The demon Buu’s face was sullen and unhappy.


At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly appeared directly in front of the two people through teleportation.

The demon Buu came to the brakes at that time, stopped in the air, and almost threw Buffy Di out.

“Hello guys.” Sun Wukong greeted.

“You are…” Buffy Di winced slightly, but suddenly remembered, “I thought you had been killed by Vegeta, but I didn’t think you were still alive.” But anyway, I still want to thank you, without you, the demon Buu could not have been resurrected so smoothly. ”

“Thank you for your praise, I didn’t expect the demon Buu to be so powerful.” Son Goku said.

The demon Buu smiled.

You praise me quickly.

I just love to hear people praise me.

“Of course, he made it by my dad.” Buffy said proudly, “Then again, what are you doing here?” Did you come to tell me where those guys were hiding? ”

“Do you think it’s possible?” One of them is still my child. Sun Wukong replied, “I have come here to give you some advice.” ”

“Advice? To us? Buffy Di looked at Sun Wukong with a smile, “You are really interesting, then I will let all the people of the earth listen, what advice will you give me?” ”

“Well, I can assure you that the 5 people you’re looking for will show up soon.” Sun Wukong said, “So I don’t want you to continue to do destruction, those human beings are innocent.” ”

“What? You mean to keep me waiting? Buffy was upset, “You wouldn’t be some conspiracy, would you?” ”

“It’s not a conspiracy.” Sun Wukong smiled, “They are just doing special training to defeat you.” ”

“Beat us?” Buffy laughed at the time.

The demon Buu also laughed after a brief period of sluggishness.

“You’re really interesting.” Buffy Di smiled and his stomach hurt, “I know that three of them are quite good, but they didn’t have a chance to fight back for a while after beating my Buou.” But I guess the three of them belong to that kind of explosive type, right? That is, they can only erupt for less than a minute, and then the energy runs out. Otherwise, why did they escape? ”

Sun Wukong smiled and did not answer the call.

Did Saro really run away because he ran out of energy?

How do I feel, he is because it is inconvenient to shoot.

“Okay, don’t want us to wait for them, let them come over quickly, or I’ll continue to wipe out all the Earthlings.” Buffy snorted, “Although I’m a kind person, I don’t want to do this.” ”

“If that’s the case, then let me have a good fight with you.” Sun Wukong smiled.

Buffy laughed at the moment.

“You said you were going to challenge us? Are you going to blow yourself up like Vegeta? Useless, with that kind of broken move can not beat Buou! Buffy laughed.

“It’s not challenging you, it’s challenging him, you’re not qualified enough.” Sun Wukong’s expression was cold.

Buffydi: “…”

“Demon Buu, what are you doing?” Hurry up and kill him for me. Buffy was furious and shouted at the demon Buu.

“Hum hum… Hum…” The demon Buu was humming a little tune, with no intention of shooting immediately.

“Demon Buu! Do you need me to say it again! Buffy was furious.

“Got it, got it.” The demon Buu showed a helpless expression and shook his arms.

“Demon Buu, why do you want to listen to Buffidi?” Sun Wukong instigated.

Buu: “…”

“No! The demon Buu is my slave, of course you have to listen to what I have to say! Buffy snorted.

Buu turned his head to look at Buffidi, revealing a cold face.

“What’s wrong?” Buffy snorted, “Do you want me to chant the incantation again and seal you up?” ”

“I’m just thinking about whether to let that guy kill you first.” Buu cold channel.

Buffidi’s face slid cold sweat down.

How did this pig get smarter?

It was horrible!

I’ll have to be careful later.

“But rest assured, I’ll kill this guy first, because he looks more annoying than you.” Buu smiled.

Buffydi: “…”

“Then there’s no way.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and immediately prepared for battle.

“How am I going to kill you?” Buu raised his fist high.

“Look at the people of the earth of the world and see what will happen to those who disobey us.” Buffy does the live broadcast.


The golden flames around Sun Wukong bloomed, and arcs of electricity flashed around his body.

Huge energy surged out of Sun Wukong’s body.

Looking at Sun Wukong again, he also carries an endless sense of war.

“Wow… Dad is as powerful as Uncle Vegeta! Sun Wutian said excitedly.

“This… It is the same as the transformation of Goku’s classmates. Biddy saw it too.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“Super Super Saiyans beyond Super Saiyans…” Bik muttered.

