The king of the world wiped the sweat.

Well, I’ll go over and find you.

The problem is, there are a lot of people standing over there, and I have whispered to you.

The King of the Realm God had no choice but to rush forward and come to Saro’s side.

“That… Saro, is your brother really back at Galactic Patrol headquarters? The King of the Realm God asked.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“That… I saw the battle between Myers and the demon Buu, and his stick skills were excellent, but unfortunately the strength was too weak. The Realm King God groaned, “If he has enough strength, he can definitely defeat the demon Buu.” ”

Saro did not answer.

Is Myers’ strength weak?

That’s because he didn’t use the power of angels at all.

If Myers used the power of the angel, he could still easily destroy the demon Buu.

The reason why he did not use the power of the angel was also that he hoped that Myers would have a good experience through the battle with Buu.

Unfortunately I upgraded too quickly.

The current Buou is not the object of my experience.

“What the hell are you trying to say?” Saro asked.

“I want to bring Mr. Myers to the Realm of Kings and cultivate him well, and I think he will definitely become a good warrior.” King of the Realm.

Saro did not speak.

“If he can, he can completely succeed to my World King God Throne and become the next World King God!” The greatest god of the universe! The king god of the realm began to draw a round cake on Saro.

The king of the world called out Sun Wuyi’s name when he was unconscious, and he also wanted to turn Sun Wuyan into his successor.

Mainly because Saro and Myers had flown away, he couldn’t find anyone.

The King of the Realm God had no choice but to retreat to the second place to find Sun Wu’s meal.

Now that Saro had returned, the first person the King God of the Realm wanted to cultivate was, of course, Myers.

Didn’t you see that Myers beat the demon Buu to the flowers?

Looking at Sun Wulian again, it was to let Bu Ou beat his nose and blue face and almost die.

Whoever is lighter and who is heavier, the King of the Realm God is still very clear.

As for Saro…

The Realm King God didn’t see him shooting, so he didn’t have much interest in him.

Although he was Myers’ older brother.

But must the older brother be stronger than the younger brother?

Saro was tired.

Your little king god of the realm calls himself the greatest god of the universe?

You let Lord Quan Wang know, and won’t wipe you away with a wave of your hand, right?

Ignorance is terrible.

“If you think too much, he won’t be a king god of any realm.” Saro shook his head.

“Why?” The King of the Realm looked at Saro with a puzzled face.

“I’m not interested.” Saro smiled, “Isn’t it good to be a good Galactic Ranger?” ”

The King of the Realm was speechless for a moment.

Is it good to be a Galaxy Ranger?

How good is the king of the world!

“Cough cough… This…” The Realm King God didn’t know how to pick it up.

“It seems that you are not dead hearted, and you want me to contact him and let him personally deny it, right?” Saro sighed.

“Haha… Yeah, he doesn’t necessarily deny it. The King of the Realm laughed dryly.

“Well, then I’ll ask him.” Saro nodded and asked, “Who has a phone to borrow me to use?” ”

“Ahh… I have…” Kling raised his hand, took out his phone, and handed it to Saro.

Saro immediately dialed a number.

Soon, Myers’ phone was answered.

“I’m Myers, who are you?” Don’t say more about harassing calls from the universe, or I’ll locate you and take you to galactic prison. Myers answered the phone and said this directly.

Saro: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

Saro was tired.

Now how serious these harassing phone calls are, I didn’t expect them to start flooding the universe.

Will even Myers, the Galactic Patrol Officer, receive harassing phone calls?

We are angels!

The angel received a harassing phone call, and then the other person asked: Hey, do you want to cultivate immortals?

This is particularly embarrassing.

Fortunately, Salo never brought a phone.

Nor did I buy a mobile phone.

Even if he had a cell phone, Saro would never reveal his number.

But…… Most of the mobile phone numbers are leaked by the operators themselves, right?

Saro shook his head slightly.

I’m an angel who cares about these issues and makes hair.

“It’s me, your brother.” Salo replied.

“Uh… Brother…” Myers reacted immediately.

Salo called, which meant that there was someone else around him and it was inconvenient to use the Angel Scepter.

Usually, if no one is there, the angel scepter is usually used to communicate.

After all, the phone call also involves signal problems, sometimes the signal is not good, the call quality will not be very good.

But the Angel Scepter does not have these problems.

In addition, the Angel Scepter can also be videotaped.

“Brother, how are you doing over there?” Defeated the demon Buu? Myers asked.

The King of the Realm God was speechless.

Sun Wulian scratched his head.

Bicker wiped the sweat.

Who is this man?

You’re asking this question too well.

Did you still defeat the demon Buu?

Can the demon Buu be defeated so easily?

