“It seems that there is… Okay, thank you, Lord God of the Old Realm, I know. Sun Wukong nodded.

The Old King’s God: “…”

You know what, I didn’t say anything.

You little boy, it’s really unlikable.

Do I have a voice?

What do you know?

The Old King was tired.

What’s all this mess about?

What does this mean, you ask?

The Old Realm King God also didn’t bother to take care of Sun Wukong, pointing at Sun Wulian and saying, “You stand well, don’t move, now I will start to boost your potential energy.” ”

“Yes!” Sun Wulian stood up straight with a nervous face.

“I’m here! Defeat the demon Buu. The Old King God shouted.

“Hum hum, hum hum, hum hum…”

Immediately afterward, the Old Realm King God circled around Sun Wu’s rice and hummed a song in his mouth.

King of the Realms: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

The two were relatively speechless.

Sun Wulian was also confused.

“I said… What does that mean? Sun Wulian couldn’t help it and asked.

“Quiet, this is an important ritual!” The Old King God said loudly.

“Hum hum, hum hum…”

After saying this, the Old Realm King God continued to hum a minor tune and circled around Sun Wu’s meal.

“This… How long will it take…” Sun Wukong asked.

“5 hours of ceremonies, 20 hours of capacity improvement.” The Old King God replied.

Sun Wukong: “…”

So long!

How did it take so long?

But it’s okay!

25 hours in total!

This time is almost the same time when Goku and Tranx challenge the demon Buu.

It’s just the right time.

Sun Wulian stood there, but he was a little tired.

“I’m going to take a nap, cheer up, and have a good meal.” Sun Wukong greeted Sun Wukong.

“Well…” Sun Wuyi skimmed his lips.

King of the Realms: “…”

It’s not appropriate for me not to accompany.

Goku this guy!

It’s so cunning.

“Hey, Goku.” The King of the Realm God beckoned to Sun Wukong.

“What? Lord God of the Realm. Sun Wukong stopped and asked.

The King of the Realm God motioned for Sun Wukong to come over.

Sun Wukong stepped forward, with a blank look on his face, and asked, “What the hell is going on?” Lord God of the Realm. ”

“Goku, what kind of whispering words did you just say to the old ancestor?” The King of the Realm asked with a gossipy face.

“Uh, nothing…” Sun Wukong shook his head.

Since it is a whisper, why tell you?

Lord God of the Realm, you are really funny.

“Even if you tell the World King God Lord, the World King God Lord may not know it, or don’t get tangled up.” Sun Wukong smiled and waved his hand, “I went to sleep.” ”

After saying that, Sun Wukong turned around and left.

King of the Realms: “…”

I felt like I was being despised again.

Sun Wukong quickly ran over to sleep.

The Realm King God hesitated repeatedly, but in the end he honestly stayed and watched.

It’s not appropriate not to look.


Just one day had passed, and under the crazy destruction of the demon Buou, as many as 80% of the cities and inhabitants of the earth had been wiped out.

The demon Buu is like a small child, killing those who resist and flee with almost no emotion, as a pleasure. When they are hungry, they will be turned into snacks or chocolate or something.

Of course, there are also large armies on the earth, but all resistance is futile.

After knowing this result, no one dared to fight.

But the rest are not completely hopeless.

Through the radio, they learned that the Savior was still alive.

Now everyone is waiting for the Savior to wake up and save this crappy world.

In order to eliminate the fatigue of the world’s first martial arts conference, the champion who is still sleeping in the bomb shelter has once defeated the world number one of Sharu… No, the so-called number one warrior in the universe, this legendary man… Now he finally woke up.

He was going to stand up and defeat the demon Buu.

On his shoulders was the hope of surviving.

He is the most powerful warrior who claims to be undefeated, Mr. Satan.


“Biddyri, your dad is going to save the world.” Saro said suddenly to Biddyri.

“What? What do you mean? What’s wrong with my dad? Biddy Li was stunned and looked at Saro somewhat dazedly.

I didn’t understand what you were saying.

Soon, however, Bidili suddenly reacted.

“You, you, you… You don’t mean to say… My dad is going to challenge the demon Buu, right? Biddy stuttered when she spoke, and her face immediately turned pale.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

Biddy was about to cry.

What level is my dad I can not know?

Did he deliver food to the demon Buu?

When he goes, he will definitely be turned into chocolate by the demon Buu.

“Saro, what to do?” Whoops…” Biddy was so anxious that tears flowed.

“Biddy, your dad is a world hero, rest assured, he’ll be fine.” Saro said comfortingly.

Biddy: “…”

When is this, Saro, don’t you kid yourself?

“Well, since you’re not at ease, let’s go see him.” Saro Road.

“See my dad?” Bidili was stunned.

“Yeah, aren’t you uneasy?” Saro smiled slightly.

“But… What if we go in case we encounter the demon Buu? Biddy asked rhetorically.

Biddy also wants to save her father, but only if she doesn’t put herself and Saro in it.

That would be irrational behavior.

“It’s okay, let’s go.” Saro said, immediately taking Biddy’s hand and flying up into the sky.

“Hey, Saro, where are you going?” Klin asked in the back.

Saro ignored him.

Where do I go, do I still need to report to you?

You better take care of yourself.

“This guy, how did he run?” Kling scratched his head.

Bik apparently saw Saro leave as well.

However, Bick did not try to stop it.

Everyone has their own things to do.

You can’t interfere in everyone’s business.

“Bic, Saro is gone…” Kling said hurriedly to Bik.

“I saw it.” Bik nodded.

“You don’t stop it?” Klin asked.

“Block? Why block it? Bick smiled, “They left naturally with important things to do, and when they’re almost done, they’ll come back.” ”

Kling: “…”

“But didn’t Goku say to let Saro help the two little guys practice fusion?” Klin asked.

“Do you think that the fusion technique of those two little guys now uses the help of others?” Bik smiled and glanced at the fused Gotenks.

Gotenks hadn’t separated yet.

At this time, it is still in a state of fusion.

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