“Old Ancestor, then I’ll leave first.” The King God of the Realm said to the God of the Old King.

“Why are you going?” The Old King God asked.

“I sent Goku back to Earth.” The King of the Realm God explained.

“Will you listen to me finish my words?” The Old Realm King coughed angrily, his body was shaking violently, and he clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth, “My most powerful thing is not my strength, but my terrible superpower.” With my terrible superpowers, that kid can definitely defeat the demon Buu. ”

“Terrible superpowers?” Sun Wukong was stunned.

“I don’t teach you, who made you rude to me, yuck.” The Old King God glared at Sun Wukong.

“Okay, shall I send you a nice comic book?” Sun Wukong asked with a smile.

“Goku, what do you say?” The face of the King of the Realm was black.

You are insulting our Most High God!

“Hmm, that kind of thing… I don’t have to read any books at all, my eyes can see everything. The Old Realm King God said as he stretched out his eyes and looked around.

“You don’t have to touch it when you see it.” Sun Wukong smiled and said, “Lord King of the Old Realm, do you want to try it?” ”

“Is it true? Wouldn’t that lie? “The Old King God was interested at that time.

“I’ve always been a talker.” Sun Wukong nodded vigorously, “Wait a minute, I’ll discuss it first.” ”

Sure enough, he and Grandpa Turtle Immortal were of the same type.

“Mm-hmm, it has to be beautiful!” The old king god emphasized.

“Understood.” Sun Wukong nodded.

The King God of the Realm beside him was completely speechless.

What a mess of this?

“Dad, what do you mean by that?” Sun Wulian was speechless.

“I can’t go back to that world anymore, then again, do you have any beautiful female classmates or anything like that?” Just like Biddyri. Sun Wukong asked.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“Biddy Li is not a good fit… If you do that, Saro will probably kill me…” Sun Wukong scratched his head, “There are almost any of them, you should have other good female classmates, right?” ”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Sun Wulian quickly denied it.

“Goku, you seem to have been in high school for a while, right?” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Nothing, I’ve been on for less than a week!” Sun Wu said.

“In less than a week, that’s a long time, and you don’t really know any beautiful female classmates, do you?” Sun Wukong sighed.

“My mother said that beautiful girls are tigers, and they are all obstacles on my way to study, so they don’t let me interact.” Sun Wulian hurriedly responded.

“But Mom and Dad got married at about your age.” Sun Wukong scratched his head.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Really fake?

“Well, don’t you say, it’s almost the same, I seem to be married at the age of 18, right?” Sun Wukong held his chin and thoughtful.

“What? So early? Sun Wulian was stunned.

Subsequently, Sun Wuyan regretted it very much.


You’re overdoing it!

You didn’t let me know pretty girls, and I missed out on a girl as nice as Biddyrie.

Uh-huh… Biddy is now Saro’s girlfriend.

It’s already too late!

Mom, how are you pit boys!

You told me that beautiful girls are all obstacles on the way to learning, and as a result, you and your father got married at such a young age.

What a shame!

“Forget it, it seems that you can’t count on your classmates.” Sun Wukong scratched his head.

“Hey, what the hell is going on?” Yes or no, give a hard word. The Old King God urged.

“It’s not easy to do, is it okay to be a little older?” Sun Wukong asked.

“As long as it’s pretty.” The old king’s requirements for age did not matter.

I’ve lived for tens of millions of years.

Do I still care about a woman’s age?

Just be pretty.

Age is not an issue.

“Great, go back and get Bulma.” Sun Wukong said to Sun Wu.

Sun Wuyi’s face was blue.

Let me find Bulma?

She’ll kill me.

“Can your abilities really defeat the demon Buu?” Sun Wukong asked the King of the Realm Shinto.

“There’s no absolute certainty, but it’s pretty much the same.” The Old King God said.

“How’s it going? Just let him touch it, you can save the universe. Sun Wukong smiled.

“How can it be used this way? Let me go and beg her? I thought that even if the universe were saved, I would be killed by Aunt Bulma. Sun Wulian was speechless.

“That’s it.” Sun Wukong stepped forward and took the hand of the Old Realm King God.

“Well, that’s it.” The Old King God nodded happily.

“Then, Lord Realm King, what is this superpower you are talking about?” Sun Wukong asked.

“My superpowers are very special, no matter how great a person is, I can use his potential power to the maximum.” The Old King God said proudly, “What? Have you ever heard of this special ability? ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wuyi: “…”

What kind of superpower is this?

The Great Elder of the Mercury will be.

Also, the super-divine water on Earth can also trigger its own potential power.

This superpower is simply rotten.

“Doesn’t seem to be anything remarkable?” Sun Wukong shook his head.

“What are you talking about? I’m talking above the boundaries and no one can do that! The Old Realm King God corrected and pointed at Sun Wuyi, “Is it you boy who pulled out the Excalibur?” You come here. ”

Sun Wuyan scratched his head and walked up.

“Whoever can pull out the Excalibur and swing it will definitely become the strongest person in the universe with my help.” The Old Realm King God said, and sighed again, “Unfortunately, I thought that the person who pulled out the Excalibur would be the World King God, but it turned out to be the Earth People… This is really the sadness of the Divine Realm. ”

The King of the Realm was ashamed.

“Lord God of the Old Realm, ask a word that should not be asked… You must be a little old, right? Sun Wukong asked in a low voice.

“What? It is very impolite to inquire about the age of others. The Old King God rolled his eyes.

“All I’ve heard is that it’s impolite to inquire about a woman’s age…” Sun Wukong scratched his head.

“Speak quickly! What the hell is going on? The Old World King God was not angry and said, “What does it have to do with age?” ”

“You are older and know more things, and I mainly want to ask if there are any other gods above the King of the Realm.” Sun Wukong lowered his voice and looked at the Old King God and asked.

The Old Realm King God was dumbfounded at that time, looking at Sun Wukong with a shocked face.

Brief sluggishness.

“What is this for, you ask?” The Old King God did not answer this question.

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