“You have to think clearly before you make a choice.” Saro said, “You can choose the second one, but your friend or your loved one may die… The truth is so cruel. ”

“Huh?” Sun Wutian froze.

“That… So what if I choose the first one? Sun Wutian asked.

“Choose the first one, I’ll save you all, and you’ll be left with the rest.” Saro said.

“That said, mom and brother are still in danger, right?” Sun Wutian asked.

Saro did not speak.

“Well, I decided, I chose the second one!” Ask Big Brother Saro to teach me how to defeat him. Sun Wutian made up his mind.

I’m going to get stronger.

I want to protect my brother and my mother!

As for Dad’s words…

Dad is dead… Doesn’t seem to need protection, right?

“It’s actually very simple, release the mentality that you and Tranx had when you were at the First Martial Arts Conference in the world, and then challenge the current demon Buu.” Saro looked at Sun Wutiandao.

Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Just now you turned into a Super Saiyan in anger, and the transformation of a Super Saiyan is completely different from the cultivation method I gave you.” Saro said, “The real sense of freedom is to calm down the mood under the huge emotional fluctuations. ”

“I’ll give it a try.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Go for it.” Saro patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

Bick: “…”

When is this!

How can you still play that freewheeling extreme?

Damn it!

The demon Buu this guy is really too powerful.

I was seriously injured just in one fell swoop.

What to do? I’m going to hurry up and save Goku.

If it were too late, Goku might have died.

However, if I leave, what will happen to Goten?

Is it really going to be handed over to Salo this unreliable guy?

Good entanglement!

“I’m hungry again, what good will I make of you?” The demon Buu patted his stomach and looked thoughtfully at Saro and Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wukong looked at Saro with a look of help.

This monster can turn others into cookies!

How am I going to fight?


A flame of light shot out from Saro’s hand, directly covering Sun Wutian’s body.

“Well, you don’t have any worries now, and his magic won’t work for you anymore.” Saro smiled, “That means he won’t turn you into cookies or chocolate anymore and eat you.” ”

“Huh? Are you sure? Sun Wutian was stunned.

Bick covered his face and was utterly speechless.

Are you sure?

Are you sure that by laying down such an energy flame that you can make Goku Heaven not be turned into food?

You’re not kidding.

“Oh well!” The demon Buu also nodded vigorously.

“Hmm, what a stupid fellow, you think you can’t turn you into chocolate like that?” Buffy Di’s face was disdainful.

“However, there are only three chances, and it is better not to be hit or not to be hit.” Saro added to Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian was just ready to let the demon Bu Ou hit it and try it himself.

As a result, after hearing Salro’s words, he was scared into a cold sweat.

Only three chances?

Or don’t try it.

“Come on! Goku Ten. Salo greeted.

“Yes, Big Brother Saro!” Sun Wutian gritted his teeth and quickly rushed in the direction of the demon Buou.

This time, Sun Wutian tried to calm his mood.


Sun Wutian’s fist hit the face of the demon Buou hard.

Looking at the demon Buu again, it is like a person who has nothing to do.


Sun Wutian let out a fierce roar, flew up and kicked at the head of the demon Buou again.

The demon Buu is still safe and sound.

Bik, who was on the side, was already completely unable to look at the door of his head.

This is not as good as the attack of the Super Saiyan just now.

This level of ordinary patterns is too average.

Immediately afterward, the demon Buu rolled his eyes, and he was about to slap Sun Wutian away.

“No, you’re a brute force.” Saro shook his head, “If this brute force is used, it is not as strong as the power of the Super Saiyans.” Wu Tian, what you have to do is to have the same calm mind as before at the First Martial Arts Conference under the heavens, so that heaven and earth can merge with you. ”

“Huh? I understand! Sun Wutian nodded again.

“Close your eyes.” Saro Road.

Sun Wutian did the same, closing his eyes.


However, just when Sun Wutian had just closed his eyes, he was slapped to the ground by the demon Bu Ou.

Bicker was about to cry.

If he continued to fight like this, Goku would definitely be tortured to death alive.

“Haha, no.” Sun Wutian got up from the ground, smiled and scratched his head.

“Well, I’ll show you.” Saro sighed.

After saying this, Saro walked step by step in the direction of the demon Buu.

Bick: “…”

Does Goku’s classmate really want to challenge the demon Buu?

Are you serious?

Forget it, I still don’t interfere.

I had to find a way to take Goku away and then save Goku.

It’s just that my speed is simply too slow compared to that of the demon Buou, and I’m afraid it’s hard for me to escape from here.

“Hahaha, are you going to deal with my Buu personally?” Buffy was all happy and broken.

Saro ignored him.

Anyway, this guy will be killed in a short time.

The demon Buu also smiled and squinted at Saro.


Saro struck out, punching the demon Buu in the nose.


Suddenly, the nosebleed of the demon Buu Ou flowed from his nostrils.

