
Sun Wukong moves through the teleportation and disappears in an instant.

As soon as Bick found Tranx, he saw the shadow of the person next to him and was shocked.

However, after seeing the identity of the other party clearly, Bik can be described as a surprise.

“Yes… It’s Goku! You’re alive? Bick hurriedly said, “What the hell happened?” ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

“I’m going to ask you what happened, but you asked me first.” Sun Wukong was speechless.

“Well, I’ll say it first…” Bik immediately told Sun Wukong everything he saw, 1510.

Sun Wukong was silent.

“So, Vegeta is still dead…” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

“What happened after I became a stone sculpture?” Bick asked.

Sun Wukong did not hide it either, and told Bik everything that happened to him.

Both were silent and speechless.

“Bik, did you just say that Goten’s turn into that red hair and can easily defeat the demon Buu?” Sun Wukong asked.

“That’s exactly what I’ve seen.” Bik nodded, “But unfortunately, the time that Goku can hold out is too short, if he can hold out for a minute, I think he should be able to completely destroy the Demon Man Cloth.” ”

“I’ll just say… That Goku’s classmate Saro… Absolutely unusual, he has a realm we don’t know. Sun Wukong smiled.

“Yes, I see it too.” Bik nodded, a little puzzled, “But what I don’t know is why he obviously has the ability to destroy the demon Buu but why he didn’t shoot.” ”

“Perhaps… Isn’t it convenient to shoot? Sun Wukong guessed.

“Isn’t it convenient?” Bik mused.

What’s so inconvenient about this kind of thing?

“As long as we know he’s not a bad guy, that’s enough.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“That’s true, I hope he’s not a bad guy.” Bik nodded, “If he’s a bad guy… The consequences are unimaginable. ”

“Let’s go, let’s go to the shrine too, I can vaguely sense that the faint breath of Goku has appeared on the temple.” Sun Wukong said, “Take my hand, and we will move it with an instant.” ”

Bik skimmed his lips and reached over and pulled Sun Wukong’s hand together.

This is special… It’s a bit of a diaphragm.


Sun Wukong moves through the teleportation and disappears in a flash.



“Yes… It is the King of the Realm! After seeing that it was the World King God, Dandy rushed over and gave the World King God a treatment.

Soon, the King of the Realm God woke up from his coma.

“Goku! What about Goku? Go save Goku! The Realm King God had just woken up, his mind was not clear enough, and he said loudly at that time.

After saying this, the King God of the Realm saw Saro beside him at a glance.

“Huh? It’s you? Did you save me? The King of the Realm God asked hurriedly.

“Well, I brought you here, and it was the god of the earth who healed you.” Saro nodded.

“Thank you!” The King of the Realm replied, “By the way, what about your brother Myers?” ”

“Well, he has something important to do and is back at Galactic Patrol headquarters.” Saro replied truthfully.

King of the Realms: “…”

The king of the world god called a tired heart.

When is this all over, and is it necessary to return to Galaxy Patrol headquarters?

Hasn’t the demon Buu been solved yet?

The Realm King’s heart moved, and he rushed to sense the breath of the demon Buu.

Maybe the demon Buu has been destroyed by that Myers.

However, under this induction, the heart of the Realm King God was cold.

The demon Buu is still alive.

The breath is still so strong.

And with that Buffidi!

“Goku! That’s right! I’m going to hurry up and save Goku! The King of the Realm said hurriedly.

The King of the Realm had just finished talking here, when he saw Sun Wutian flying up with Sun Wutian on his back.

“Brother Goku!” Dandy panicked and hurried to help.

Immediately afterward, the healing flame in Dandy’s hand flickered, covering Sun Wuyi’s body.

Suddenly, Sun Wuyi’s injured body was rapidly recovering.

Soon, Sun Wuyan also woke up from his coma.

“Ahh… I didn’t think I was still alive… Be…… Is it the King of the Realm? That’s great! Sun Wuyan looked at the King of the Realm in amazement.

“Goku, it’s great that you survived.” The King of the Realm sighed.

“Classmate Saro, you’re here too.” Sun Wulian greeted Saro again.

Saro smiled.

“Brother, are you all right?” Sun Wutian asked happily.

“Well, it’s all right, thanks to Dandy, thank you so much.” Sun Wulian nodded.

“The demon Buu is so powerful, we are not his opponents at all.” The King of the Realm said in a deep voice.

“This bastard! I absolutely cannot spare him! Sun Wulian gritted his teeth.


While speaking, Sun Wukong and Bik appeared on the temple through teleportation.

“Goku!” Klin rushed up and hugged Sun Wukong, “You guy really scared me to death, I thought you were dead.” ”

Finally found a sense of existence.

No one paid any attention to me just now.

My sense of existence is so low.

Kling stayed on after arriving at the temple and did not leave.

“Cough cough… Kling, I was already dead. Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

Kling: “…”

“Daddy! Are you okay? Sun Wuyi hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

“Don’t get in the way.” Sun Wukong smiled and nodded.

“Goku, let me heal you.” Dandy said, and went forward to treat Sun Wukong.

“Uncle Bick, have you recovered too?” Sun Wuyan asked happily.

Bik smiled slightly and didn’t say anything more.

After Dandy finished treating Son Goku, he treated Bik.

Immediately afterward, everyone present fell silent.

Vegeta’s death also made many people present sigh in their hearts.

“The power of the demon Buu is as unimaginable as the King of the Realm God is worried…” Bik said in a deep voice, “If this continues, not only the earthlings, but also the creatures of the entire universe will face a crisis.” ”

“But Goku is still alive and well, only Goku can defeat the demon Buu, right?” Klin saw hope and looked at Sun Wukong, “Goku can only stay in this world for one day, and now the rest of the time is almost several hours.” ”

“To be honest, I’m afraid I’m going to have a hard time winning.” Sun Wukong shook his head.

“What?” Klin was stunned.

Goku, don’t scare me, you are our savior.

If even you can’t win, then the world is really finished.

“Vegeta’s strength is not much different from mine, he chose to explode himself, or did not kill the demon Buou.” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice, “I think I’m afraid even I will have a hard time defeating him.” ”

Kling stopped talking.

“Saro, here you go.” The King of the Realm God had not spoken for a long time, but at this time he was waving at Saro.

These guys!

I warned you before that the demon Buu is very powerful, and you don’t believe it.

Okay now, right?

You have to die one person to be satisfied.

Saro: “…”

“Don’t go.” Salo directly refused.

You mean so much, let me pass, is it not good for you to come over yourself?

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