
The demon Buu played for a day, feeling sleepy, and it was in a town that turned the town’s residents into clay and built a house for himself.

After a short rest inside, the demon Buu ran out again to plague the human beings on Earth.

At the same time, Sun Wutian and Tranx also stepped up special training.

The day passed quickly.

Two-thirds of the cities and humanity on Earth have been wiped out by the demon Buu.

“What about Saro? Didn’t you say you were going to go and come back right away? “Biddy Li was a bit sullen.


As he spoke, Saro fell from the sky and landed on Bidelli’s side.

“Saro? Are you back? Biddy said excitedly.

“Miss me?” Saro smiled.

“I don’t want to…” Biddy Li said hurriedly.

“If you don’t want to, then I’ll go.” Saro Road.

Biddy quickly grabbed Saro and lowered her head, nodding her head softly with a red face.

“You said you were coming back right away.” Biddy Li muttered.

“I was going to come back immediately, but I went out and knocked on the door, so I came back late.” Saro said with a smile.

After returning from the dungeon, Saro made another trip to Myers’ Galactic Patrol headquarters.

By the way, Saro went to visit Maro in the galactic prison.

Salo then had another meal at Myers.

I have to say that the meal at the Galactic Patrol headquarters is really very tasty.

Saro wanted to shoot the cooks to death.

You make something so hard to eat, believe it or not I turned you into a pig!

Needless to say, there are many delicacies on the earth.

It turns out that people on other planets can’t cook.

Saro sighed in his heart and turned around in the galactic patrol again.

Saro was increasingly disappointed.

The whole Galactic Patrol headquarters didn’t even have a beautiful girl.

Before leaving.

Saro took Myers’ hand in a serious voice and said to him, “Myers, such a boring life, I really don’t know how you have persisted.” ”

Myers was crying.

After coming to the Earth where Saro lived, Myers suddenly felt that his life was quite boring.

Around, sure enough, there is not a beautiful girl.

Look at Saro, they all have girlfriends.

Can’t compare, can’t compare.

“Brother, don’t you really need me to help?” Myers asked off topic.

“No.” Saro waved his hand and said goodbye.

After returning from Myers, it was a long time ago.

This is also the reason why Biddy Li waited for half a day and did not see Saro appear.

“Saro is back?” Bik greeted Saro.

“How’s it going? The fusion of the two little guys should be about the same. Salo asked with a smile.

“Yes, in another hour or two you can try the first fusion.” Bik nodded and said to Saro, “Can Saro help me keep an eye on them?” I’m going to see how Buu is now. ”

“Go for it.” Saro did not object.

When Bick finished speaking, he walked to the edge of the temple and looked down.

Below, the demon Buu is still wreaking havoc.

After destroying a city, the demon Buu rose to the sky.

Flying along, the demon Buu looked down and saw a man slowly moving below.

“Don’t even think about running.” The demon Buu fell from the sky and landed directly in front of the man, blocking the way.

This person is a small child, and it should not be old to look at, that is, less than 10 years old.

“Hello, who are you?” The child asked.

The demon Buu was stunned for a moment and shouted at the child, “Don’t you see it yet?” Can you not know me? ”

“I can’t see with my eyes, who are you?” Is it famous? The child asked.

“You lied to me! Do you think you can’t see me when you close your eyes? Hurry up and open my eyes. Buu sighed.

“I can’t see when I open my eyes, I was born this way.” The child said.

“Really? No wonder you’re not afraid of me. Buu snorted and immediately put his hand on the child’s eye, and the magic flame in his hand flashed.

“What do you do?” The child screamed.

“Now you can open your eyes.” Buu smiled.

“Huh? Yes? Yes? I saw it, my eyes saw it! “The child is happy to be broken.

“Hahahahaha, look at me now.” Buu was ready to kill the child.

“Thank you, thank you so much uncle.” The child excitedly stepped forward and hugged Buu.

Buu: “…”

A question mark on Buu’s face.

This little guy wasn’t afraid of me.

“Uncle, you’re such a good man.” The child faces Buou Dao.

Buu was silent.

Am I a good person?

“What about you? What are you doing? Buu asked.

“There was a big bang in the town where I live… So I escaped. The child said, “By the way, uncle, are you an alien?” ”

Buu does not answer.

There was a moment of silence.

“Hey, am I handsome?” Buu asked.

“I don’t know, it doesn’t seem so handsome, but you used magic to rule my eyes, uncle you are a good man.” The child said.

