After saying this, Buffy Di interrupted the call.


Bick opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with endless anger.

“Did they kill Vegeta?” Bulma’s body was also shaking violently.

“Seeing so many innocent human sacrifices, I can’t look at it anymore.” Bick gritted his teeth.

“Bik, don’t say stupid things, if you die too, who will teach Goten-ten and Tranx to learn fusion?” Sun Wukong said, “Without the Fusion Technique, and the Enlightened Heaven’s self-consciousness is not deep enough, we will not be able to defeat the demon Buou.” ”

Bik was silent.

“They should have destroyed the Earth first… But don’t worry, everything that is destroyed and those who are killed can be restored through Dragon Ball. Sun Wukong said.

Bik nodded.

It didn’t take long for Tranx to finally wake up.

After hearing the news of his father’s death, Tranx burst into tears.

“Don’t cry, there’s not much time left.” Sun Wukong said, “If you want to take revenge, you must quickly learn new skills, you know?” ”

“Whoops…” Tranx sobbed.

“We don’t know if Buffy will find this place now, so we have to do rigorous training right away.” Sun Wukong said solemnly.

“Goku, do you want to use the Spirit and Time Lodge?” Bicker proposed.

“Don’t use it first, keep that room for later.” Sun Wukong thought about it for a moment, shook his head, and said, “It doesn’t matter, fusion is not very difficult, you can remember a few key points.” ”


Realm King Divine Realm.

“This is the Realm of the Realm King.” Sun Wulian looked around and was a little surprised, “This place is really good, the environment is very good, and it is a bit similar to the place where I live.” ”


The divine power in the hands of the Realm King God surged and hit Sun Wuyi’s body.

Suddenly, the clothes on Sun Wuyi’s body were also immediately changed into the kind of clothes of the Realm King God.

“Let’s go, Goku, let’s go and pull out that Excalibur!” The King of the Realm Shinto said, “I believe that Goku you can do it.” ”

“Hmm.” Sun WuXian nodded solemnly.

The two flew quickly in the direction of Excalibur.

“Lord Realm King, how can you hear what they mean when they say that my classmate Saro is very powerful?” Sun Wulian scratched his head and couldn’t help asking.

“Goku, don’t you know yet?” The King of the Realm turned his head to look at Sun Wulian and suddenly asked.

“Huh? What do you know? Sun Wulian felt puzzled.

“Your classmate Saro is the god of the galaxy.” King of the Realm.

“The god of galaxies? What do you mean? How can I not understand it? Sun Wulian was stunned.

What is the God of the Galaxy?

I was still hearing the name for the first time.

“Goku, there are many gods in this universe.” The King of the Realm explained, “Just like on Earth, the god on that earth is your friend, right?” ”

“Yes, his name is Dandy, and he’s a Nemesis.” Sun WuXian nodded, “The former god on earth was Uncle Bik… No, it’s not very accurate to say so, it should be said that Uncle Bik is another person, they were originally the same person…”

King of the Realms: “…”

You don’t have to explain that much, I know it.

“If there is a god on the earth, then a galaxy will naturally have a god of the galaxy.” The King of the Realm explained, “This kind of god is similar to the gods on the earth, and they all become gods through their own cultivation. ”

“Huh? Salo classmates are gods? I really didn’t expect him to be this identity. Sun Wulian was astonished.

“Normal, even I found out of nowhere.” The King of the Realm replied.

“Well… Lord God of the Realm, which galaxy god is my classmate again? Wouldn’t it be our galaxy? Sun Wulian asked.

“The galaxy is very large, and there are too many planets to control.” The Realm King God shook his head, “I don’t look like it, at best, he is also a god of the solar system.” ”

“The solar system? Isn’t that the only thing that has life on Earth? Sun Wulian wiped his sweat.

“He should not be a god of your solar system, but probably from another galaxy.” The King of the Realm speculated, “The Milky Way is so huge, there are many small galaxies that are similar to the solar system.” ”

“So…” Sun Wuyi nodded and asked again, “So… What about Saro’s brother Myers? ”

“Like Saro, he is also the god of galaxies.” The King of the Realm replied, “Myers was a Patrol Officer in the Galactic Patrol… That’s why I concluded that the two of them were most likely gods in some galaxy in the Milky Way. ”

“Hahaha, finally figure out their identity.” Sun WuXian smiled, “I just said that in the classroom, the ideas proposed by Saro are relatively advanced, and it turns out that this guy is a god.” ”

“He went to your school to study, it should be an experience.” The Realm King God guessed, “Galactic gods like this also need to be trained!” I was thinking that he and Myers were probably just intern gods of the galaxy. ”

“That makes sense.” Sun Wulian suddenly realized.

Yes, it should be the god of the intern galaxy.

Otherwise, you a god ran to high school on earth, are you bored?

Also, you a god ran to the Galaxy Patrol as a cop, do you think it’s fun?

“They said Salo was very powerful, and I underestimated him.” Sun Wuyi sighed.

“It’s not clear.” The Realm King God smiled, “But Goku, if you can pull out that Excalibur and gain enough power, I think you will definitely become more powerful, at least beyond Saro or Myers, there is absolutely no problem.” ”

“Haha, yes.” Sun Wulian nodded.

As he said this, the two men landed on a towering hill.

“This is Excalibur.” The Realm King God looked at the handle of the Excalibur inserted in the mountain below, and explained to Sun Wuyi, “At present, no one has been able to pull out this sword. ”

“Unplug it? How is it like in ancient legends? Sun Wulian pondered.

“Yes, it is said that as long as you pull out the Excalibur, you can gain great power.” The King of the Realm smiled.

“Well, I’ll give it a try.” Sun Wuyan tightly grasped the hilt of the Excalibur with both hands.

“Come on, Goku! I’m sure you can! “In fact, I originally wanted you to pull out the Excalibur and then train Myers to become the new King of the Realm, but unfortunately Myers did not agree… If that’s the case, then forget it, I can’t force others to be difficult. In fact, if your classmate Saro is also as powerful as Myers, he can also cultivate and cultivate to become the successor of the King of the Realm…”

Sun Wuyan let go of his hand and silently looked at the King of the Realm.

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