“Haha, Saro, how much money is it to make a phone call?” Klinghaha smiled and said hurriedly and boldly, “You just have to fight hard, don’t get in the way.” ”

Saro nodded.

Kling, you’re such a nice guy.

When you receive a bill of hundreds of thousands of phone bills, you will cry.

“I’ll tell you a serious thing.” Saro didn’t want to talk to Myers anymore.

“Oh, okay.” Myers responded.

“I’m with Lord Realm King God now, let him tell you, I won’t paraphrase it.” Saro said, and handed the mobile phone to the King of the Realm.

“Hello, Myers, I am the King of the Realm.” The King of the Realm picked up his mobile phone and hurriedly said.

After saying this, the Realm King God was a little tired.

Why don’t I just use teleportation and make a trip to the Galactic Patrol headquarters?

I, a king of the world, actually want to call here.

Wrong wrong!

That’s not the point.

The point is, when I played against the demon Buou, how did I forget about teleportation?

I’ll move instantaneously!

I always forget to use it at key moments, what do you say about this?

Saro had already read the inner thoughts of the King of the Realms.

What’s the shame of you making a phone call from a king of the world?

God also needs to be grounded.

My angel has called, but you think the call does not match your identity?

The King of the Realm hesitated, but still took the phone and told Myers what he thought.

“Well, that’s it, I think you have a lot of potential, come to the Realm King God Realm, I can cultivate you into the next World King God, what do you think?” The King of the Realm God asked.

“This… I’m sorry, I just want to be a little Galaxy Patrol and become the first Galaxy Patrol step by step through my own efforts! Myers replied.

You want me to be the king of the world?

There is no such precedent.

Although I would love to help you too, I am so sorry.

Angels should not be kings and gods.

Angels, there is an angelic mission.

“Don’t you think about it?” Becoming a king god of the world has a long lifespan. The king god of the realm advised again.

Myers: “…”

Does the king god of the realm live long?

It’s a long time!

Living for tens of millions of years is not a problem at all.

However, the king god of the realm cannot live forever!

Nor can it be immortal.

Angels can.

Angels never die.

Unless you die yourself.

Angels don’t grow old either.

What you were born into, you will always be like this for the rest of the day, and there will not be much change.

Even if there is a change, it will only become mature and temperamental, but it will not age.

Which angel have you ever seen grow old?

You a king god here and the angel talk about the problem of longevity…

“This… Lord Realm King, I’m really sorry, I have no interest in the god seat of the Realm King God…” Myers smiled bitterly.

“Cough cough… As a king god, there are many other benefits. The King of the Realm lowered his voice, “For example, we can cast teleportations to move anywhere we can. We can also see the essence through the phenomenon, for example, there are beautiful girls bathing or something, we can see clearly. ”

The king god of the realm began to use these to seduce Myers.

Myers was about to cry.

Lord Realm King, can you be a little more serious?

I’m a god anyway.

“Huh? The signal is not good… Feed? Feed? Feed? Myers shouted a few words and quickly deducted the phone.

Are you bored don’t you?

Did you learn teleportation just to put your sister?

The King of the Realm God was holding the mobile phone, a little confused.

Myers actually did not agree to follow me to cultivation.

Still disagree with the current king god?

This thing is done!

Forget it.

The king of the world sadly returned the phone to Kling.

“Lord Realm King God, can I be the successor of the Realm King God?” Klin asked.

Kling had apparently heard what the Realm God was saying about immortality, as well as the super-skills of teleportation and seeing the essence through phenomena.

Klin was a little impressed.

That’s a good thing.

That way I might be able to find a beautiful girlfriend.

The King of the Realm looked at Klin and didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

After the King of the Realm returned the phone to Kling, he heard Sun Wukong talking about it there.

“If Wu Tian can cultivate well, he will definitely be able to defeat the demon Buu.” Bic Road.

“Hee-hee, my cultivation is not yet home, and the time I can hold on to it is too short.” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Saro, how long does it take for Heaven to cultivate before he can hold out for a minute or so in that burning flame state?” Bik asked, “If you can hold out for a minute, you should be able to defeat the demon Buu, right?” ”

“In a minute, it will definitely kill Buou.” Saro nodded.

