“So…” Sun Wukong nodded again.

Sun Wutian also listened patiently from the sidelines.

This time, Sun Wutian also had a renewed feeling.

Previously, Saro’s explanation on the Bun Mountain was actually just a preliminary mental method.

Now, Saro’s explanation goes a little deeper.

“Well, I’ll definitely cultivate well when I go back.” Sun Wukong said seriously.

“Big Brother Saro, I’ll cheer up too!” Sun Wutian nodded.

Not long after, a helicopter landed on top of the temple.

The people on the plane, it was Bulma who were them.

Also included is Bidili.

After getting off the plane, Bidilli saw Saro on this side at a glance.

“Saro!” Bidelli quickly rushed over and threw herself into Saro’s arms.

“It’s all right.” Saro hugged Biddy Li and stroked her hair.

“Great, you’re still alive, I thought …” Beatri’s tears were about to fall.

“Rest assured, I’m not going to die.” Saro smiled.

“I found Bulma as you said and followed them all the time.” Biddy explained simply.

“Well, I knew you were obedient.” Saro Road.

“Bulma, what about your parents?” Didn’t they come with them? Sun Wukong asked.

“They don’t want to leave the little animals behind…” Bulma didn’t see Vegeta, and she had a bad premonition.

Not only that, there was only Goku at the scene, but he didn’t see Tranx.

Bulma’s heart grew more and more uneasy.

As for the parental thing…

They were reluctant to abandon the little animals, and Bulma had no choice.

“If you know where they are in Tianjin, you can also let them come and take refuge.” Klin groaned.

“Go-ten, what about your brother?” Kiki asked Sun Wutian at this time.

“Ahh… The brother let the Realm King God Lord take it away, saying that he was going to the Realm King God Realm to pull out the Excalibur and gain great power, so as to defeat the demon Buu. Sun Wutian said.

“What about Tranx and Vegeta?” Bulma then asked, “Did they also go to the Realm of the Kings?” ”

Kling: “…”

Kling didn’t dare to speak anymore.

Just now on the plane, Kling just briefly introduced things about the demon Buu.

Kling only said that Buu was very powerful and let them take refuge in the temple, and nothing else.

If Vegeta had died in battle, would Bulma not have eaten me?

This kind of thing, let others say it.

“Up to now, concealment has no effect, so I’ll just say it.” Sun Wukong replied, “Tranx is all right, but Vegeta is dead, killed by Buu. ”

“What?” Bulma was shocked, tears streaming down her eyes.

Immediately afterward, Bulma burst into tears.

Biddy Li also had some small touches, and wiped her tears with her.

“By the way, Saro, my dad is still down there… Can I have my dad come up with me? Biddy asked.

“Biddy, your dad is a savior, a hero of this world.” Saro replied, “He has his own things to do. ”

Biddy: “…”

By now, if Biddy Li didn’t know how many pounds her father was, then she would be in vain.

“Saro… No kidding… When is this all over and what level my dad is at I can not know? Biddy smiled bitterly.

“No, you’re wrong, your dad is really a world hero, a hero on this planet.” Saro said seriously.

Biddy didn’t want to talk anymore.

“Even if not, I’m going to make your dad a hero.” Salo continued.

Biddy was speechless.

Really fake?

How are you going to make my dad a hero?

That’s the demon Buu.

Even you have lost to him!”

“Dear earthlings, can you hear me?”

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out in the minds of everyone.

Of course, this magic was useless to Saro.

However, Saro can hear the presence of this sound through the brains of others.

Everyone present was shocked and looked around for the figure of the magician Buffydi.

“I am Lord Buffidi, the great magician.” Buffydi’s voice came out again, “You don’t have to look around, you can’t find me, I am communicating with your soul through magic.” I’m sorry to bother you guys with a happy life, but honestly, I had some unpleasant things happen today because of five jerks, so I’m looking for those guys. ”

On Earth, many human beings also heard the voice of the magician Buffidi, and they were all shocked and talked to each other.

“You close your eyes, and I’ll send the image to you now.” Buffidi’s voice sounded again.

Sun Wukong and the others immediately closed their eyes.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong and the others saw the appearance of Saro, Myers, Sun Wutian, Tranx and Bik.

