The earth, at this moment, was also shaking violently.

“The whole earth is trembling… What is Goku doing with this guy? In the distant mountains, Tianjin rice and dumplings were also shocked after feeling the breath of Sun Wukong.

Looking at Sun Wukong again, the hair behind him is rapidly growing backwards.

Soon, Sun Wukong’s long hair was over his waist and moved with the wind.

At the same time, Sun Wukong’s eyebrows were also squeezed out of his eye sockets, revealing an evil face.

Sun Wukong’s golden arc of electricity was wrapped around him, crackling and crackling.

All but Saro were stunned.

“It’s the Super Saiyan third that made you wait, because I’m not very skilled, so I took so long, I’m really sorry.” Sun Wukong smiled and said to Buu.

“Is this Goku… How did it come to this? The turtle immortal muttered a little unexpectedly.

“Dad… It’s awesome! Sun Wutian was pleasantly surprised.

The Distant Realm King Divine Realm.

Sun Wuyan was holding the Excalibur for hard cultivation.

However, Sun Wukong’s breath is too powerful and has spread to this world.

“Is this Daddy’s breath?” That’s impossible…… What’s going on? Sun Wuyan was stunned, and a cold sweat appeared on his face.

“Is this Goku?” How can it be so powerful? The Realm King God was also shocked, “Why can his energy reach the Sacred Realm?” ”

“Dad… Daddy what’s wrong with him? Sun Wulian looked worried.

On Earth.

The golden light around Sun Wukong flashed, the breath was powerful, and even the clouds in the sky were blown away by him.

Tranx was completely frightened.

However, after a brief pause, he immediately went back to look for the Dragon Ball radar.

“It became a terrible face, but it wasn’t scary for me at all.” Buu smiled.

“Hmm, what Super Saiyan Three, just stalling for time.” Buffy snorted and told Buu, “Buu, kill him for me right now.” ”

“So, let’s get started.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Hey, I’ll let all the people of the earth see how you were defeated by the demon Buu!” Buffy snorted.


Sun Wukong’s figure flickered and suddenly appeared directly opposite the demon Buou.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong grabbed forward with a large hand, and his left hand squeezed the tentacles on Bu Ou’s head.


Sun Wukong’s right hand clenched his fist and hit the fat face of the demon Buu Ou hard.

The tentacles on the head of the demon Buou were stretched several times like a rubber band, and the head was severely beaten and changed shape.

“Bang bang bang!”

Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong launched a fierce attack on the demon Buu.

For a moment, the demon Buou was like a sandbag, allowing Sun Wukong to beat him.


Sun Wukong grabbed the tentacles on Buu’s head and circled in place, turning faster and faster.


The next moment, as soon as Sun Wukong let go of his hand, he directly threw Bu Ou into the distant sea.

But soon, Buu rose from the sea and shot out a series of pink balls of light.

The ball of light sped in the direction of Sun Wukong.

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wukong slapped it one by one and flew out backwards with these pink balls of light.


At this moment, Bu Ou’s figure appeared in front of Sun Wukong.


Buu’s arm suddenly stretched out several times, and a heavy punch hit Sun Wukong in the face.

Sun Wukong was smiling, but he seemed to be like a man who had nothing to do.


Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong also punched the demon Buou in the head with his backhand.

The next moment, Sun Wukong’s hands condensed a powerful energy.


The energy penetrated the body of the demon Buu on the spot.

The demon Buu’s body was in mid-air, and there was already a big hole in his body.


Buou quickly regained his body through regeneration.

Subsequently, Buou learned the appearance of Sun Wukong and condensed energy with both hands.


Between the whiskers, a huge energy bullet also burst out from the hands of the demon Buu.

Sun Wukong was taken aback.


Looking at the flying energy bomb, Sun Wukong punched the backhand hard, directly hitting the energy bomb away.

The energy projectile flew quickly towards the side of the demon Buu.

The demon Buu was stunned for a moment, and also punched the past.

With this punch, the energy bullet quickly smashed in the direction of the magician Buffidi.

Buffy was so frightened that the was about to squirt out.

Fortunately, Buffy Di reacted quickly and quickly avoided it.


The energy bomb smashed into the distant ground, bursting out a powerful energy.

The earth, a violent tremor.

Even the temple, because of the huge shock wave, trembled with it.

“Hell yes!” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

I don’t know how many people will die this time.

“Hey hey.” The demon Buu plugged in and revealed an evil smile.

“Hey, Buu! You give me a little care, you dead fat man! It almost killed me. Buffy cried out angrily.

Buu ignored him with a black face.

Wait, I’ll destroy you later.

You’ve scolded me so many times.

I remember it.

“Hey, it’s all right, but one-tenth of the earth has been destroyed, are you still a righteous warrior?” Buffy smiled and then looked at Sun Wukong with interest.

“I was really surprised, you look stupid, I didn’t expect you to be a genius.” Sun Wukong looked at Buu and said, “It’s really rare that you can learn each other’s skills so quickly and learn to use them alive.” I think that if you let you study hard with Saro, maybe you can grasp the ultimate intention as soon as possible. ”

After hearing Sun Wukong’s praise, Buou’s nose cocked with joy.

As for what the self-centered extreme intention is, Buu Ou can’t understand it, anyway, he doesn’t know how to pretend to understand.

Sun Wukong silently let go of the induction.

Sun Wukong clearly sensed that Tranx’s breath had begun to move.

This means that Tranx has found Dragon Ball Radar and left Sido.


The golden flame on Sun Wukong’s body dissipated at once and returned to normal.

The demon Buu also looked at Sun Wukong silently.

Buffy was stunned.

“Hey! Why have you changed back? It’s fun to fight with you, let’s move on! “Buu Ou Dao.

Don’t stop fighting!

It’s hard to meet an equal opponent.

“Speaking of which, I would love to have a good fight with you, but unfortunately, I don’t have time to play with you, so I have to go back first.” Sun Wukong smiled.

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