“Bastards! Do you think you can still go back alive? Buu, kill him for me and give all the people of Earth a good look. Buffy ordered to Buu.

“Buffidi, the guys you’re looking for in three days… No, it will definitely be there in two days! Sun Wukong said with a serious look, “So please stop killing innocent people.” There are only two days to go, so please be patient. ”

Buu looked at the past silently, and after a short silence, asked, “Are they very powerful?” ”

“Yes.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Wouldn’t it be the type that burst out suddenly?” I hate that type of guy. Buu snorted.

Buou refers to this type of Saro and Sun Wutian.

This sudden outbreak of type made Buou also suffer a lot.

And, what drove Buu crazy the most was that they ran away after the fight.

You stay, let me repay you in return, and then run.”

“No, the strength should be similar to yours, just enough to have fun with you.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Mm-hmm.” Buu nodded vigorously.

“Hmm, you fool, do you think I’ll listen to your bullshit?” You can’t even save your own life, do you still want to run away? Do you think you’re going to escape from this place like that silver-haired guy? Buffy cried out angrily.

“Unfortunately, it was not easy to have a chance to fight against the demon Buou.” Sun Wukong sighed, “When you go to hell later, don’t forget to let people give you weight loss.” ”

Sun Wukong hasn’t fought enough.

But there is no time.

Sun Wukong had some regrets.


After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he cast a teleportation and disappeared in a flash.

Bu Ou was taken aback and turned his head to look around for the figure of Sun Wukong.

“Gone! Where did this guy go? How did he leave? Buffy was stunned.

After a brief period of sluggishness, Buffy shouted at the demon Buu, “Hey, did that guy just run away, what are you rubbing?” Don’t hurry to find it yet. ”

Buu’s face turned black.

“Hey, did you hear me?” You pig! A stupid pig. Buffy was abusive.

Buu’s face was as black as a briquette.

However, Buou had his back to Buffidi, and Buffy Di was stunned that he did not see it.

“That’s right, Lord Buffidi.” Buu took a deep breath and turned his head to smile at Buffidi.

“What?” Buffy didn’t think much of it either.

“I suddenly remembered something very interesting.” Buu smiled and approached Buffy a little bit.

“What’s the matter? If you have this time, hurry up and find someone. Buffy snorted.

“That, I’ll tell you… That’s a terrible thing. Buu lowered his voice and leaned forward.

“Get that guy back!” Buffy had a cold face, not very happy to listen to the pig.


Just then, the demon Buu suddenly attacked, and he squeezed Buffidi’s neck.

Buffy was horrified and looked at Buu in some disbelief.

“Aaa Aaaaah…”

Buffy couldn’t say anything but “aah.”

“Can’t speak, huh?” There is no way to read the mantra that seals me. Buu smiled and squinted at Buffidi.

Buffydi’s pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were covered with black blood.

“You’ve taught me a lot, but I don’t need you anymore.” Buu smiled and clenched his fists and aimed them at Buffidi’s head.

Buffidi’s face was filled with endless despair.


The demon Bu Ou punched over.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and Buffydi’s head was directly exploded by the demon Buu.


The demon Buu casually threw Bafidi’s body away, and a burst of energy shot out of his hand, directly blowing him to pieces.

The debris of Buffidi’s body fluttered in the air and fell on the earth like a drizzle.

“Hey hey, shattered bones, hahahaha.” Buu was happy like a child, bouncing and jumping in the air.



Sun Wukong had already returned to the temple by teleportation.

Just after returning, Sun Wukong sensed the situation on Buou’s side.

Sun Wukong never expected that Buou would act so quickly.

“Goku, what’s wrong?” Bik walked up and asked.

“Buou that guy… He killed Buffidi. Sun Wukong said.

“What?” Bik was stunned, but also a little surprised, “Sure enough, Buffidi’s qi has indeed disappeared… This guy should have been damned, though. ”

“I had expected him to do it, but I didn’t expect him to do it so quickly.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“If you say so, the person who issued the order is no longer there, and maybe the demon Buu will become honest.” Bik smiled.

“This… It would be great if that were the case. Sun Wukong nodded.


After the demon Buu was unrestrained, he blew out a huge storm at that time.

A storm swept through the city.

The city was turned upside down and a series of explosions occurred.


Buu fell from the sky and landed on the city’s highways.

“Ready! Run! ”

Buu ran wildly through the city, his body penetrating the buildings that blocked him.

