“Hahaha, good looks, Demon Buu!” Buffy felt his body excitedly, feeling full of endless vitality.

The demon Buu looked at Buffy Di with a cold face.

This guy is threatening me again.

How is his spell to be fulfilled?

Is it with a mind?

“These bastards! I will never spare you!” Buffydi’s face turned pale, “I’m going to tear you apart one by one, and then destroy this planet, so that you can see the power of the demon Buo!” ”

After Buffy Di finished speaking, he glanced at Sun Wutian not far away.

“Ahem, little one! Didn’t expect you to be here! Buffy Di smiled, “Well, let’s kill you first.” ”


The energy on Sun Wutian’s body surged out madly, and the golden light on his body became more and more intense.

After letting out a shout, Sun Wutian quickly rushed in the direction of the demon Buou and launched a fierce attack on him.

“Bang bang bang!”

However, in the face of Sun Wutian’s attack, the demon Buou only used his own palm to easily block it.


Sun Wutian let out a loud roar and flew up and kicked in the direction of the demon Buou.

The demon Buu stood up his big belly and let Sun Wutian kick at his body.


The demon Buu’s stomach sank slightly into it, and Sun Wutian was wrapped in it at that time.

“Damn! Let me go! You let go of me! Sun Wutian drank.


The demon Buou’s stomach rebounded a little, directly bouncing Sun Wutian out.

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wutian’s body hit the ground, rebounded several times, and fell a dozen heels, before falling to the ground, and the golden light on his body suddenly collapsed.

Just at this time, Bik went and returned.

After seeing the situation at the scene, Bik couldn’t help but cover his head.

Fortunately, I just put Tranx in a safer position.

Otherwise, I’m afraid even Tranx would have to get involved.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter!

By now, there was no other way but to fight.


Bik fell from the sky and landed on Sun Wutian’s side.

“I knew you boy couldn’t be trusted!” Bick snorted, “Since you have to stay, be prepared to die.” ”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wutian also did not expect that the demon Buou would be so powerful.

But I don’t want to die.

It’s just that I was knocked down by the fat man three times and twice…

How can I beat him?

“If you don’t want to die, get out of here right away and I’ll stop him!” Bik whispered to Sun Wutian.

“Uncle Bick… Can you do it? Sun Wutian had some doubts.

“No problem, I’m immortal, I drank immortal water a long time ago.” Bik said to Sun Wutian, “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s go.” ”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wutian was silent.

That being the case, let’s leave?

But if I left, Uncle Bik would be beaten to death.

What to do?


Just when Sun Wutian felt embarrassed, a figure on the edge of the sky quickly flew over.

“Yes… Is it Big Brother Saro? Sun Wutian was very surprised.

“What?” Bick was stunned.


Saro sped up from a distance and landed on Sun Wutian’s side.

“Goku’s classmate Saro?” Bik frowned, “No kidding, what are you doing here at this time?” But you came just in time, hurry up and take Sun Wutian out of here, this boy is listening to you now. ”

“Is that you?” Buffy also recognized Saro immediately.

“You?” Buu also immediately looked at Saro and looked around again, looking for Myers’ figure.

“Don’t look for it, my brother has already gone back.” Saro knew what Buu was looking for?

“Oh!” Buu nodded.

This goes back, where did this guy go?

I still want to turn him into chocolate and eat it.”

Damn guys!

I couldn’t beat him for half a day.

“What?” Bick’s pupils shrank and his face changed color slightly.

Buffy Di and the demon Buu actually know Saro.

What’s going on?

And Saro’s brother… What’s going on?

It’s weird.

“How? Isn’t it nice to run away? Why come back? Buffy smiled softly, “If you don’t come back, find a place to hide, and you can live a little longer.” Unfortunately, you have to come back and die. ”

Bik thought for a moment and guessed that Saro might have escaped after the resurrection of the demon Buu.

Just don’t know why, he’s back now.

Is it because of Goten?

It’s possible, too!

These people in their family are too capable of influencing others.

I was influenced by Goku’s boy to become a good person.

Maybe Saro found out in his conscience and knew that there was a danger at the moment, so he came back.

“Big Brother Saro… Woohoo… My brother is dead… Uncle Vegeta was also killed in battle…” Sun Wutian cried loudly.

“Gokuten, your brother is still alive.” Saro smiled and patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

“Huh? Is my brother still alive? Sun Wutian immediately stopped crying, rubbed his eyes, and wiped a handful of tears.

“If you feel it in that direction, you will sense a faint breath, which should be Goku’s classmate.” Saro smiled.

Sun Wutian tried to let go of the induction to sense the position that Saro was talking about.

Sure enough, in that distant position, there was indeed a very faint breath.

“It’s the brother, yes, it’s the brother’s breath!” My brother is still alive! Sun Wutian was overjoyed.

Bik naturally also hurried to let go of the induction.

Under this feeling, Bick’s mood also felt much more comfortable.

It’s Goku!

Goku was indeed still alive.

However, it seems that life is somewhat in danger.

“Not bad! Goku is in danger! Almost without the slightest hesitation, Bik turned into a golden light and shadow and flew quickly in the direction of Goku.


However, as soon as Bik took off, he was quickly chased up by the demon Buu and slapped down from the sky.


Bick was seriously injured and squirted blood in his mouth.

“Uncle Bick!” Sun Wutian was horrified, and the golden flames on his body bloomed, turning into a Super Saiyan again, and he rushed up to help.

“Wu Tian, have all your hard work in this month been in vain?” Saro sighed, “If you really want to give up, from now on you will really have no connection with the Freedom Pole.” ”

Sun Wutian was stunned and looked at Saro without blinking.

“I’ll give you two choices, and I hope you think about it.” Saro looked at Sun Wutian and said, “The first choice is that I will save you all, but I will no longer interfere in the matter of the demon Buou; The second option is to let you defeat the demon Buu under my tutelage. ”

Sun Wutian almost didn’t even think about it, and immediately responded: “Big Brother Saro, I choose the second one.” ”

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