“I think your and Bicker’s presentation would be more effective.” Saro refused.

I wouldn’t do that kind of boring action.

Bick: “…”

Who am I to mess with?

“Okay, that’s it, Bik, let’s show them once.” Son Goku faced Bikdo.

Bick’s face was sweating.

How is it fixed?

I disagree!

However, at this time, there was no one else nearby.

Could it be for Goku and Saro’s girlfriend to demonstrate?

If I had made that offer, I might have been killed by Saro.

Where did Kling, the boy, run away at a critical moment?

Bik’s face was helpless, and for the sake of the earth, he had to do it.

“Saro, what do you say it would be like if men and women merged?” Biddy asked in a low voice.

Saro: “…”

Biddy, you are not pure.

What are you thinking?


Speaking of fusion… What would it be like to have Bidilli and Number 18 fuse together?

Go back to the King of the Realm and ask for a pair of Potara earrings, but you don’t need this kind of dance step fusion.

Potara earrings fit, can last for an hour?

This hour seems to be enough.

Saro was thoughtful.

Saro thought so, and the opposite Sun Wukong and Bik were also moving rapidly towards each other.


Their fingers were pressed together.

There was a cold sweat coming out of Bick’s body.

“Okay, that’s it, you give it a try.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Goku, you didn’t want to try that trick too, would you?” Bik asked, “If Vegeta is still alive.” ”

“That’s what I thought.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“You still have to die this heart, Vegeta will never cooperate with you.” Bic Road.

“Why?” Sun Wukong wondered.

Sun Wutian and Tranx’s fusion cultivation began.

In the distance, many people also looked over to this side.

“What are they doing?” The turtle immortals felt puzzled.

“How I feel like they’re learning to dance.” Klin wiped sweat.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed in a flash.

The Crystal Mother-in-Law reappears.

“Goku, it’s time to go back.” The crystal mother-in-law said to Sun Wukong.

“Really? It’s time so soon. Sun Wukong smiled, fortunately, he was ready for his thoughts, turned his head to Bik, and said, “Bik, next please, according to the current progress, they should be able to master it tomorrow.” ”

“Got it.” Bik nodded.

“Salo will help take care of it too.” Sun Wukong Dao.

Saro smiled slightly.

“Goku, take care of yourself, although it’s a little unreasonable to say so…” Klin stepped forward and took Sun Wukong’s hand, clinging to it.

“It’s hard to come back, I didn’t expect to go back so soon.” Bulma was also a bit reluctant.

Kiki: “…”

Kling, you let me go.

What are you pulling our family Goku for?

“Kiki, don’t worry, Goku will be excellent, and Goku believes that he will come back soon.” Sun Wukong came over and took Kiki’s hand and comforted her.

“Hmm.” Kiki nodded.

“It’s time, we have to go back, Goku, we can’t put it off any longer.” Crystal Mother-in-law urged.

“Ahh… Ah…” Sun Wutian wanted to say it again and again.

“What’s wrong? Goten? Sun Wukong was stunned.

Sun Wutian didn’t know what to say.

“See, Goku wants his father to hug you, right?” Kiki asked.

Sun Wutian skimmed his lips and bowed his head, and was said to be in the middle of his heart.

“Gee, why didn’t you say it earlier?” Sun Wukong smiled, stepped forward and lifted Sun Wutian high, and put his arms around him, stroking his hair, “Wu Tian, follow your big brother Saro to cultivate well, you will definitely become an excellent warrior… Mother is up to you. ”

“Hmm.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously, and tears fell down.

“Okay, Daddy’s going back.” Sun Wukong patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.


Son Goku took off.

“Bidili, I’ll go out.” Saro patted Biddy’s slender hand.

“Huh? Where are you going? Bidili was stunned and asked hurriedly.

“I plan to follow Sun Wukong and travel to the Difu.” Saro smiled.

“Huh? Underworld? Is it the world after people die? Bideli’s eyes widened and she looked at Saro in disbelief.

You’re not kidding!

Can you get in?

Also, if you follow him… Wouldn’t you just become a dead person?

Bik was a downwind ear, and when he heard Saro’s words, he was also slightly shocked, and immediately turned his head to look at Saro.

Don’t be funny!

What do you want?

“This… You’re not kidding, are you? Biddy was speechless.

“Rest assured, I’ll be back soon.” Saro smiled and immediately soared into the sky and caught up with Sun Wukong.

Everyone below was stunned.

What is Saro going to do?

How did you get to Sun Wukong?

“Saro? Is there something going on? Sun Wukong also looked at Saro who was catching up and asked.

“Take me for a while, and I’ll go around the mansion.” Saro smiled.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Crystal Mother-in-Law: “…”

What’s going on?

You are a big living person, do you think you can go in if you want to?

It was the Yin Cao Mansion.

Only dead people can enter.

Also, people like me who can walk in the yin and yang realms are also OK.

But normal living people cannot enter.

Unless you’re dead.

“Can it work?” Sun Wukong asks the crystal mother-in-law.

“No, I can’t bring it in.” Crystal mother-in-law wipes sweat.