“Don’t you have no nostrils?” How can there be nosebleeds? Saro smiled.

Shocked and enraged, the demon Buu launched an attack on Saro.

Saro no longer tangled with the demon Buou, but easily dodged his repeated attacks.

“See? The heart moves at will, do not use your eyes to see, but use your body to sense the attack. Saro dodged the attack of the demon Buu while explaining to Sun Wutian.

Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“What? This…… How is this possible? Bick was stunned.

Is this classmate of Goku so powerful?

Even the demon Buu couldn’t beat him.

Also, I just saw that he had a nosebleed from beating the demon Buu.

Previously, Vegeta had such a powerful energy, but she did not beat Buu to blood.

This classmate of Goku just punched him, how did he bleed?

Bik was really stunned.

Bick rubbed his eyes hard, thinking he was wrong.

Buffy was dumbfounded.

How did this happen?

Can this guy beat my Buu to the blood?

Why is that?


After dodging for a few minutes, Saro flew up and kicked the demon Buu to the ground.

“Did you understand this time?” Saro asked.

“Well, can I try it?” Big Brother Saro. Sun Wutian nodded solemnly.

“Go for it.” Saro smiled.

Sun Wutian rushed up and attacked Buu again.

It’s just that compared to Sun Wutian and Saro, that is naturally a long way off.

The battle lasted less than ten seconds, and Sun Wutian was once again knocked to the ground by the demon Buu.

“I don’t want to play anymore, turn me into chocolate.” Buu said, the tentacles on his head moved slightly, flashing a pink flame.

Sun Wutian had no time to dodge.


Sun Wutian was unfortunately recruited.

However, the magic power emitted by Buu was quickly easily offset by the angelic power of Saro.

Turned into chocolate?

That doesn’t exist.

After releasing his transformation magic, Buu was there waiting to eat chocolate.

As a result, Bu Ou was surprised to find that Sun Wutian’s body had not changed its appearance, it was still the same as before.

Buu was stunned.

Buffy was dumbfounded, too.

Bick’s eyes widened even wider, and his face was in disbelief.

Did Goku really block the magic attack of the demon Buu?


Sun Wutian immediately jumped up from the ground and bombarded the past in the direction of Buou.

“Bang bang bang!”

It’s just that Sun Wutian’s attack power is too weak, so weak that the demon Buu doesn’t bother to defend.

A moment later.

The demon Buu once again knocked Sun Wutian to the ground.

“I don’t want to play!” The demon Buu was a little annoyed.

Playing with a little fart for so long is simply boring.


The demon Buu aimed at Sun Wutian’s head and smashed it with a heavy punch.

Sun Wutian snorted at that time, and his head was deeply embedded in the earth at that time.

The demon Buu was still not enough to relieve the hatred, and he punched Sun Wukong hard again.


Blood spurted wildly in Sun Wutian’s mouth.

“Hey, Saro, Goku will be killed!” Bick said hurriedly.

“It’s okay, I can’t die.” Saro shook his head.

Bick: “…”

They have all been beaten like this, and they can’t die?

“Realize the heavens, stay calm, and feel the warmth of the earth.” Saro Road.

Bick was about to cry.

But not to feel the warmth of the earth.

Goku was beaten into the earth.

What temperature is the earth, can he not feel it?

When Wu Tian met such a master, it was considered to have been moldy for eight lifetimes.

“Hahahahaha… Laugh me to death! The magician Buffy Di laughed even more.

That’s fun.

It was all this time, and he kept the little boy calm.

How much vendetta do you have against that child?

“Buu, beat him to death for me!” Buffy Di commanded the demon Buu.

The demon Buu did not take care of Buffidi.

I was going to kill him and use you for this nonsense?

When I beat the kid to death, I’ll fix the guy again.

I haven’t shown all my strength just now, do you think I was hit by your nosebleed, I am not your opponent?

“Bang bang bang!”

The demon Buu’s attack on Sun Wutian continued to intensify.


Bu Ou’s last punch hit Sun Wutian to a depth of three meters below the earth.

The demon Buu clapped his hands and laughed happily.

“Hahaha, dead!” Buffy announced.

“Saro! You…” Birk’s whole body shuddered.

Did you just watch Wu Tian being killed by him?

You obviously have the ability to save him, why don’t you help?

Bik actually wanted to do it, but the gap between him and the other party was too big.

“Next, it’s you.” The demon Buu looked at Saro coldly.

This guy who punched himself in the nosebleed.

I will never forgive you.

I’m going to beat you to death with my own hands.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions too soon.” Saro smiled, “He’s not dead yet. ”

“Oh? Even if you are still alive, you only have one breath left, right? Buffy didn’t feel anything remarkable either.

Is there a difference between dead and undead?

Even if you don’t die, you basically lose the ability to fight.

If you leave it alone, you will die later.


