“Then, after they separate, they can try the fusion of Super Saiyans.” Bick groaned, “I hope nothing goes wrong.” ”

“Well, now that you’ve decided on Bik, I’m not going to say anything more.” Kling nodded.

Bik didn’t say a word, but looked silently into the distance.

Bik wondered in his heart, he didn’t know what Saro and Bidili were doing?

Just now I was thinking about my own thoughts, and I didn’t listen carefully to the two of them.

At this moment, Mr. Satan’s military plane flew rapidly towards the garrison of the demon Buu.

Mr. Satan was extremely confident, but his face was cold and sweaty.

It’s over!

I’m going to die.

What Biddy said really happened.

What should I do?

I would have been turned into chocolate by that fat man.

I’m so sad!

Satan was terrified.

However, Satan’s face showed no expression.

I’m just so confident.

“Mr. Satan, you’re almost at Buo’s house ahead.” The commander of the military district personally came to accompany Mr. Satan, “Please forgive us for not daring to land directly in front of his house.” ”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s far behind, I’ll just walk over it myself.” Satan smiled.

“Thank you so much.” The commander quickly thanked him.

As he was talking, the pilot suddenly slowed down.

“Someone! Someone is flying in the sky! It’s two people! The pilot looked shocked and hurriedly shouted.

“Really people! The two of them are coming towards us! What do they want to do! The commander was also dumbfounded, and immediately ordered, “Prepare to attack!” ”

Satan was also shocked, and thought that he was a fellow party of the demon Buu.

However, when Mr. Satan fixed his gaze, he found two familiar figures.

“What’s the fuss, they’re my daughter and son-in-law.” Satan was overjoyed, and he quickly scolded the pilot, “Don’t use the missiles on your plane, that kind of thing is useless to my daughter and son-in-law, and it is a waste to use it.” ”

“Really?” The pilots were stunned.

Are today’s missiles no longer working?

“Don’t believe it? You can try. Satan said and secretly clenched his fists, staring closely at the launch button of the missile.

If the pilot really dared to launch a missile, Satan decided to punch him away.

Did the ghost know if my daughter could withstand the missile attack?

“Don’t dare, don’t dare…” Of course the pilot didn’t dare.

Moreover, the commander did not give an order.

“Sure enough, it is a tiger father and a dogless daughter, and even the son-in-law is so good that he will fly in the sky.” The commander looked surprised and couldn’t help but sigh.

“By the way, can Mr. Satan fly?” The pilot asked from the sidelines.

“Fly your plane well, you don’t talk and no one treats you as dumb.” Satan was furious and shouted at the pilot.

The pilot wiped his sweat.

I just casually asked, why are you so angry?

“Hear that? Fly your plane well, and if you dare to say more, I will shoot you.” The commander said intimidatingly.

“Yes! Commander! The pilot answered, frightened and cold sweat slipped from his face.

“Well, flying that kind of thing is too easy for me.” Satan snorted, “However, when I was fighting Saru, that hateful fellow of Saru sealed my ability to fly, and I still haven’t unlocked it.” Rest assured, even if I can’t fly, I can defeat the demon Buu. ”

“It turned out to be so, worthy of Mr. Satan, really good.” The commander suddenly realized.

As they were talking, Saro and Biddy Li also flew over quickly from a distance.

“Daddy!” Biddy hovered at the door of the military plane and hurriedly greeted.

“Bidili, what are you here for?” Satan looked at Biddy and said, “Hurry back, that demon Buu is still very powerful, you are not yet his opponent.” ”

Biddy: “…”

Dad, don’t you just pretend?

When is this all over, and is it still pretending?

Biddy wiped her sweat and was speechless.

“Just let your boyfriend stay with me and play with me, you go back.” Satan said to Biddyri.

Biddy Li was silent.

Saro smiled, and did not reveal Satan’s intention for the time being.

“Still wondering what to do, first lower the plane.” Satan commanded the pilot.


The pilot had to control the plane and landed about four or five hundred meters from the home of the demon Buu.

Looking at the distance in this position, you can just see the home of the demon Buu.

Of course, the premise is that your eye’s vision is good enough.

Saro also fell with Biddyri.

“You two, you don’t need you here anymore, let’s go.” Satan told the commander and the pilot, “If you let the demon Buu see it, even if I want to save you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it.” Most of what he released was a group injury, not a good rescue. ”

“Yes, Mr. Satan.” The commander hurriedly replied, and when he said this, he glanced at the small bag that Mr. Satan was holding in his hand, and could not help asking, “This is…”

“Hum hum, this is a secret weapon.” Satan smiled.

“It’s a secret weapon!” The commander’s eyes immediately lit up, “Great, there is hope this time.” ”

“Okay, let’s go.” Satan said, took off the cloak on his body, and casually threw it behind him, “I will let him taste my strength, let him know that there is still my Mr. Satan in this world.” ”

The commander and the pilot nodded vigorously.

Worthy of Mr. Satan, he is indeed brave and invincible.

“Why don’t you leave?” Satan glanced at the two of them, “Do you want to stay and die?” ”

“No, no, no, we’ll leave, and you’ll be the rest.” The commander said hurriedly.

“Bidili, you go too!” Satan commanded to Biddyri.

“But Daddy…” Biddy Li was not easy to tear down in front of outsiders.

Dad has been pretending this for so long, if I were to debunk his words here…

It doesn’t seem appropriate.

“Miss Biddyrie, do you need us to carry you for a while?” The commander asked.

“No, I’ll just fly back myself.” Biddy Li quickly thanked her.

“Okay, then we’ll leave!” The commander responded.

After saying this, the commander and the pilot stepped on the plane and quickly left the place.

At the scene, only Satan, Bidili and Saro were left.

“Bedili, you can go too, here and your boyfriend and I can just leave!” Satan said.

“Dad, when is this?” Can we still not understand your strength? Biddy Li said, and went forward to grab a stone, and the breath on her body exploded, and she squeezed it hard.


The stone was crushed on the spot.

Satan was startled, and his eyes almost jumped out.

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