and looked at Sun Wutian.

“Did you kick me just now?” Buu still remembers being kicked by Tranx.

But at the time, Buu didn’t see who kicked him.

“You killed my brother, I can’t spare you!” Sun Wutian’s body shook violently.


Sun Wutian’s golden flames flickered, his hair stood up high, and he became a Super Saiyan.

The demon Bu Ou smiled and squinted at Sun Wutian.

“Hmm.” Bu Oudu didn’t bother to take care of Sun Wutian.

Too weak.

A weak chicken only.

“Turn you into food… It just so happened that I was a little hungry. Bu Ou thought about it and said to Sun Wutian.

“What?” Sun Wutian’s face was cold sweat that slipped off.

“Hey, Buu, Buu, the Devil!”

Just then, Buu suddenly heard a nearby voice ringing out.

Buu glanced at Buffy the magician, lying in a pit in the distance.

“Quick! Get me back to the way I am! Buffy hurriedly said, “I know you can!” Otherwise I’ll die. ”

Buu made a grimace.

Get you back to the way you are?

Why not turn you straight into food?

“What the hell are you thinking?” Do you still want to be sealed into that egg? Buffy drank immediately.

Buu was startled and scratched his head with a silly smile.


A flash of light flashed from Buu’s tentacles and hit the body of the magician Buffidi.

Suddenly, the body of the magician Buffy Di returned to its original form.

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