“Hey, I’m great, right?” Buu smiled triumphantly.

“In return, uncle, I gave you money, and I was going to buy milk, but all the shops are closed.” The child said, and took out a gold coin and handed it to Buu.

Buu picked up the gold coin and took a bite.

“It’s not tasty at all.” Buu Ou spit out the gold coins at that time.


Immediately afterward, Buu flew into the sky.


Buu finds someone and turns them into milk.


Buu flew back and handed the milk to the child.

“The money is not delicious, the milk is delicious, give you this.” Buu handed the milk to the child and immediately flew away.

Flying, Buu glanced and found another town.


The town was also immediately reduced to rubble.

Seeing this, the cold sweat on Bik’s face slipped down.

“I was so naïve! I thought he could get better. Bik gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

“What’s wrong?” Saro came over and asked with a smile.

“Buu met a blind child, did not kill him, and talked to him for a long time.” Bik explains, “Even, at the end of the day, I gave him a bottle of milk… I was naïve enough to think that he had become a good man. ”

“That’s because the true Savior hasn’t appeared yet.” Saro came over and smiled.

“What do you mean?” Bick was stunned and asked rhetorically.

“Buou will get better.” Saro smiled.

Bick: “…”

There was a moment of silence.

“So, you didn’t let them cultivate…” Bik was speechless.

“They have been practicing for a day, and it is time to rest well, and pay attention to the combination of work and leisure.” Saro smiled slightly.

“I understand the reason, but Saro, there really isn’t much time.” Bik sighed, “Forget it, I’ll go and stare at it.” ”

With that, Bik stepped forward.

“Okay, you two are pretty much rested, right?” Bik shouted with a black face to Sun Wutian and Tranx, who were resting.

“The real culprit…” Tranx quickly stood up.

Sun Wutian also got up immediately.

“Not as good as Big Brother Saro… Big Brother Saro at least knew the combination of work and leisure. Tranx whispered to Sun Wutian.

“That’s why I said Big Brother Salo is a good man.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Well, Goten, you’re right, Big Brother Saro is indeed a good man.” Tranx nodded, “Unlike Uncle Bick, who knew how to exploit our labor. ”

Bick’s face was purple.

What the two little guys said was clearly heard by Bick.

Who made me a tailwind ear!

“You two shut me up!” Bik shouted, “Try again one last time, if there is no problem, start trying the first fusion!” ”


Sun Wutian and Tranx immediately made one last attempt.

“Very nice and immaculate!” Bic nodded with satisfaction, “Now let’s officially start the first fusion.” ”

Bulma and the others were attracted to it.

“If the fusion is successful, what will they become?” Klin asked.

“The two of them look very similar, and the change after the fusion should not be too big.” The turtle immortals guessed.

“Well… What is the name after the fusion? Kiki muttered thoughtfully, “Goku and Tranx’s words… It’s called Gotenks or Trantian, right? ”

Bulma was tired.

“Cough cough… The two of them only have 30 minutes to merge, so there is no need to name them, right? Bulma couldn’t help herself and said a word.

“What if you want to call them?” Kiki asked rhetorically.

Bulma: “…”

What you say seems to make a lot of sense.

I don’t even know how to refute it.

“Saro, can the two of them really merge?” Biddy asked curiously.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“Saro, please help me see if the two of them are in the same breath?” Bik said to Saro.

“Well, it’s exactly the same.” Saro sensed it for a moment and replied.

“Okay, so let’s get started!” Bick said to Sun Wutian and Tranx.

The two quickly moved toward each other.


Fingers collided.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two erupted into a dazzling light.

At the same time, the figures of the two quickly overlapped together.


Two people became one person.

A fat man.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

“Is this fusion?” Klin wiped sweat.

“This… Can it be restored? Bulma smiled bitterly.

“Not likable at all.” Kiki was also sweating profusely on her face.

“Is this the guy Goku said can defeat the demon Buu?” I can’t see it at all. Klin sighed.

“Start running!” Turtle fairy humane.

The turtle immortal said that the fat man who had fused out had started running on the ground of the temple.

Ran for less than three seconds.


The fat man took a big breath and was not lightly tired.

The crowd was stunned on the spot.

“It seems that the integration has failed.” The turtle fairy sighed.

“Yes.” Bick nodded, “When you stop, Tranx’s finger is outstretched, and this time you have to shake your fist!” Okay, again. ”

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