“It’s expensive and the taste is delicious.” Satan answered.

“Hmm.” Buu took a piece and tasted it.

“Hurry up and eat it, this box of chocolates is very poisonous.” Satan gave a wicked smile.

“Hahaha, it’s delicious.” Buu said happily, “It’s much better than the chocolate that people have changed.” ”

“Huh? Are you sure? That’s great. Satan’s face changed color.

Is this guy poisoned and not dead?

“By the way, this is the second gift, please laugh, pocket game console.” Satan handed the console to Buu.

“How to eat?” Buu asked.

“Cough cough… It’s not eating, it’s playing, you see to do this and this… Play. Satan gave the demonstration.

“Well, I’ll try.” Buu nodded and tried to control the game console.

However, with Buu’s IQ, how could he play such a game?

“It’s too hard!” Buu just played for a while and then white smoke came out of his body.

“Huh? Change one for another. Satan hastened to adjust a simple game.

“This one is also difficult!” Buu still can’t play.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Satan hurried out.

Satan pressed the remote control in his hand.


The pocket game console exploded, and smoke covered the demon Buu.


Satan dances with joy.

“Hey, this game is fun.” Buu said to Satan.

Satan: “…”

You special!

Isn’t that dead?

“Thanks for the compliment.” Satan is about to cry.

“You’re very interesting, just be my servant.” Buu looked at Satan and said.

“Huh? Thank you. Satan hurriedly answered.

The demon Buu took a few pieces of sugar from his pants and handed them to Satan.

“It’s candy made with people, you eat it.” Buou Dao.

Satan: “…”

Ten thousand grass and mud horses flew through Satan’s heart.

It’s just that Satan doesn’t dare not comply.

If I don’t eat it, I’ll definitely be killed by him.”

“Well, it tastes so good, and this sugar is so delicious.” Satanic evaluation.

“Well, not bad, huh?” Buu nodded.

“Look, what’s that?” Satan pointed to Buu’s back.

Buu was stunned and turned his head to look at the past.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Satan hurriedly spit out the sugar.

“What do you do?” Buu asked.

“Nothing is nothing.” Satan was flustered.

“Is there anything?” Buu asked.

“It just felt like there was someone over there.” Satan said.


As soon as Buu waved his hand, a huge energy bomb bombarded out at that moment.

Satan was completely frightened.

It’s also horrible!

Over the next few days, Satan acts as Buu’s servant, bathing and cooking for him.

“Liar! Saro is a liar! Satan gritted his teeth, “Say well, his IQ is only 6 years old!” ”



“See, Satan and Buu met…” Bik groaned.

“It looks like this world hero is going to be killed by Buu.” Dandy sighed.

“Casually, Salo didn’t go to the rescue, maybe for some other reason.” Bik shook his head, “I don’t know if you found out or not, I can’t see Saro’s figure anymore.” ”

“Well, me too…” Dandy nodded, “Gotten and Tranx seem to be about to separate, Uncle Bik is still going to prepare for the fusion of Super Saiyans.” ”


And after saying that.

Sure enough, Wu Tianx split into two and became Sun Wutian and Tranx.

“Okay, let’s move on! This time perform Super Saiyan fusion. Bik greeted.


Sun Wutian and Tranx quickly and earnestly responded.

“I have a word to say, this time it is successful, you two are not allowed to mess around again.” Bick reminded.

If he ran to challenge the demon Buu again, it would be bad.

“Okay, let’s get started.” Bicker drank.


Tranx became a Super Saiyan.

Sun Wutian raised the special energy in his body to the level of a Super Saiyan.

Klin and Bulma and others who were present also came to watch.



The figures of the two overlapped and burst into a dazzling light.

Looking at Wu Tianx again, he had already turned into the form of a super Saiyan, and his body was bursting with golden flames.

“What a powerful breath!” Kling exclaimed.

“The breath… Sure enough, it’s very strong…” Bick exclaimed, but there was a little disappointment in his heart.

Sure enough, as Salo said, it was the Tranx that was dominant.

Otherwise, the fused Gotenks would not be in the form of a Super Saiyan.

It is similar to the form of Wu Tian’s non-breath explosion.

If Tranx were dominant…

Bick didn’t dare to think…

“Let’s see if your actions are agile.” Bicker said.

“It doesn’t seem good to give you a drill in such a small place, the house will definitely collapse, let’s go to the ground.” After Wu Tianx finished speaking, whether Bike agreed or not, he directly turned into a golden light and disappeared without a trace.

“I knew it would be like this!” Bick roared in anger and hurried after him.

“No, the arrogant attitude has not changed.” Kling sighed, “Saro said that this is because Tranx is dominant, if Goku had taken the lead after the fusion, he wouldn’t have been so arrogant, right?” ”

“What do you say?” Bulma heard Kling’s words and glared at him.

“I… I…… I didn’t say anything… Did I say anything? Kling groaned in his heart and hastily denied it.

“Do you think I can’t hear?” I heard it very clearly! Bulma crossed her waist and said with a black face, “Kling, what do you mean?” ”

“This… I also listened to Saro, not what I said. Kling hesitated for a moment, then sold Saro.

I don’t blame for that.

It was really Saro who said it.

In contrast, Bulma is even more terrifying.

Besides, Saro wasn’t there.


Just after Kling had finished saying this, he saw Saro sping up from below and landing on Kling’s side.

“Huh? Saro? You’re back? Kling’s expression froze, and he hurried forward to greet him.


Saro flew up and kicked Klin to the ground.

Kling: “…”

“I’m the one who hates gossip the most.” Saro snorted coldly, “Next time, it’s not as simple as kicking.” ”

Kling did not dare to speak, and kept wiping his sweat.

Saro looked in the direction of Bulma, and the meaning in his eyes seemed to be asking.

How? Do you have an opinion?

Bulma’s face slid cold sweat and she didn’t speak again.

It’s horrible.

Now that Tranx and Vegeta are not around, I still don’t want to mess with him.

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