“Bidili, are you all right?” Your hand didn’t hurt, right? Satan then took Biddy’s hand with some concern.

“Of course it will be fine.” Biddy smiled.

“Bidili, you have indeed obtained my true biography.” Satan nodded in admiration.

Biddy: “…”

“Dad, are you really going to challenge the demon Buu?” Biddy asked.

“Of course, Dad is a world champion, and it is my responsibility to challenge the demon Buu.” Satan nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll go with Saro.” Biddy was angry.

Still loaded?

There are no outsiders here.

Dad, you’re going too far!

“Saro, let’s go!” Biddy Li gambled and pulled Saro into the air.

Satan: “…”

Don’t go!

Beadili you can go and let your boyfriend stay.

I know your boyfriend is strong.

“Hey, Biddy, let your boyfriend stay and beat me up.” Satan cried out in a hurry.

Above the sky.

Biddy was utterly speechless.

“Saro, what to do?” Is Dad really going to deliver food to the demon Buu? Biddy wiped her sweat.

“Bidili, you go back first, and I’ll do the rest.” Saro patted Bidelli’s face.

“Huh? What are you going to do? Biddy asked.

“I’m going to make your dad a real world hero.” Saro groaned.

“What?” Biddy was stunned.

“I said the same thing before, so this time through the things of the demon Buou, your father’s position as a world hero will be more stable, and from now on your father will be the god of this world.” Saro smiled.

Biddy: “…”

“But…” Biddy didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t you believe me?” Saro smiled slightly.

“I… Well, I believe you. Biddy nodded.

“Rest assured, your dad won’t die.” Saro smiled, “Besides, even if he dies, I have a way to resurrect him.” ”

“Resurrection? Are you talking about Dragon Balls that they say can fulfill any wish? Biddy also heard Bulma talk about Dragon Ball, so she learned a little bit about it.

“You can understand it like this, rest assured to go back, here I am.” Saro said to Biddyri.

“Well, then be careful, if the situation is not good, then run away.” Bidili Road.

“Rest assured.” Saro nodded.

Biddy Li didn’t say any more nonsense, and immediately left the scene and flew quickly in the direction of the temple.

Satan looked up at the sky, his neck a little sour.

Hey? Biddy flew away?

Her boyfriend is still there.

“Hey, Biddy’s boyfriend, don’t you go, you hurry down and give me a fight.” Satan cried out, afraid that Saro would follow suit.

Don’t dare to shout too loudly, if the demon Buu hears, it will be trouble.


Saro fell from heaven and fell on Satan’s side.

“You mean, let me lay hands on you?” Saro looked at Satan with a smile.

Immediately afterward, Saro’s large hand gently waved back.


Above the temple.

Bik was also looking at Satan’s side.

“Wouldn’t you? Does that world hero really have to challenge the demon Buu? The god Dandy also looked at that position, and at this time he couldn’t help but ask.

“Salo and Biddy went too.” Bik groaned.

“Well, they should have gone to dissuade Mr. Satan from dying in vain.” Dandy guessed.

“It’s possible.” Bik nodded.

“Biddy Li left, only Saro and Satan stayed on the scene, what are they going to do?” Dandy couldn’t understand, “Huh? Suddenly can’t see, what is the situation? ”

Bik also frowned.

“Uncle Bick, can you still see it?” Dandy asked hurriedly.

“I can’t see it anymore.” Bik shook his head, “Most likely, that Satan has been taken away by Saro through high-speed movement.” ”

“Does he have that fast speed?” Dandy was surprised.

“Saro can cultivate Sun Wutian so strongly, do you think his speed will be slow?” Bik groaned, “Dandy, don’t underestimate Saro, now guess that his strength is still above the demon Buou.” ”

“What? Is his strength above that of the demon Buu? Dandy was stunned.

Bik nodded.

“If that’s the case, why didn’t he defeat the demon Buu?” Dandy asked.

“Maybe it’s not time yet.” Bik shook his head.

You ask me, I ask who goes?


It is about 400 meters from the home of the demon Buu.

“Just now you said, you want me to give you a fight?” Saro squinted his eyes at Mr. Satan.

“This… Haha, just kidding, just kidding. Satan answered hurriedly.

“I think it’s better to beat you to death, if you don’t, no one will stop me from socializing with Biddy.” Saro groaned.

Satan was terrified and knelt directly in front of Saro.

“Me me me … I don’t dare anymore! Please spare me! Satan begged for forgiveness.

“Give me a reason to let you go.” Saro smiled.

“Me me me … I very much approve of you and Biddyri! Biddy Li can find a boyfriend like you, which is really a blessing for her three lives! Satan said hurriedly.

“Is it?” Saro was smiling.

“Yes, and I approve of your dealings and will bless you!” Satan said again.

“What if you bless us?” Saro asked with interest.

“The blessings of the elders to their children will be blessed by God.” Satan’s eyes rolled and he hurried back.

“Is God blessed?” Saro laughed, “If I say I’m God, will you believe me?” ”

Satan: “…”

That’s not a good thing to say.

“Well, a lot of people don’t believe it, so I’ll take you to see it.” Saro said, and the angelic scepter in his hand also suddenly appeared.


The crystal ball above the angel’s scepter flashed a flame and hit Mr. Satan’s body.

Suddenly, Mr. Satan was covered by a transparent flame.


The next moment, Saro took Mr. Satan into a brilliant light and soared into the sky.

In just an instant, Saro left the earth with Satan and entered the vast cosmic starry sky.

“This and this… This and this…” Satan was terrified and completely stunned.

Especially after seeing the earth beneath his feet, Satan is even more like he is in a dream.

“You say, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to be an artificial satellite if you were thrown here?” Saro smiled.

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