“That’s right, see? It was the five of them, and I was looking for them. Buffy snorted and smiled, “The five of you had better come out spontaneously, you should be able to see… If you don’t want to come out…”

At this point, Buffy Di paused slightly.

“Well, first of all, allow me to introduce myself to you.” Buffy smiled and revealed his body, “I am the great magician Buffiedi. ”

At this point, the eyes of the crowd flashed again, and the image of the demon Buou appeared.

“This is my subordinate, the most terrifying and terrifying demon Buu!” Buffy Di introduced, “He is very strong, no one can beat him, absolutely not. Of course, two guys knocked him down before, but he was still safe. Now, let’s get to the point, have you seen the town? Let me tell you, what if those bastards don’t come out? ”

“Stop!” Bick’s face became unusually ugly.

Sun Wukong also clenched his fists tightly.

Sun Wutian’s whole body trembled even more.

As for Bedili, now there is only fright.

“I’m not a person who likes to be wordy, so let’s kill all the people in this town beautifully.” Buffy said that the image was also transmitted to everyone on the earth.

“Okay.” The demon Buu smiled.

At the same time, the hands of the demon Buu were gently lifted upwards.

Suddenly, everyone in this town flew into the sky without heeding the call.

“This bastard… What does he want to do? Sun Wukong closed his eyes tightly, and a cold sweat appeared on his face.

“Hey, what’s the point?” Buffy Di explained, Buu brooded, the tentacles on his head moved slightly, “If you have it, then turn it into candy.” ”


The tentacles on Buu’s head emitted a pink flame that hit the humans.

Suddenly, all the humans in this town turned into candy in this instant.

The big mouth of the demon Buu sucked slightly.

The candy quickly flew into the mouth of the demon Buu.

“Gah, quack!”

The demon Buu crushed the candy and swallowed it into his stomach.

“Whoops…” The demon Buu was happy to eat and patted his stomach.

“Do you understand?” All of you on this planet will become like this. Buffy Di laughed, “By the way, since this is an empty city, there is no point in keeping, so let’s clean up the battlefield by the way!” Well, Demon Man Buu, clean it up a little cleaner, but don’t push too hard, in case the earth is destroyed, it won’t be fun. ”

“Okay.” The demon Buu said and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterward, a powerful storm blew out of the mouth of the demon Buu.

A storm swept over the town.

In an instant, this bustling town was reduced to rubble.

“Very well, I repeat.” Buffy laughed and said, “You! You! You! You still have you! Five of them! If you know, contact me immediately! Buu is going to turn them into snacks and eat them! It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, within five days we will wipe out all the earthlings, and see where you can hide? It is more appropriate for you to come out on your own. ”

One by one, the human beings on the earth were terrified.

“By the way, I almost forgot the most critical contact method.” Buffy continued, “It’s very simple, just recite my name in your mind and you can talk to me. I still hope that you will contact me personally, so that you will save yourself trouble… Hey? It was great to have someone contact me so quickly. ”

“I am a staff member of the world’s first martial arts conference today.” The other party said immediately.

“Oh, please say.” Buffy smiled.

“Of those 5 people, 4 of them participated in the world’s first martial arts conference, their names were Saro and Magigna, and the names of the two children were Sun Wutian and Tranx.”

“Is it just a name?” Buffy said coldly.

“By the way, I heard that this Salo and Miss Biddy are classmates or lovers.” The staff continued.

“Who is Biddyri?” Buffy was a little impatient and asked directly, “Just tell me, where are they now?” ”

“Huh? Do you still need to know their specific location? “The staff was dumbfounded.


Buffy Di used magic to directly blow up the head of this staff member.

“Whoever dares to make trouble and provide such boring intelligence is an example.” Buffy said coldly, “I just want their position, their names don’t matter, and don’t pull some people I don’t know, I’m not interested in remembering so many people.” I’m busy, and today I’m going to go around the world to destroy cities on Earth. ”

Biddy wiped her sweat.

Fortunately, this Buffy Di did not go deeper.

If you continue to track this, you will definitely know where Dad is.

“Hum, it’s no use hiding from you. The next time I destroy the city, it may be your hiding place. Buffy laughed and said, “Also, in 5 days, I will destroy the earth!” I await your news. ”

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