“This…” Tranx is a child after all, and he didn’t know how to refute it when Sun Wukong said this.


Saro and Biddy were also chatting.

“Saro, what’s next for you?” Biddy asked.

“The next thing may be a little more complicated.” Saro groaned, “In a few days, I’m afraid even this place won’t be safe.” ”

“Huh? How can this be? Biddy’s face changed color.

“But that’s okay, I’ll find someone to pick you up and take you out of the planet for a while.” Saro smiled, “Even if all the people in the world die, I won’t let you die.” ”

Biddy: “…”

Is this a confession?

How I sound weird.

As they were chatting, Buffidi’s voice resounded in everyone’s minds again.

“Friends on Earth, my magician Buffy Di and the magician Buu are here again.”

“This time we found a city bigger than we just did, and we’re going to make it disappear!”

“If the five of them don’t come… Then don’t blame us for being fierce. ”

“Hey, Goten, he’s talking about us!” Tranx panicked and hurried to find the figure of the magician Buffydi.

Tranx closed his eyes! Close your eyes and you can see them. Sun Wutian said.

“Or don’t look…” Bick couldn’t bear to let the two little ones see this.

Tranx quickly closed his eyes.

“How? Still not ready to contact us? That’s not easy to do. Then we can only sacrifice all the citizens of this city. Buffy smiled and said, “What is good about doing something this time?” Just turn them all into chocolate and eat them.” ”


The tentacles on the head of the demon Buu flashed a pink flame.

Suddenly, all the inhabitants of the city turned into chocolate and were eaten piece by piece by the demon Buo.

Tranx was shocked and frightened, and his whole body was trembling.

Sun Wutian also clenched his fists.


After eating the chocolate, the demon Buu shot a ray of light in his hand, turning the city into ruins at that time.

“Okay, let’s move on to the next stop.” Buffidi’s smile appeared.

“Buffidi! Demon Buu! ”

Tranx spoke suddenly.

“I’m Tranx!” Tranx said coldly.

“I am Sun Wutian!” Sun Wutian followed.

“Huh? They finally got in touch with us. Buffy was deeply surprised.

“We are not his opponents now, but in the near future, the two of us will definitely defeat him!” Tranx roared.

“Don’t talk to them! Will be discovered! Bick hurried to warn.

Tranx was stunned and quickly shut up.

“Hey, where are you?” Hurry out, why hide? You cowards! Buffy roared loudly.

No one bothered.

“Okay, let’s officially start fusion.” Sun Wukong said to Sun Wukong and Tranks.

The two little guys nodded solemnly.

“The time left is running out, you two now immediately become Super Saiyans…” Sun Wukong said this, and he was also stunned, “By the way, suddenly remembered, Goku seems unwilling to become Super Saiyans… That’s the trouble. ”

Not only that, the breath on Sun Wutian’s body was not very strong now.

The main thing was that he had already transformed most of his breath into divine power.

Of course, Son Goku didn’t know.

To perform the fusion technique, it takes the breath of the two people to be not much different.

This is more troublesome.

Sun Wutian’s body had no breath…

Tranx: “…”

“Saro, what to do?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Saro, with some headaches.

“Bidili, let’s go check it out.” Saro greeted Biddyri.

“Hmm.” Biddy nodded.

The two men walked over.

“Saro, the thing is, performing the fusion technique requires two people to have little difference in breath intensity, but I suddenly realized that the current situation of Goten… Seems a bit special. Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

“Well, it is enough to keep the special energy in Gokuten’s body as strong as Tranx’s breath.” Saro thought for a moment and said to Sun Wukong.

“Special energy and breath intensity?” Sun Wukong is silently experiencing the true meaning of this sentence.

“Let Tranx put his qi to the maximum, and the special energy on the side of Goku will be guided by me.” Saro Road.

“Okay.” Sun Wukong nodded and said to the two little guys, “Do you all understand?” Tranx, you now become a Super Saiyan and use your qi to the maximum. ”

“Yes.” Tranx nodded.


Suddenly, Tranx’s body erupted with golden flames.

“What a powerful breath!” Bick was taken aback.

“Very good, not bad.” Sun Wukong nodded and looked at Saro on the side.

“Wu Tian, now you should already be able to feel that special energy in your body, right?” Saro smiled and looked at Sun Wutian.

“Well, yes, Big Brother Saro.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“In fact, these special energies are transformed by your own breath, which is equivalent to a transformation.” Saro explained to Sun Wutian, “Now you explode these special energies like the explosive breath, the maximum explosion. ”

“I understand, Big Brother Saro!” Sun Wutian answered solemnly.


Sun Wutian’s body erupted with powerful divine power.

Of course, this powerful divine power could not be sensed by anyone except Saro.

“Okay, stop, here it is!” Saro looked at Sun Wutiandao.

Sun Wutian hurriedly stopped releasing divine power.

“Yes, that’s how far it is now.” Saro nodded, “At this level, it has reached the strength of the Super Saiyan, and it can’t be further improved.” ”

Tranx: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Bick: “…”

What do you mean?

How did you hear what Saro meant was that Sun Wutian’s current ordinary form was not much different from Tranx’s strength?

Really fake?

Anyway, Tranx is also a Super Saiyan incarnation.

Previously, at the world’s first martial arts conference, Tranx used the Super Saiyan to transform, but he beat Sun Wutian’s ordinary form to the flowers.

How long has it been since he was equal?

“This is Saro’s big brother, isn’t he?” Tranx was not convinced, “Do you mean that Sun Wutian’s strength is not much different from mine?” ”

“Yes, that’s what it means.” Saro nodded.

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