“I don’t believe it! I want Sun Wutian to have a discussion with me. Tranx said stubbornly.

“There’s no time now… If you want to have a discussion, you will have time to do it later. “Son Goku stops.

“What Goku said is also true, now that you are fighting, it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short period of time.” Saro nodded, “Why don’t you two little guys break your wrists, just compare the strength.” ”

“It’s okay!” Tranx did not object.

“Good!” Sun Wutian nodded.

The two little ones crouched on the ground and held their hands together.

Break your wrist!

In fact, in addition to the strength on the wrist, there is also the power in the body, which must also be exerted.


“What? How is this possible? Tranx was astonished.

I used the Super Saiyan transformation on the wrench wrist, which was actually comparable to Sun Wutian.


At this moment, Sun Wutian’s divine power emerged again.

Suddenly, Sun Wutian’s right hand pressed hard, and he pressed Tranx’s hand to the ground.

Tranx: “…”

Tranx looked at Sun Wutian with a shocked look on his face, and a cold sweat appeared on his face.

That’s an exaggeration, right?

Goku actually won?

Why is that?

At the time of the world’s first martial arts conference, his normalcy was obviously not as good as mine.

“This, this, and this…” Bick also looked at Saro in surprise.

Super Saiyan transformed, that is 50 times the strength!

Now, Goku has won so easily?

“When you were unconscious, Goten’s life and death battles with the demon Buo.” Saro smiled, “After experiencing a life-and-death battle, it is also a very normal phenomenon that his strength has improved.” ”

Tranx skimmed his lips and stopped talking.

“Saro… What would they look like if they were to merge in this state? Sun Wukong asked incomprehensibly.

“What fusion looks like, what it still looks like, this is not the same.” Salo replied.

“Well… Will their energies clash after fusion? Sun Wukong asked with some concern.

“No, after fusion, the breath may automatically transform into a special energy.” Saro speculates, “It is also possible that these special energies are automatically converted into breath.” ”

“That’s fine, it doesn’t matter if there’s no conflict.” Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief and persuaded Tranx again, “Tranx, you don’t have to be discouraged, Goku Heaven is a special cultivation method, this kind of cultivation method will not become a Super Saiyan.” So you’re there to be nothing to discourage when he’s turned into a Super Saiyan. ”

Hearing Sun Wukong’s words, Tranx was much more balanced.

“The strength of the Super Saiyan’s breath just now is how much you have improved.” Sun Wukong said to the two, “Now back to the original state… Wu Tian should not explode that special energy again. Because, it will be more difficult to perform the fusion of Super Saiyans directly. So, we have to start from the most basic. ”

Sun Wutian and Tranx nodded together.

“Now, Tranx, you’re releasing your breath normally.” Son Goku said to Tranx.

Tranx did so.

Sun Wukong looked at Saro again.

“Heaven, you only need to spread your special energy throughout your body, you don’t need to explode outward.” Saro looked at Sun Wutiandao.

“Yes, Big Brother Saro.” Sun Wutian understood.

“Well, that’s it, now the foundation is pretty much there.” After feeling Sun Wutian’s divine power, Saro quickly nodded.

“Well, then… We are ready to start the fusion of ordinary forms. Sun Wukong said, and then said to Bik, “Bik, you must take a good look at it, remember, after I leave, the rest will be left to you.” ”

Bik nodded.

“If Saro has time, help memorize it.” Monkey King added.

“Well said.” Saro smiled.

Just then, the voice of the magician Buffy Di sounded again.

“Friends on Earth, I am here again, and I have just received an important piece of information.” Buffy laughed and said, “I heard that one of the 5 of them was a kid named Tranx, who lived somewhere in Sidu. ”

Tranx’s face was shocked, and his childish face was full of uneasiness.

“We’re going to go to that city and have a look.” Buffy smiled, “Of course it’s fine if he’s there, it’s better to jump out on your own, or the city you live in will immediately turn into the dust of the earth.” Little one, are you ready? ”

“Damn! Who said it! Tranx gritted his teeth, “There’s Grandpa and Grandma in the house.” ”

“Goku, did you hear what you just said?” Bulma also walked over with a worried face, “Mom and Dad will be killed by him.” ”

“It doesn’t matter, don’t we still have Dragon Ball?” Dragon Ball can resurrect them. Sun Wukong said calmly.

“But Sido will also be destroyed because of it.” Bulma Road.

“It doesn’t matter, isn’t there still a second wish?” Sun Wukong is not strange.

“But… The Dragon Ball radar didn’t seem to come with us when we came…” Bulma said solemnly, “If there is no Dragon Ball Radar, it would be very troublesome for us to find the Dragon Ball.” What happens if you can’t find Dragon Ball? I’m sure you know better than I do. ”

“What a hassle… Well, Tranx, you go back and get the Dragon Ball radar back right away. Sun Wukong commanded at Tranks.

“Huh?” Tranx was stunned.

“The demons Buu and Buffy Di let me resist first.” Son Goku said.

“Can you do it?” Uncle…” Tranx was obviously not very optimistic about Sun Wukong, “Can you stop it?” I’m afraid I’ll be killed right away. ”

“Big Brother Saro… Or else…” Sun Wutian turned his head and looked at Saro.

“No, Tranx, you have to trust your father.” Saro smiled and patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

“Well, I think I have no problem blocking him for a short time.” Sun Wukong smiled and said, “Tranx, you better hurry up, otherwise they will arrive in Sidu first.” ”


After saying this, Sun Wukong disappeared in a flash by teleportation.

“Can it really work?” Tranx still didn’t look favorably on Sun Wukong’s strength.

However, Tranx increased his speed and turned into a Super Saiyan and flew quickly in the direction of Sido.


Buffy rides on the body of the demon Buu, and the two are flying fast in the direction of Sido.

“Hey, you’re flying too fast!” Buffy said angrily, “You bastard, I’m going to get angry.” ”

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