“So, you want Goku to pull out this Excalibur?” Give him great energy? Sun Wukong understood.

“Yes.” The Realm King God nodded, “Originally, I wanted Goku to pull out the Excalibur and let Saro or Myers inherit my World King God throne… In this way, things are much more complete. ”

The latter words were not said by the king god, also because Saro and Myers did not have the heart to inherit his throne.

When what realm king god?

Is it bad to be an angel?

“Excalibur? How it sounds like the story of some legend… Is there really such a thing? Sun Wulian felt a little unreliable.

“Yes, this is the World King Divine Realm that has been handed down since ancient times…” The Realm King Divine Dao, “As long as Goku can pull out the Excalibur, he will definitely gain the power to defeat the demon Buu.” ”

Sun Wuyan was a little undecided and looked at his father Sun Wukong.

“Well, go for Goku.” Sun Wukong agreed, “Although I feel that the hope is a little slim, I think I can try it.” ”

King of the Realms: “…”

What do you mean?

How come there is so little hope for me?

“So, let’s go now, shall we?” This kind of thing is sooner rather than later, and let’s hurry up before the demon Buu has not yet wreaked havoc. The King of the Realm God greeted.

“Yes, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun WuXian nodded, but hesitated a little again, “This… Dad doesn’t have much time left in this world… I also want to spend a little more time with Dad. ”

“Goku, I can understand your mood, this… Let’s focus on defeating the demon Buu first. Sun Wukong advised.

“This… All right. Sun Wuyi replied.

“Brother…” Sun Wutian was a little reluctant to his brother.

“Wu Tian, my brother has gone to cultivate, and you must be obedient.” Sun Wutian touched Sun Wutian’s head.

“Well, brother go… I will also cultivate well, and when the time comes, we will fight side by side and defeat the demon Buu together. Sun Wutian nodded solemnly.

“Okay, let’s go hand in hand.” Sun Wuyi smiled.

Then Sun Wuyan looked at Saro again.

“Classmate Saro, you also come on, take good care.” Sun Wu said.

“Well, come on.” Saro nodded.

“So, guys, here we go.” The King of the Realm waved his hand.


The next moment, the Realm King God cast an instantaneous movement, and left the earth with Sun Wuyi in a flash.

“Saro… That is to say, Goku wants to comprehend the transformation of that burning flame… It’s not enough to rely solely on the accumulation of time, right? Sun Wukong looked at Saro and asked.

“Yes, he needs to feel it himself in the process of fighting.” Saro groaned, “But looking at Gokuten’s current state, the best way is to throw him to the side of the demon Buou, don’t care about him, let him fend for himself, maybe he will understand faster.” ”

“Huh? Are you sure? Would you like to try it? Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

Bicker was also moved in his heart.

Is there still this way of cultivating?

“Of course, I will die faster.” Saro Road.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Bick: “…”

Kling: “…”

Dandy: “…”

It’s unreliable!

“Dangers and opportunities coexist, depending on how you choose.” Saro replied, “Of course, even if you don’t fight Buu this time, with the ability to realize the heavens, in the past year or so of this world’s comprehension, there is no problem in freely transforming into the state you said.” ”

“A year?” Sun Wukong was shocked.

“Unfortunately, the room that cannot use spirit and time is much more convenient if you can feel it inside.” Bik sighed.

“Since this state of enlightenment cannot be changed at will, we can only think of another way.” Sun Wukong groaned.

“What’s the solution?” Bick asked.

“Fusion.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Is it fusion? The stunt of the Medama Starman! Dandy had heard of this fusion.

“Dandy, you know what? Yes, it was the special abilities that I had taught me in another world, the Metabas. Sun Wukong explained, “This special skill can only be used when both people have similar body size and strength.” That is to say, two people are fused into one person, resulting in a person with great energy. ”

“Is it powerful?” Klin asked.

“Yes, very powerful! Those two Medamos were very weak, but after using the fusion technique, they became extremely powerful warriors. Sun Wukong nodded, “But I haven’t tried it since I learned it, and no one in that world is similar in strength and size to me.” And it takes a week to learn this skill, and I wanted to try it with Goku… However, since Goku has a better place to go, he doesn’t have to try. ”

“Goku, what you mean by this is…” Kling was a little confused.