“How long does that take to cultivate?” Bick asked, “There is a room of spirit and time in the temple, and a year inside is only equivalent to a day outside.” ”

“It’s not a matter of time.” Saro shook his head, “This way of cultivating in mine requires feeling the heavens and the earth, the universe, the stars, and so on… You don’t have stars and a universe in that space, right? Therefore, even if you go in, the effect is not very big, even if you stay for 10 years, it will not be not. ”

Bick: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

The two were still discussing just now, trying to find a way to let Sun Wutian continue to maintain that state and defeat the demon Buou.

As a result, simply relying on that ordinary cultivation method actually didn’t work.

“Moreover, the best way to cultivate is to keep fighting and feel it in battle, so that you can get a higher promotion.” Saro Road.

Hearing this, the Realm King God was stunned, completely unable to understand what they were saying.

How to listen to them means that Sun Wutian seems to have a lot of potential.

“Hey, Goku, what are your dad talking about?” The King of the Realm God asked.

“They just said that Goku had changed into that burning flame form before Goten, and almost defeated the demon Buu.” Sun WuXian whispered to the King of the Realm, “Unfortunately, the time that Wu Tian can hold on to is too short, only a few seconds… So I had no choice but to flee back and just save the two of us. ”

“What? And this kind of thing? The King of the Realm God was astonished.

The burning flame form that Sun Wutian had transformed into, the Realm King God had also seen, although he could sense a lot of divine power from his body, but could those divine powers really defeat the demon Buou?

“Big Brother Saro is called powerful!” One punch caused the demon Buu to get a nosebleed. Sun Wutian said.

Sun Wulian immediately pricked up his ears.

What the?

Saro punched the demon Buu with a nosebleed?

How is this possible?

However, Wu Tian would never deceive people.

“Yes, Uncle Vegeta chose to blow himself up, and did not let the demon Buu bleed.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

Now, you all know how powerful Big Brother Salo is, right?

Why don’t you believe it?

“What? Hit the bleeding? The King of the Realm was stunned, “Will the demon Buu still bleed?” ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Bick: “…”

That’s what it asked.

Sun Wulian was also scratching his head a little dazedly.

It seems that the demon Buu will not bleed, right?

My attacks are so strong, he is not a problem.

“I also beat the demon Buu to the blood, but unfortunately I was able to hold on for too short, so I ran away.” Sun Wulian giggled.

“Cough cough… That younger brother of Sun Goku. How about I take you to the Realm King Divine Realm for cultivation? The Realm King God’s heart moved, and he immediately looked at Sun Wutian and faced Sun Wutian.

“Realm King Divine Realm? Is it fun? Sun Wutian asked.

“Fun, of course fun, very big, vast, boundless, full of birds and flowers, that is the world of God.” The King of the Realm smiled.

“Don’t go.” Sun Wukong thought about it and refused at that time.

“Huh? Why? The King of the Realm smiled bitterly and asked.

“I’m going to follow Big Brother Saro, and I’ll go wherever Big Brother Saro goes.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

King of the Realms: “…”

I went, and I, the king of the realm, was actually rejected.

“Saro, are you following me to the Realm of the Kings of the Realm?” I think you are better than your brother Myers, and as long as I cultivate you well, you will definitely become the next king of the world. The king god of the realm said to Saro again.

“Don’t go.” Saro answered crisply.

You were the third person to think of me.

I didn’t slap you in the face, I already gave you face.

King of the Realms: “…”

The King of the Realm God was about to cry.

Is it so difficult for me to find a successor to the King of the Realm?

Now these people have no interest in becoming gods?

No, Saro was originally a god, a god of galaxies.

It seems that it will have at least tens of thousands of years of life.

Looking at his age, it doesn’t seem to be very big.

I’ll be in my twenties.

This age is the time of hot blood, and it seems normal that you don’t want to be a king god.

The King of the Realm thought for a moment and then set his sights on Sun Wuyi.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

You wouldn’t want me to be the king of the world, would you?

But…… I don’t want to go either.

They are not rare to be the kings and gods of this realm, and I am going to be the gods… How humiliating I am.

Besides, my dream is to be a great scientist, not to be a god.

“Goku, decided, I plan to take you to the Realm of the King of the Realm!” Okay, that’s it! The King of the Realm said to Sun Wuyi.

“This… That…” Sun Wulian didn’t want to go.

They didn’t go, and you let me go.

“Here’s the thing, I don’t want to hide it from everyone anymore.” The Realm King God looked solemn and said to the people present, “In our Realm King God Realm, there is a legendary Excalibur, as long as you can pull out this Excalibur, you can obtain extremely powerful energy. Unfortunately, none of us Realm Kings and Gods could do anything about this Excalibur. ”

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