“It’s all right, you go with you, I just need to put my hand on Sun Wukong’s shoulder, and you don’t have to worry about anything else.” Saro smiled.

“Whatever you want…” Mother Crystal didn’t say anything more.


Saro and the Crystal Mother-in-Law and Sun Wukong and the other three disappeared in a flash.

The people below were silent.

Sun Wukong disappeared, which is a very normal phenomenon.

Salo was really taken away?

Can the living really enter that world?

“I knew I could bring a few more people in, so I would have followed them in for refuge.” Kling dragged his chin in thought.

Bicker wiped the sweat.

Is that going in for refuge?

Also, do you think you can go in if you want to go in?

Saro should have special abilities.

So he could enter the Yin Cao Mansion.

“Saro…” Biddy was silent.


The Crystal Mother-in-Law took Sun Wukong and appeared in the sky above the Yin Cao Mansion in a flash.

To be precise, this is paradise.

Heaven and hell are separated by golden clouds.

Above the golden clouds is heaven and below is hell.

And the place where the king of Yama works naturally belongs to the category of heaven.

When the Crystal Lady came in, her eyes widened and she looked at Saro, who had teleported in with her.

I can really come in!

This boy is not simple!

“It’s amazing, Saro.” Sun Wukong smiled, “I knew you could come in.” ”

“Nothing.” Saro smiled.

In fact, Saro can come in by himself, but it is a little troublesome to fly in like that, so it is more convenient to let the crystal mother-in-law bring it in.

“So, Goku, can you go back yourself?” Crystal Mother-in-Law asked.

“No problem, thank you, Crystal Mother-in-Law.” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Friend, you can return to another world yourself.” The crystal mother-in-law asked Saro again.

“Okay, I’m tired of this mother-in-law.” Saro nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll go.” The crystal mother-in-law also stopped talking nonsense and left the scene directly.

“Saro, you wouldn’t have come with me and were going to teach me how to be very self-conscious, would you?” Sun Wukong smiled.

“I have already told you the cultivation method of self-reliance, and then you will talk about it yourself skillfully.” Saro smiled, “I still have business, go first.” ”


Saro sped downwards.

“Hey, Saro! Here’s hell, and once you go down, you can’t go up. Sun Wukong hurriedly shouted.


Sun Wukong’s voice had just fallen, and Saro had already plunged headlong into the golden clouds below.


Saro disappeared in a flash.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“What is Saro doing?” Sun Wukong felt puzzled.

How did you end up in hell?

Forget it, he looks quite confident, he should come back.

It was really not okay for Lord Jie Wang to think of a way, he should be able to pull him back.

“Well, it’s time for me to find Lord Jiewang too.” Sun Wukong muttered a word, and it flew up in the sky.

However, as Sun Wukong flew along, he suddenly sensed a powerful breath.

“Huh? This is the breath of Goku! Sun Wukong has been able to determine that this must be the breath of Goku.

Why is Goku’s breath over there?

It doesn’t seem to be in the realm of kings.

Nor in heaven.

Not in hell.


Is that the Realm King Divine Realm?

Sun Wukong immediately cast an instantaneous movement.


Just in a flash, Sun Wukong suddenly appeared in the Realm King Divine Realm.

Seeing Sun Wukong suddenly appear, the King of the Realm was taken aback.

“Daddy!” Sun Wulian cried out in surprise.

“How do you dress up like this?” After Sun Wukong saw Sun Wuyi’s outfit, he was also a little speechless, and then waved his hand at the World King God, “Hello, Lord World King God, we are meeting again.” ”

“You… You moved in an instant, right? The King of the Realm smiled bitterly.

“Haha, yes…” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Dad, it’s less than 24 hours.” Sun Wulian asked a little puzzled.

“Here’s the thing…” Sun Wukong briefly said something about what happened after Sun Wuyi left.

“It turns out that Buu has already ruined the earth like this…” Sun Wuyan gritted his teeth.

“Show me the sword.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Okay.” Sun Wulian handed the sword over.

After Sun Wukong took the sword, he tried to swing it a few times.

“Sure enough, it was heavy… Can this sword really make Buu not regenerate? Sun Wukong asked.

“It’s just my guess, I can’t say whether it’s or not.” The King of the Realm wiped his sweat, “But since this is the legendary Excalibur, it should have its special abilities.” ”

“Yes.” Sun Wukong nodded, handed the Excalibur to Sun Wukong, and asked, “Lord God of the Realm, can I stay here before Goku challenges the demon Buou?” ”

“Of course you can.” The King God did not object.

“I’m sorry, can you give me something to eat?” Lord Realm King God must have a good meal here, right? Sun Wukong chuckled.

“Okay, let’s take a break.” The King of the Realm nodded.

The three of them flew into the sky together.

“Dad, Super Saiyan III must be very powerful, right?” Sun Wulian asked.

“Yeah, I’ll show you when I’ll have dinner.” Sun Wukong smiled.

As for the Saro matter, since no one asked, Sun Wukong was not so gossipy, so he did not say it.

In short, Sun Wukong has made a comparison.

Sun Wukong can be sure that his Super Saiyan Third Transformation is definitely not as good as the Burning Flame Transformation of Goten.