“Hahahahaha!” Buu laughed happily.

“Uh-huh… Help! ”

At this moment, Buu glanced at it and saw a beautiful girl sitting by the wall, looking at herself with a look of fear.

The girl was scared to dig the wall, eager to drill to the other side of the wall.

“Please… Please don’t kill me. The girl looked at Buu in horror.

“Am I handsome?” Buu pointed to his face.

“Very handsome! Very handsome! The girl answered against her heart.

“Well, let me kiss you.” Buu Ou stretched his mouth.

“Yikes!” The girl was disgusted and let out a scream.

I’d rather die!

I won’t let you kiss me this monster either!

It’s disgusting.

“You’re lying!” Buu was not pleased.

As he spoke, Buu glanced at a fashion magazine on the ground.

In fashion magazines, there are images of handsome men printed one by one.

“It turns out that women on earth like this look.” Buu suddenly realized.


Buu rubbed his face hard.

Suddenly, Buou changed his image and became a handsome face.

“This time it should be OK!” Buu Ou stretched his mouth again.

“Even if I die, I won’t let you kiss!” The girl said loudly, her legs stomping in the air.

“You woman who lies a lot.” Buu was angry, “I’m going to turn you into milk candy.” ”


A pink flame flashed from the tentacles on Buu’s head, hitting the girl’s body.

Suddenly, the pretty girl’s body quickly shrank and turned into a milk candy with wrapping paper.

The wrapping paper is the girl’s clothes.

The wrapping paper was removed and Buou milk candy was stuffed into his mouth.

“Mm-hmm, delicious.” Buu hum.

After eating, the demon Buu shook his head.

“How boring, I was so bored before that awesome guy came here!” Buu Ou sighed, and the energy in his body exploded, and the city was razed to the ground.

Above the earth, a huge mushroom cloud was set off.

“Hmm, I’m so naïve.” Bicker gritted his teeth and had a cold sweat on his face.

At this time, Bik and Sun Wukong were both standing at the edge of the temple, looking downwards.

“Yeah, the demon Buu’s desperate destruction, what a damn!” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

“With that guy’s ability, it will only happen for a moment to destroy the earth.” Bic Road.

“Rest assured, he won’t destroy the earth right away.” Sun Wukong guessed, “What Buu is looking forward to is the person who will fight him in two days.” Anyway, in these two days, the earth will definitely be safe, but pity the earthlings below. ”

“Did you let those two little guys fuse for this?” Bick sighed.

“Yeah, you have to teach them quickly.” Sun Wukong nodded, “I don’t have much time left, no more than an hour.” ”

“What? No way! You should have a lot of time! Bick was stunned.

“The Super Saiyan III can only be used in another world, and using it in this world consumes a lot of energy and the corresponding time will be shortened.” Monkey King explains.

“Let Dandy heal you!” Restores energy! Bik said hurriedly.

“It’s useless, time is still that time, should I go back or must go back.” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

As she spoke, the Crystal Mother-in-Law sped in from afar.

“Goku, there are only 30 minutes left, get ready.” Crystal Mother-in-law said.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“What? Only 30 minutes? Sun Wukong was speechless.

“Yes, unfortunately.” Crystal Mother-in-law said.

“This is bad, why hasn’t Tranx come back?” Sun Wukong’s face was anxious.

“Goku, there’s one thing I want to ask you.” Bic Road.

“Well, I just have one more thing to ask you.” Sun Wukong nodded and glanced back in Saro’s direction.

Fortunately, Saro didn’t seem to notice this side.

It seems that Saro is chatting with Biddyri.

“You say it first.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“The Super Saiyan III just now can defeat the demon Buu, right?” Bik asked, “If only I had been fighting like this.” ”

“I don’t know, the power of the demon Buu is unbelievable.” Sun Wukong smiled and said, “I think I probably have no hope of winning.” ”

“Probably? So why don’t you fight to the end and get the most energy. Bick asked, “Is it because of a matter of time?” ”

“No, I’m already a dead man!” It’s not something I’m supposed to do, and I think it’s up to these two young men to do it. Sun Wukong smiled, “Also, isn’t there still Saro?” At the critical moment, maybe he will shoot. ”

“He’ll shoot?” Bik smiled bitterly.

If you really can shoot, you would have shot it a long time ago, right?

Why stay until now?

Of course, for Bick, Salo’s shot didn’t count.

Only one shot, and then run away.

Is that called a shot?

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