Just as Buffidi’s voice had just fallen, he saw that in the three-meter pit, there was suddenly a flame burning.

Buffy was stunned.

The demon Buu also widened his eyes slightly.

Bick was even more dazed.

Immediately afterward, I saw Sun Wutian slowly fly out of that big pit.

When he looked at it again, Sun Wutian’s body burned with a raging flame, and his hair turned a bright red color.

Super Saiyan God.

At the critical moment of his life, Sun Wutian once again became the god of super Saiyans.

The demon Bu Ou looked at Sun Wutian at this time with a surprised face.

What’s the change?

“This and this… This is the transformation of Tranx when he competed with the first martial arts tournament in the world. Bik looked at Sun Wutian in surprise.

After being beaten so many times by the demon Buu, he didn’t die.

Wu Tian, this boy, is really resistant to fighting.


Sun Wutian slowly landed on the ground, looking at the demon Buou with a calm face.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wutian walked step by step in the direction of the demon Buou.

“Not dead…” The demon Bu Ou was stunned for a moment, and waved his fist towards Sun Wutian to attack the past again.


This time, Sun Wutian gently used his palm to block the fist of the demon Buou.

“What? Did he block it? Buffy exclaimed.

The demon Buu was even more eyes flickering.


Sun Wutian flew up and kicked the demon Buu into the air.

Bick’s eyes widened.

He…… He actually kicked the demon Buu into the air.


Sun Wutian flew up, and the figure disappeared in the same place.

In just an instant, Sun Wutian appeared directly above the demon Buou.


Sun Wutian hung an upside-down golden hook and kicked heavily on the chest of the demon Buu.


The demon Buu was spurting blood in his mouth at that time.


The demon Buu smashed into the ground like a cannonball, leaving a large pit in the ground.

“Qigong wave!” The energy in Sun Wutian’s hand condensed, and he was about to release a large Qigong wave.

“Hey, Goten! Do you want to destroy a piece of the earth? Bik panicked and hurriedly shouted at Sun Wutian in the sky.

Sun Wutian was slightly stunned and glanced at Bik.


The next moment, the burning flame on Sun Wutian’s body was extinguished at once.

At the same time, the energy in Sun Wutian’s hands was also immediately dispersed by him.

“Hey hey, my cultivation can’t go home… This state disappeared again. Sun Wutian scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Now that you’re gone, let’s run.” Saro smiled, didn’t say much nonsense, and rose up in the air and appeared next to Sun Wutian.

Bick: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

This…… How did this still run?

I haven’t played enough.

“You are already very good, you can understand this realm in just one month, although the time of transformation is relatively short, but it is also very rare.” Saro smiled.

“Huh? Is it? Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Hey, aren’t you running yet?” Planning to stay and be eaten by him as chocolate? Saro greeted Bik.

Bick: “…”

Bick’s heart was tired, and he rushed to the sky, and he couldn’t care less about destroying Buffydi.


The three of them swept through the sky with three flames of light and quickly disappeared.

Buffy was also scared at this time.

It was horrible!

It seems that the demon Buu seems to have been seriously injured.

But why did they escape?

How many meanings does this mean?

Buffy quickly appeared at the side of the demon Buu.

The demon Buou was not lightly injured by Sun Wutian’s two blows, and after a short period of cultivation, he gritted his teeth and stood up.

“Hey, Buu, are you all right?” Buffy Di’s face was worried.

The demon Buu did not speak with a black face.

Is there something okay you can’t see?

You guy!

I want to turn you into chocolate and eat it.

Buu looked up at the direction in which Saro and the others had disappeared, a little puzzled.

Why did it run?

“Buou, that little devil burning flames attacked you, it should be only this one chance, so they ran away.” Buffy Analysis.

Buu suddenly realized and nodded vigorously.

This guy is also a little useful.

There were a lot of questions I couldn’t think of, and he helped me think of them.

Well, very good and good.

Keep him for a while.

It’s just that there is the guy named Saro, why did he run away?

“As for that guy, I think like the little devil who burns the flames, he belongs to that special power explosion type, and after one burst of power, it is completely out of play.” Buffy analyzed, “So they have to escape!” I can tell you very responsibly that if we catch them now, you can easily kill them. ”

Demon Buu nodded wildly with pleasure.

What you say makes so much sense.

“Let’s chase!” Send them all to hell one by one! Buffy proposed.

Buou did not object.

You all bully me!

I’m going to eat you!”

“The little ghost that burns the flames, and the little ghost with purple hair, and the green guy and the two guys with silver white hair.” Buffy Di clenched his fists, and his face was full of revenge coldness, “If you don’t eliminate these guys one by one, you have to let them suffer a lot, let them see the strength of Buffy Di and the demon Buu.” ”


The next moment, Buffy Di sat on the body of the demon Buou, and the demon Buu took off.

The two men drew an arc in the sky and flew quickly into the distance.

The two want to find Saro and take revenge on them!

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