Otherwise, why did the heavy fist hit the past, but Buu did not bleed.

This can only tell one thing.

Compared with the burning flame state of Wu Tian, the gap between himself and Wu Tian’s burning flame was not even a little and a half.

Saro, this guy, is amazing.

I don’t know what he went to hell for?

Can you come up?



Saro easily found Buffidi’s soul.

However, Saro did not find Dapura’s soul.

Saro thought about it, slapped his head, but suddenly remembered.

The king of Yan Luo seemed to have thrown Dapra to heaven.

Only to go to heaven again.

At this moment, Buffydi’s soul looked at Saro with a shocked face.

This and this…

How did this guy get here?

Isn’t that the guy named Saro?

Is he also dead?


If he died, why wasn’t he in the state of the soul?

Moreover, there is no aperture on his head.

Buffy was horrified.

“Let’s go, Buffydi, come with me to heaven?” Saro smiled.

Buffydi: “…”

Don’t go!

I don’t want to go to heaven.

At this moment, Buffy was already a little frightened by Saro’s true identity.

Buffy immediately pretended not to hear and whistled.

Because all the souls here look the same.

He probably didn’t recognize me, did he?

At this time, there were about two dozen soul bodies present.

These soul bodies are also earthlings who have been indiscriminately killed by Buffidi.

Of course, these earthlings have also done a lot of bad things in normal times, so they have gone to hell.

“The whistler is you, you’re Buffidi, do you think I don’t recognize it?” Saro smiled.

“It’s not me, I don’t know anything about Buffidi, you recognize the wrong person.” Buffy quickly denied it.

I just don’t admit it, what can you do with me?

“Hey, you’re all Earthlings, aren’t you?” Saro smiled and greeted several other soul bodies.

Those few soul bodies nodded vigorously.

“Do you know how you died?” Saro smiled, “This guy is the soul of the magician Buffidi, and it was he who controlled the demon Buu and killed you indiscriminately.” ”

Several of the souls present immediately glared at Buffidi.

“You are all soul bodies now, and there is no magic in his body, so your chance to take revenge has come.” Saro smiled.

These soul bodies present were all shaking violently and looking at Buffy Di again.

Buffydi’s soul body shuddered.


These twenty soul bodies didn’t have any unnecessary nonsense, rushing up and biting and hitting Buffidi’s soul body.

How could Buffy be their opponent?

A minute later, Buffidi’s soul body was already dying.

“I… I follow you to heaven, Saro… Please let me go. Buffy begged for forgiveness.

“Going to heaven? You think too much, I’m just teasing you. Saro smiled, “Good luck.” ”

Saro smiled and immediately flew up and left the place.

Not long after Saro’s departure, Buffidi’s soul body was also surrounded by these soul bodies around him, and he was torn to pieces.

Buffy is dead.

This time it was completely dead clean.

The soul body disappears, unless it is the dragon of the gods that can restore him.

Otherwise, even the Earth Dragon or the Nemesis Dragon would not be able to resurrect him.

“Well, I forgot to tell you, I’m a very angry person.” Saro looked at the torn Bafidi soul body with a faint smile on his face.

You think you’ll be all right when you die?

I can hunt you down to the dungeon.

You can’t think of that, right?


Saro soared into the sky, directly penetrated the golden clouds, and entered the territory of heaven.

At this time, Dapra was still wandering in heaven.

Suddenly, Dapra glanced at Saro who appeared above him.

“Huh? Met an acquaintance, hahaha, is this guy dead too? Daplahaha laughed.

However, Daprah smiled and smiled, and the soul body trembled.

Like Buffidi’s thoughts, Dapura found that Saro’s head did not have a golden aura.


Is he still alive?

How did the living enter heaven?

Inside, only the staff of the Minotaur and Horse Face will not levitate the golden aura.

“You… Why don’t you have an aura? Dapra looked at Saro and asked.

“I have.” Saro said, and a blue angelic aura appeared around his neck.

Dapra was stunned.

Look at Saro’s blue aura, and then look up at the golden aura on his head.

This is special!

Why are the colors different and the positions different?

How many meanings does this mean?

“Don’t look, I’m an angel aura.” Saro smiled.

Where does Dapra know angels? A look of confusion.

“What are you here for?” Dapra asked vigilantly.

“Come and kill you.” Saro grinned, “I’ve never had a big heart and an eye, and when you were alive before, you were very disrespectful to me.” ”

“I… Have it? Dapla’s soul trembled.

“There is no need to deny it.” Saro smiled.

“But… I’m dead. Dapra said in a deep voice.

“Die again and you’ll disappear completely.” Saro grinned.

“What?” Dapra was terrified and fled quickly.


Saro slapped his face.

Daprah’s soul body simply collapsed.

“Hmm… I’m really careful enough to say that… Why should I be angry with two dead men? Saro groaned.

After saying this, Saro turned into a brilliant flame and quickly disappeared.

PS: Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve, I wish you all a happy new year in advance, and I can be happier and happier by reading my books. See if I am still updated in the New Year, just give a tip, how much can do.

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