Klin is even more in the clouds.

Is this Saro’s brother?

Sun Wutian didn’t have much expression.

Sun Wukong was also thoughtful and silently looked at Saro.

“There’s no rush on this.” Salo replied.

The crowd was speechless again.

How to listen to your meaning, as if you can easily defeat the demon Buu.

There is no hurry for this…

Sun Wutian was expectant.


I said, Big Brother Saro is very powerful, and you all don’t believe it.


What are your expressions? It seems that he still does not believe in the strength of Big Brother Saro.

Well? Daddy’s eyes…

Dad seems to believe it?

Just now, when the King of the Realm God asked Saro to talk about things, Sun Wukong had already stopped talking.

Therefore, the matter that the Realm King God wanted to let Myers go to the Realm King God Realm to cultivate was also heard by them.

“Brother, I’ve already imprisoned Moro again, and I believe that this time it won’t be so easy for him to run.” Myers hurriedly said, “This incident is really too dangerous, almost let him escape, this is also our work mistakes, we will reflect on it.” If you encounter such a thing again, it will be troublesome enough. ”

With that, Myers said something more about Mara.

The Realm King God was speechless again.

Why are you talking about Maro again?

That Moro, is it important to have the demon Buu?

You Galactic Patrol, have you been avoiding the heavy and light until now?

I’ll be sure to talk to your leaders about it when I come back.

What a shame!

“Goku, have you seen Saro’s brother?” Bik asked in a low voice as Myers and Saro were talking about Mara.

“Yes, I’ve seen it.” Sun WuXian nodded, “His stick technique is particularly good, and he has no ability to fight back when he beats the demon Buu. ”

“Ahh Therefore, the Realm King God Lord planned to let that Myers go to the Realm King God Realm to cultivate. Bick understood.

“Yeah, it should be like this.” Sun Wuyi replied.

“Mara? Who is it? Sun Wukong also asked, “Do you know?” ”

As soon as Sun Wulian heard Mo Luo’s name, his head grew for a while.

This matter, the two people present at the moment also knew about Sun Wuyi and the Realm King God.

“Maro should be a prisoner in the Galactic Patrol prison, for some reason he escaped, it seems that he should be a very important prisoner… To this end, Saro and his classmates and his brother gave up the battle with the demon Buu to capture the prisoner… Perhaps in their opinion, this prisoner named Mara was more important. Sun Wuyan explained with a bitter smile, “I really don’t know what they think, can the most important people now have the importance of the demon Buou?” ”

“Cough cough… At that time, Goku and I were stunned, and the two of them left the demon Buu and flew away. Seeing that Saro was still talking to Myers about Moro, the King of the Realm made him even more mad, so he had to come over and complain over here, “Later, the demon Buu went after them, and Goku and I thought they had been killed, but I didn’t expect that both of them were still alive, so lucky.” ”

“Goku, you remember one thing.” Sun Wukong’s expression became extremely solemn.

“What’s the matter? Father. Sun Wuyi was a little puzzled, and looked at his father inexplicably.

What’s the matter? How does it look so heavy?

“If we can successfully solve the problem of the demon Buou, you must pay attention to a person named Moro in the future.” Son Goku said.

“Huh? What do you mean? Sun Wulian felt confused.

“Goku, do I hear you mean that this man named Moro is terrible?” The Realm King God smiled, “Even if it is terrible, the current demon Buu is terrible?” ”

“Yes, I can feel that this man named Moro must be extraordinary, and it must be much more terrifying than the Moro Buu.” Saro nodded.

The King of the Realm God did not say a word.

As a realm god, I didn’t even know the existence of this guy Moro.

You, a human being, think that this person named Mara is very powerful and terrible.

I don’t know how to refute you.

“Myers, I’m not here to talk to you, do you know how high the phone bill is to make this interstellar call?” Saro was speechless.

I didn’t expect this guy to be able to talk.

When you held the scepter before, I never saw you so talkative.

Now with a phone call, you can actually talk about Maro for 10 minutes.

The thing is, I’m still having a great conversation with you.

This is a typical pot of telephone porridge.

Looking at Klin again, it seems that he did not know that Saro was making a call across the stars.

It is estimated that this phone call will probably require hundreds of thousands of telephone bills.

Myers are not charged for their calls.

People are galactic patrols, with super high science and technology, and the telephone has long been not charged.

But this side of the earth is different.

The call was transferred via multiple satellites.

This phone call will take up a lot of lines, and there will be a lot of phone lines that fail.

Otherwise, the charges would not be so fierce.

Poor Kling, who had no idea that he would receive an expensive bill for the phone.

“Interstellar calls?”

Kling heard Saro’s words and thought he was joking.

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