“What’s wrong?” The King of the Realm was stunned.

“Lord Realm King, I can’t concentrate on what you say.” Sun Wuyan smiled bitterly.

“Well, I’m not talking…” The Realm King God quickly shut up.


Sun Wulian began to draw his sword.

However, Sun Wuyan exerted the strength to suckle and did not pull out the Excalibur.

“Okay, turn into a Super Saiyan and try it.” Sun Wulian said and turned into a Super Saiyan.

This time, after Sun Wuyi increased his own strength, the Excalibur inserted on the stone mountain also had traces of loosening.


The next moment, Sun Wuyan flew up with the Excalibur.


In order to pull out this Excalibur, Sun Wulian also consumed a lot of physical strength, and at this time, he was even breathing heavily.

“Good Goku! I knew you would succeed. The King of the Realm smiled and said, “Let’s go to the open space over there.” ”

“Okay, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun Wulian nodded.

The two men came to a clearing in the distance.

“Goku, how does it feel?” Did the legendary Excalibur give you great power? The King of the Realm asked excitedly.

“Nothing… I didn’t feel any power coming up… This sword seems to have no other role than weight. Sun Wulian tried to swing the Excalibur, but it looked extremely bulky.

King of the Realms: “…”

Pulling out Excalibur without gaining power?

Sure enough, the legends are all lies.

One of my realm kings and gods actually believed in this legend.

“Can you really use this thing to defeat the demon Buu?” Sun Wuyan was a little dissatisfied with this Excalibur.

King of the Realms: “…”

The King God of the Realm felt despised again.

“Anyway, this is the most powerful Excalibur in the Sacred Realm, and I think it will definitely defeat the demon Buu.” The Realm King God groaned, “Maybe this Excalibur slashed at Bu’ou’s body, making it impossible for him to regenerate.” ”

Sun Wulian’s eyes lit up.

If this is the case, then this Excalibur is very powerful.

Now the strength of that demon Buu is because of his super regeneration ability.

The main thing is not to die.

If a sword passes and cuts off his arm, and he can’t regenerate, then his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

“Goku, is this Excalibur really as heavy as you say?” The Realm King God saw that Sun Wulian was still swinging the Excalibur with difficulty, but he was a little speechless.

“It’s really heavy…” Sun Wulian nodded.

“I’ll try…” King of the Realm Shinto.

“Okay, but be careful, don’t flash your waist.” Sun Wu said.

“Well, I’ll pay attention.” The Realm King God nodded and went up to take the Excalibur.

At the moment when the Realm King God had just made contact with the Excalibur, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

The Realm King God couldn’t hold this Excalibur at all.


Excalibur smashed to the ground on the spot, deeply embedded in the earth.

“What? How can it be so heavy? The King of the Realm was stunned.

“Yeah… I don’t know what kind of material this sword is made of? Sun Wulian was also surprised.

This sword, the Realm King God Lord could not even move.

That is to say, it was not that they could not pull it out, but they could not hold this sword.

This is also the reason why no one has pulled out this sword for so many years.

Because it’s too heavy!

“Anyway, it’s best to be able to master the weight of this sword with good skill.” The Realm King God sighed, “If you can skillfully use this Excalibur, maybe you can really cut the demon Buu into pieces.” ”

“Yes, just like when Tranx chopped Frieza.” Sun Wulian nodded.

“Who is Tranx?” The King of the Realm was stunned.


Earth, Temple.

“The fusion can only last for 30 minutes, that is, after 30 minutes, it will return to its original state, and after recovery, it will take a period of rest to continue the fusion.” Sun Wukong explained to Sun Wukong and Tranx.

“Only 30 minutes? Time is running out. “Bic Road.

“If the two of them can complete the fusion technique, they can definitely defeat the demon Buu within 30 minutes, and the fusion technique is so powerful.” Sun Wukong smiled slightly, and said to the two little guys, “You two become Super Saiyans first, right?” ”

Tranx didn’t say a word, and looked at Sun Wukong with some dissatisfaction.

Sun Wutian was thoughtful.

Become a Super Saiyan?

Didn’t Big Brother Saro say not to let me become a Super Saiyan again?

If I continue to become a Super Saiyan, my previous cultivation will be in vain.

“Hey, Big Brother Saro, can I turn into a Super Saiyan?” Sun Wutian shouted loudly at Saro in the distance.

“Transformation is just an aid, if you can quickly transform your own state of mind, it is not impossible, it does not matter what you become.” 」 Saro sighed, “The main thing is that you are still young, if you transform into a Super Saiyan, over time, your self-active cultivation will actually regress a little.” ”

“I didn’t understand…” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Go with the flow.” Saro Road.

“Well, I get it.” Sun Wu Angel nodded vigorously, “So I still don’t become a Super Saiyan.” ”

Saro: “…”

Do you understand what you call it?

I mean you can change too.

Forget it, whatever.

This kind of thing can’t be rushed.

The more anxious you are, the less he understands, and you can’t do anything about it.

“Tranx, let’s become Super Saiyans, right?” Sun Wutian proposed.

Tranx muttered and didn’t say a word.

“What’s wrong with you? Tranx? Sun Wukong asked.

“Uncle, what were you doing when my father was killed?” Tranx asked.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

“I passed out.” Sun Wukong replied.

“Passed out? At that time? Tranx asked, “What a coward, and if someone like you teaches us, we won’t become stronger.” ”

“Tranx, it’s not like that.” Sun Wutian knew what had happened, and after he returned, what had happened to the demon Buu had already heard the complete version.

“I don’t listen and I don’t listen!” Tranx said loudly.

Sun Wutian: “…”

“You little fellow! At that time, Goku and…” Bik said, about to tell the truth.

“Forget it, Bik, I’m just a coward, and I can’t even beat the demon Buu.” Sun Wukong smiled and didn’t care, “But I’ll teach you the art of fusion, Tranx, if you really want to avenge your father, this is the only way.” ”

Tranx was silent.

Well, it seems that there is no other way.

“Tranx, let’s cheer together.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

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