Tranx was also taken aback.

“Uncle… I didn’t expect my uncle to be as powerful as my father. Tranx stopped in the air in surprise.

“Hey, useless, isn’t Vegeta dead yet?” You wouldn’t really want to blow yourself up, would you? Buffy laughed.

“No, if I blow myself up, I’ll disappear completely.” Sun Wukong smiled and replied.

“What do you mean?” Buffy winced.

“Disappear?” The demon Buu was also stunned.

What disappears?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand.

“You don’t have to know so much.” Sun Wukong smiled, “Now I will let you see the power of the Super Saiyans.” ”

Sun Wukong and the demon Buu are suspended in the air, facing each other.

Sun Wukong was just about to fight, but he suddenly sensed that Tranx’s breath was not moving.

What is this kid doing?

Why did it suddenly not move?

Is he looking here?

No, I have to tell him!


Tranx’s childish face revealed a look of disbelief.

“Impossible! That’s impossible! My dad is the strongest! Tranx muttered quietly.

“Hey, what are you rubbing there?” Don’t you want to get the radar back for me? Sun Wukong shouted.

Tranx was shocked, then opened his eyes and immediately woke up.

Oh, yes!

I’m here to get Dragon Ball Radar!

I have to hold on tight!


Tranx turned into a golden flame and sped away in the direction of his home.

“Hey, who are you talking to?” Buffy was stunned, “What radar?” ”

Buou also looked around to see if anyone else existed.

“I didn’t say anything, you don’t have to care.” Sun Wukong smiled.

Buffydi: “…”


I heard you talking!

Don’t you admit it?

“Hmm, those conspiracies are useless!” Buffy snorted.

Sun Wukong smiled slightly.


The golden aura on Sun Wukong’s body disappeared at once.

Monkey King returned to normalcy.

“How did it change again?” Are you desperate? Buu Ou looked at Sun Wukong and asked.

“No, I just want to tell you something about the Super Saiyans.” Sun Wukong confronts Buou Dao.

“Without that need, we’re not interested.” Buffy snorted.

“Don’t say that, you see now this is my normal state.” Sun Wukong smiled and said to Buou Dao.


After saying this, the golden flame on Sun Wukong’s body flashed for a moment, and his hair stood up high to become a Super Saiyan.

“It’s called a Super Saiyan.” Sun Wukong explained, “The Super Saiyan transformation strength will be 50 times that of the state just now. ”

The demon Buu nodded vigorously.

Got it.

If you can’t understand it, you have to pretend to understand.

The demon Buu also held out his finger and looked at it carefully.

However, the demon Buu only has two fingers in one hand.

Two hands together is not enough.

For a while, Buou was a little confused about the definition of this 50 times.


The arc of electricity on Sun Wukong’s body flashed, and more intense golden flames bloomed on his body again.

“This is the Super Super Saiyan you just saw, or you can also call it Super Saiyan Two.” Sun Wukong said with a smile.

“Hmm, so it’s mysterious, nothing has changed at all.” Buffy snorted.

“How many times?” Buu asked curiously.

“100 times the norm, which is twice as many as the Super Saiyans just now.” Monkey King explains.

“Whoops!” Buu nodded vigorously.

This multiple is so complicated.

Even if I don’t understand, I have to pretend to understand.

Otherwise I’ll be made amused.

Anyway, how many times does it have anything to do with me?

This guy will still be hanged by me anyway.

“Okay, next.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“What is Goku doing?” Can it change again? Kling muttered with a bitter smile.

Biddy Li wiped the sweat that had slipped from her face.

Sure enough, it all got Saro right.

“Then, then…” Sun Wukong said this, and the golden flames on his body continued to emerge outward.

“Even more super!”

Sun Wukong said loudly.


Sun Wukong let out a scream, and endless energy erupted from his body.

Sun Wukong’s body is even more golden blooming.

The whole sky seemed to be dyed gold.

The demon Buu Ou was stunned.

Buffy Di also had his pupils constricted and his face slightly discolored.

“It’s awesome! The breath kept pouring out! Bick was shocked.

“Dad… What’s wrong with Dad? Sun Wutian was stunned.

Tranx: “…”

What’s the situation?

What is Uncle doing here?

Why did the uncle’s breath become so powerful?

Biddy wiped her sweat.

Goku’s father, is this going to explode?

His anger was simply terrible.

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