“Although it was a risky gamble, I really wanted to try my luck to see Goten’s ability to thrive.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“However, that Saro said that it would take at least a year for the flames to change freely at the moment.” Bicker muffled.

“Isn’t there also fusion?” Sun Wukong smiled, “Believe me, as long as the two of them fuse, they will definitely be able to defeat the demon Buou.” ”

“I hope so…” Bick nodded and asked rhetorically, “What questions did you have just asked me?” ”

“What I want to say is, how much is the gap between the transformation of the Super Saiyan III I just made compared to the burning flame form of Goten?” Sun Wukong asked.

“Gap?” Bik was stunned, but did not think about it.

“Yes.” Sun Wukong nodded and groaned, “Because I have already found out, no matter how hard I tried, I did not bleed the demon Buou.” ”

Bick’s pupils narrowed, and he immediately realized the problem.

Yeah, Buffy didn’t do it live before.

Bik also saw that although Sun Wukong transformed into the third Super Saiyan and raised his energy to the extreme, he still did not let Buu bleed.

What does this mean?

It shows that there is still a big gap between Goku’s Super Saiyan III and Saro, or Goten.

You know, the form of the burning flame that had previously enlightened the heavens had only hit the demon Buou with three or two clicks and couldn’t move.

But Goku is only on a par with the demon Buu.

“I’ll be honest.” Bik smiled bitterly, “If you look at the battle situation at the scene, there is still a big gap between you and the Burning Flame Form of Goten.” Anyway, after Wutian burned the flames, the demon Buou, who had only used two or three moves, could not move. ”

“Sure enough, my guess was correct.” Sun Wukong smiled, “That transformation of Wutian is the latest realm that we don’t understand at all.” ”

“What? What’s new? Bick was stunned.

“Now that I think about it, if Goten’s true ability to worship Saro as a teacher, his future achievements will be absolutely immeasurable.” Sun Wukong scratched his head, “Speaking of which, I want to worship Saro as a teacher.” ”

Bick: “…”

If you were to be a teacher.

What does Goku call Saro?

This identity… It’s a bit embarrassing.

What was I thinking?

Bick shook his head vigorously.

Let’s talk about the earth before it can pass the level of peace.

I don’t know if there is no earth this time, and Goku is still talking about going to school.


As he was talking, Tranx flew up from below.

“I got it back! This is Dragon Ball Radar! Tranx said hurriedly.

“Good value for money” Sun Wukong nodded and gathered the two little ones together.

Tranx became honest.

“There is only a little time left, you two must redouble your efforts, and the only one who can defeat the demon Buu is you.” Sun Wukong said solemnly, “At present, the situation on Goku’s side is not yet known… Perhaps, even if he pulled out the Excalibur, he still didn’t get any energy… So, I’ve said so much and just hope you guys can cheer up! Don’t take it lightly. ”

“Yes! Teacher! ”

Tranx and Sun Wutian stood up straight and answered loudly.

“Suddenly it has become so serious…” Sun Wukong laughed.

“Super Saiyan III played a big role in that, didn’t he?” Bik smiled.

“Okay, let’s get started!” Sun Wukong raised his voice and explained to the little guy, “First of all, the breath of the two of you must be exactly the same, and Gotten, your special energy can be raised to that level according to what Saro said.” And, can’t you sense the breath of Tranx? You compare and contrast carefully, and you don’t have to let Saro come over to help you every time. ”

“Understood!” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Okay, now let’s start practicing.” Sun Wukong nodded, and his breathing was already a little unsmooth.

“Goku, are you okay?” You look tired. Bik asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, it’ll be over soon.” Sun Wukong smiled, “The back is the most difficult place, you two and Bik, you must see clearly… Saro, can you come over? It’s best to take a look at it too, so as not to have a look. ”

“Well said.” Saro nodded and walked over.

Bidelli was also curious and followed Saro.

“You’re in trouble.” Sun Wukong said to Saro.

Saro smiled slightly.

“After the breath of the two of you has reached the same level, then coordinate the movements of the two people and you can complete the integration.” Sun Wukong explained, “I will now teach you this fit posture, and I must remember it well.” ”

With that, Sun Wukong let the two little guys pull away from each other at a certain distance.

“Yes, that’s about the distance.” Sun Wukong said, and stretched out his arms, facing the same direction, “Then like this, pay attention to the angle of the arms.” ”

Sun Wutian and Tranx nodded together.

“Move! The arms waved in the opposite direction as the two men kept getting closer. Sun Wukong explained, “There are a total of three steps to move during this period. ”

Sun Wukong gave a demonstration as he spoke.

“Stop! Palms turn into fists! Sun Wukong continued, “At this time, pay attention to the angle of the foot! ”


Sun Wukong tilted his body a little and held out the fingers of the index fingers of both hands.

“Two people have fingers facing each other, so be sure to pay attention to the angle of the foot, especially the outside leg to be straight.” Sun Wukong Dao.

Bick: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Tranx: “…”

Biddy: “…”

Saro’s expression was flat.

Saro knew about fusion, so there was nothing to fuss about.

This fusion technique is not a big deal except that the movements are a little strange.

“This… It’s a little ugly…” Tranx skimmed his lips.

“Hmm.” Sun Wutian followed suit.

“These postures just now have to be symmetrical left and right, do you understand?” Sun Wukong gasped violently, tired and said to the two, “Come, now do it for me to see.” ”

“What is left-right symmetry?” Tranx asked.

“Huh? How to explain it? Only then did Sun Wukong realize that they were a child after all.

At this point, Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Saro.

Speaking of which, Saro’s body size and height are not much different from Sun Wukong, and they are only a little taller than Sun Wukong.

It’s just right.

“Saro, shall the two of us give them a demonstration?” Sun Wukong said to Saro.

Saro: “…”

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