“Don’t you understand?” Bik rolled his eyes, “Sun Wukong wants Goku and Tranx to fuse, am I right?” ”

“Hahaha, still Bik knows me.” Sun Wukong smiled.

Bick didn’t answer the call and looked at Saro silently.

“Saro, what do you mean?” Son Goku asks Saro.

“I think it’s very good, fusion art is also an experience for Wu Tian.” Saro nodded.

“Okay, that’s it.” Sun Wukong decided, “Next I will teach them both fusion techniques, but I don’t have much time left, and the rest can only be done by asking Bik to help you.” ”

“Okay…” Bick nodded helplessly in agreement.

“Great, so I see hope.” Kling said excitedly.

Just after Chling had finished saying this, he heard his phone ring.

Kling picked up the phone and looked at it.

Then, Kling found out that he had received a text message.

The text message reads: You are already in arrears of 180,000.

Kling was confused.

What does that mean?

What did I do? I owe 180,000.

Kling hurriedly opened the consumption record.

Kling saw a bill of telephone charges.

Interstellar calls!

The duration is close to 20 minutes.

Kling almost cried.

“It takes a long time for Tranx and Goku to learn the art of fusion, and during this time I don’t know how many people will die at the hands of the demon Buu.” Bik said in a deep voice, “Maybe this earth will be destroyed, this is a gamble, we can’t lose!” ”

“Even if humans go extinct, as long as there are Dragon Balls, everything can be restored.” Sun Wukong groaned, “Kling, you inform Bulma and let them all come here.” ”

“The phone is down…” Clinton cried.

“Then go to the scene and find them!” Bick shouted, “Don’t cry, isn’t it a little phone bill?” ”

Kling: “…”

A little phone bill?

Bik, are you not eating, drinking, or consuming?

You’re dressed like this all year round, and you’ve made it yourself.

You don’t need to eat, just drink water.

You don’t seem to have a place to use money at all, right?

The Mercury is so happy.

“Go ahead, if Buu finds Bulma first, you can’t afford this responsibility.” Bicker urged.

“Yes! I’m off here! Klin immediately turned into a golden light and went to look for Bulma.

After Klin leaves, Sun Wukong also gathers at Saro’s side.

“Saro, I really want to thank you for helping me save Goku.” Sun Wukong quickly thanked him.

Sun Wukong clearly remembers that he also deliberately asked Saro to help take care of Goku.

The result?

Goku is still alive, and that’s the best result.

“Nothing, it’s his own life is bigger.” Saro smiled.

“Anyway, thank you very much.” Sun Wukong thanked him again.

Salo didn’t say much.

Saro also knew that Sun Wulian would not be able to die this time.

“And… Saro… When can you give me the freedom of the extreme? Sun Wukong asked in a low voice.

Saro laughed.

Sun Wukong this guy wants to learn the freedom of the extreme.

As for thanking or something, it was just a start.

“I can teach you simple cultivation methods first.” Saro smiled.

“Really? That’s great! Thank you so much! Sun Wukong said excitedly.

“Nothing? Freedom is only taught to those who are related. Saro smiled, “Just like Goku, it should not be suitable for this cultivation method.” ”

“This… Is it? “Sun Wukong doesn’t know much about these.

Bick: “…”

Bik was speechless.

Did you take Goku and Klingzhi away just to follow Saro to learn what the Essence of Freedom was?

Don’t you still want to teach Goku and Tranx to learn fusion?

“Well, before Tranx wakes up, teach me, I’m a little impatient.” Sun Wukong urged.

“Actually, it is not difficult to cultivate the self-centered and extreme intentions, mainly the perception of heaven and earth, as well as nature and the entire universe.” Saro smiled and said, “It’s like you are suspended in the air, not using the dance technique, but feeling that you and nature have become one.” ”

“That’s the way it is.” Sun Wukong thought thoughtfully, “Although I don’t understand it very well, I understand the meaning.” ”

“Also, true freedom is to suppress the huge emotional fluctuations in your heart, just as what you need to become a super Saiyan is anger, but to understand the true freedom of the extreme, you need to let this angry mood return to nature when you are angry.” 」 Saro explained, “Can you understand me by saying that? ”

“I seem.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“In addition, the body’s ability to dodge on its own, to put it bluntly, is that you and this universe have become one, someone attacks you, you are the universe, the universe is you, he is also the universe, so you can feel his every move, and your body will dodge on its own.” Salo continued.

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